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зелень ж, свежие овощи

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Substitute low-starch, high-fibre vegetable side dishes, such as greens.
Используйте в гарнирах низкокрахмальные зеленые овощи с повышенным содержанием пищевых волокон.
D'Adamo, Peter,Whitney, Catherine / Eat Right 4 Your TypeД'Адамо, Питер,Уитни, Кэтрин / 4 группы крови - 4 пути к здоровью
4 группы крови - 4 пути к здоровью
Д'Адамо, Питер,Уитни, Кэтрин
© Перевод. Издание на русском языке. Оформление. ООО «Попурри», 2000
© 1996 by Peter D'Adamo
Eat Right 4 Your Type
D'Adamo, Peter,Whitney, Catherine
© 1998 by Hoop-A-Joop, LLC
The most abundant supply of organic oxalic acid is found in fresh-raw spinach (both the common variety and the New Zealand spinach) Swiss chard beet greens, turnip and mustard greens, kale and collards, and the broad-leafed French sorrel.
Наибольшее количество органической щавелевой кислоты содержится в свежем шпинате, в листьях свеклы, репы и горчицы, в огородной капусте.
Уокер, Норман / Лечение сырыми сокамиWalker, Norman / Fresh vegetable and fruit juices
Fresh vegetable and fruit juices
Walker, Norman
© 1970 by Dr. Norman W. Walker
Лечение сырыми соками
Уокер, Норман
© "Пирамидс Букс", Нью-Йорк, 1972
© Киев, 1976
© "Кайнар", МП "Саржайлау", 1992
He lives in Central Park, near the Seventh Regiment Memorial by the bowling greens.
Он живет в Центральном парке рядом с Мемориалом седьмого полка, у лужаек для игры в шары.
Zahn, Timothy / The Green And The GrayЗан, Тимоти / Зеленые и серые
Зеленые и серые
Зан, Тимоти
The Green And The Gray
Zahn, Timothy
© 2004 by Timothy Zahn
Vorkosigan stood outside the shelter, in the dress greens worn daily by the Staff, accompanied as usual by Illyan.
У входа стоял Форкосиган в зеленой форме генерального штаба. Как всегда, его сопровождал Иллиан.
Bujold, Lois McMaster / Shards of HonourБуджолд, Лоис Макмастер / Осколки чести
Осколки чести
Буджолд, Лоис Макмастер
© 1986 by Lois McMaster Bujold
© перевод Т.Л. Черезовой, 1995
Shards of Honour
Bujold, Lois McMaster
© 1986 by Lois McMaster Bujold
The mosaic there was blues and greens, and it stretched up in a passable imitation of a door, a round wheel of yellow right where the knob should be.
Он был выложен сине‑зеленым мозаичным узором и имел форму двери, а желтый кружок на правой стороне вполне мог служить ручкой.
Saintcrow, Lilith / To Hell and BackСэйнткроу, Лилит / Дорога в ад
Дорога в ад
Сэйнткроу, Лилит
© 2008 by Lilith Saintcrow
© Волковский В. Перевод на русский язык, 2011
© Издание на руском языке, ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2011
To Hell and Back
Saintcrow, Lilith
© 2008 by Lilith Saintcrow
Dr. Henri looked daunted by the prospect, and fingered the collar of his undress greens.
Похоже было, что доктор не слишком обрадован такой перспективой; во всяком случае, он начал нервно теребить воротник своего зеленого кителя.
Bujold, Lois McMaster / BarrayarБуджолд, Лоис Макмастер / Барраяр
Буджолд, Лоис Макмастер
© 1991 by Lois McMaster Bujold
© перевод Т.Л. Черезовой, 1996
Bujold, Lois McMaster
© 1991 by Lois McMaster Bujold
I've got two greens.
Зеленые у меня.
Lewis, Clive S. / The Magician's NephewЛьюис, Клайв С. / Племянник чародея
Племянник чародея
Льюис, Клайв С.
© Перевод Н. Трауберг, 2010
© Издание на русском языке ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2010
The Magician's Nephew
Lewis, Clive S.
© 1955 by C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd.
© renewed 1983 by C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd.
He did not eat eggs or roast beef - he was a devotee of some peculiar diet, sustaining himself largely on fresh greens.
Яиц и ростбифа он не ел - придерживался какой-то мудреной диеты и питался в основном зеленью.
Акунин, Борис / ЛевиафанAkunin, Boris / Murder on the Leviathan
Murder on the Leviathan
Akunin, Boris
© 1998 Boris Akunin
© Andrew Bromfield, translation
Акунин, Борис
© В. Akunin, 2004
© Полный текст романа впервые был опубликован в издательстве "Захаров" в 1998 г.
© Издательство «ОЛMA-ПРЕСС». Издание и оформление, 2004
With greens, you may eat 1-2 slices 100% whole grain bread that's been oven-dry-toasted into melba toast.
С этим блюдом можно съесть два тостика из цельного пшеничного хлеба.
Bragg, Paul C.,Bragg, Patricia / The Miracle Of FastingБрэгг, Поль / Чудо голодания
Чудо голодания
Брэгг, Поль
© Издательство "Наука", 1990 г.
The Miracle Of Fasting
Bragg, Paul C.,Bragg, Patricia
© by Health Science
We heard the fees went up again, as you maybe didn't notice, you're so rich, plus the assessment for repairs to the two greens close to the road that are always being vandalized.
Говорят, взносы снова подняли, ты-то, может, и не заметил, ты ж у нас богатенький, плюс поборы на восстановление злосчастных двух гринов у дороги — вечно там хулиганье орудует.
Updike, John / Rabbit At RestАпдайк, Джон / Кролик успокоился
Кролик успокоился
Апдайк, Джон
© Перевод. Н. Роговская, 2009
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
© John Updike, 1990
Rabbit At Rest
Updike, John
© 1990 by John Updike
Bit by bit, as the warm days wore on with a deepening of greens and the spread of summer flowers, he collected a goodly mess of pieces.
Один теплый день сменял другой, распускались летние цветы, трава и листва на деревьях приобрели густо-зеленый оттенок, а у Аззи уже собрался изрядный запас человечины.
Zelazny, Roger,Sheckley, Robert / Bring Me the Head of Prince CharmingЖелязны, Роджер,Шекли, Роберт / Принеси мне голову Прекрасного принца
Принеси мне голову Прекрасного принца
Желязны, Роджер,Шекли, Роберт
© 1991 by Amber Corporation and Robert Sheckley
© Перевод. А. К. Андреев, Н. Б. Шварцман, 2004
Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming
Zelazny, Roger,Sheckley, Robert
© 1991 by Amber Corporation and Robert Sheckley
And later they paddled in a boat above the mysterious deeps of the See, and peered down into the green-blues and the blue-greens together.
А потом взяли лодку и поплыли на веслах над таинственными глубинами озера, пристально всматриваясь в его зеленовато-голубые и голубовато-зеленые воды.
Wells, Herbert George / Ann VeronicaУэллс, Герберт / Анна-Вероника
Уэллс, Герберт
© Издательство "Правда", 1964
Ann Veronica
Wells, Herbert George
© the Literary Executors of the Estate of H. G. Wells
The Big Nurse got him clear across the room, right through his greens.
Старшая сестра уколола его через всю комнату, прямо сквозь зеленые брюки.
Kesey, Ken / One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s NestКизи, Кен / Над кукушкиным гнездом
Над кукушкиным гнездом
Кизи, Кен
© Перевод. В. Голышев, 2004
© Издание на русском языке, оформление. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2004
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Kesey, Ken
© Ken Kesey, 1962
© renewed Ken Kesey, 1990
© The Estate of Ken Kesey, 2002
That way he could go to the market after he started the sauce and he'd only need to shop for greens.
Так что в магазин можно сходить и после того, как он приготовит соус, ведь нужно купить только зелень и овощи.
Irving, John / The world According to GarpИрвинг, Джон / Мир глазами Гарпа
Мир глазами Гарпа
Ирвинг, Джон
© 1976, 1977, 1978 by John Irving
© И. Тогоева, перевод на русский язык, 2009
© ООО Издательская группа "Аттикус", 2009
The world According to Garp
Irving, John
© 1976, 1977, 1978 by John Irving
"You don't understand the Greens," Jonah said with a sigh.
— Вы не понимаете зеленых, — вздохнул Иона.
Zahn, Timothy / The Green And The GrayЗан, Тимоти / Зеленые и серые
Зеленые и серые
Зан, Тимоти
The Green And The Gray
Zahn, Timothy
© 2004 by Timothy Zahn

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Sust. femeninoзе́лень; све́жие о́вощи

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greens cutter
машина для нарезания зелени
spring greens
молодая капуста
edible greens
съедобная зелень
feeder greens
кормовые травы
dandelion greens
молодые листья одуванчика
greens cutting device
устройство для нарезки зелени
high greens
первый оттек утфеля первой кристаллизации
mustard greens
молодые листья горчицы
"green" chain
сортировочная цепь
blue-green algae
сине-зеленые водоросли
bottle green
бутылочного цвета
bottle green
bowling green
лужайка для игры в шары
brilliant green
бриллиантовый зеленый

Forma de la palabra


Common casegreengreens
Possessive casegreen'sgreens'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)greening
Past Participle (Participle II)greened
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I greenwe green
you greenyou green
he/she/it greensthey green
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am greeningwe are greening
you are greeningyou are greening
he/she/it is greeningthey are greening
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have greenedwe have greened
you have greenedyou have greened
he/she/it has greenedthey have greened
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been greeningwe have been greening
you have been greeningyou have been greening
he/she/it has been greeningthey have been greening
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I greenedwe greened
you greenedyou greened
he/she/it greenedthey greened
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was greeningwe were greening
you were greeningyou were greening
he/she/it was greeningthey were greening
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had greenedwe had greened
you had greenedyou had greened
he/she/it had greenedthey had greened
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been greeningwe had been greening
you had been greeningyou had been greening
he/she/it had been greeningthey had been greening
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will greenwe shall/will green
you will greenyou will green
he/she/it will greenthey will green
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be greeningwe shall/will be greening
you will be greeningyou will be greening
he/she/it will be greeningthey will be greening
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have greenedwe shall/will have greened
you will have greenedyou will have greened
he/she/it will have greenedthey will have greened
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been greeningwe shall/will have been greening
you will have been greeningyou will have been greening
he/she/it will have been greeningthey will have been greening
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would greenwe should/would green
you would greenyou would green
he/she/it would greenthey would green
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be greeningwe should/would be greening
you would be greeningyou would be greening
he/she/it would be greeningthey would be greening
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have greenedwe should/would have greened
you would have greenedyou would have greened
he/she/it would have greenedthey would have greened
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been greeningwe should/would have been greening
you would have been greeningyou would have been greening
he/she/it would have been greeningthey would have been greening
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am greenedwe are greened
you are greenedyou are greened
he/she/it is greenedthey are greened
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being greenedwe are being greened
you are being greenedyou are being greened
he/she/it is being greenedthey are being greened
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been greenedwe have been greened
you have been greenedyou have been greened
he/she/it has been greenedthey have been greened
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was greenedwe were greened
you were greenedyou were greened
he/she/it was greenedthey were greened
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being greenedwe were being greened
you were being greenedyou were being greened
he/she/it was being greenedthey were being greened
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been greenedwe had been greened
you had been greenedyou had been greened
he/she/it had been greenedthey had been greened
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be greenedwe shall/will be greened
you will be greenedyou will be greened
he/she/it will be greenedthey will be greened
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been greenedwe shall/will have been greened
you will have been greenedyou will have been greened
he/she/it will have been greenedthey will have been greened