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sin ejemplosSe encuentra en 1 diccionario

El diccionario de psicología inglés-ruso
  • Contains about 20,000 terms on:
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  • - social,
  • - engineering and educational psychology,
  • - psychophysics,
  • - abnormal psychology and other psychological disciplines,
  • - medicine,
  • - anatomy,
  • - philosophy,
  • - logic etc..


имеющий работу, работающий

Ejemplos de los textos

The scope and level of agriculture development distinguish the region on a national scale, 15% of the population is employed in that sector.
Для Краснодарского края характерно самое крупное и развитое в стране сельское хозяйство, на долю занятых в котором приходится 15%.
© 2009-2011 ГК «Олимпстрой»
www.sc-os.ru 15.06.2011
© 2009-2011 SC «Olympstroy»
www.sc-os.ru 15.06.2011
I had been warned against you months ago. I had been told that if the King employed an agent it would certainly be you.
Уже несколько месяцев назад меня предупредили, что если король решит прибегнуть к агенту, он, конечно, обратится к вам.
Conan Doyle, Arthur / A Scandal in BohemiaКонан Дойль, Артур / Скандал в Богемии
Скандал в Богемии
Конан Дойль, Артур
© Издательство "Правда", 1983
A Scandal in Bohemia
Conan Doyle, Arthur
© by Harper & Brothers in 1892, 1893, 1894, 1904
© by Sir A. Conan Doyle in 1920 and 1922
© 1906, 1917, 1927, 1930 by Doubleday & Company, Inc.
© 1893, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1913, 1914, 1920, 1922 by Arthur Conan Doyle
© 1892, 1894, 1904 by Harper & Brothers
© 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924 by International Magazine Company, Inc.
© 1920, 1927 by Liberty Weekly, Inc.
© 1903, 1904, 1924 by Collier's Weekly
The servants employed at the mansion afterwards declared that he spent all his days and nights there.
Впоследствии прислуга из замка утверждала, что их господин проводил в павильоне дни и ночи.
Zola, Emile / Abbe Mouret's TransgressionЗоля, Эмиль / Проступок аббата Муре
Проступок аббата Муре
Золя, Эмиль
Abbe Mouret's Transgression
Zola, Emile
© BiblioBazaar, LLC
Here lounged the watch, when not otherwise employed, looking into the red heat of the fire, till their eyes felt scorched in their heads.
На нем отдыхали вахтенные в перерывах между работой, сидели, уставившись в красное пекло топок и до боли обжигая глаза.
Melville, Herman / Moby Dick Or The WhaleМелвилл, Герман / Моби Дик, или Белый Кит
Моби Дик, или Белый Кит
Мелвилл, Герман
© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1981
Moby Dick Or The Whale
Melville, Herman
© Northwestern University Press and The Newberry Library, 1988
There are significant differences in cost among the various methods and technologies employed for markings;
стоимость применения различных методов и технологий маркировки является весьма различной;
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
The invention relates to medicine, namely, to pharmacology and pharmacotherapy and can be employed for enhancement of therapeutic activity pharmaceutical preparations.
Изобретение относится к области медицины, в частности к фармакологии и фармакотерапии и может быть использовано для повышения терапевтической активности лекарственных препаратов.
WFP provided employment to women, primarily widows, through its bakery projects, which employed about 300 women in Kabul and 100 in Mazar-i-Sharif before September 2001.
МПП обеспечивала работу женщинам, преимущественно вдовам, в своих пекарнях, в которых до сентября 2001 года работали около 300 женщин в Кабуле и 100 в Мазари-Шарифе.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
When biological microchip is used for the immunoassay of specific antibodies to polysaccharides and of polysaccharides, different polysaccharides and antibodies against polysaccharides are employed as immobilized ligands.
Для иммуноанализа специфических антител к полисахаридам и полисахаридов с использованием биологического микрочипа в качестве иммобилизованных лигандов используют различные полисахариды и антитела против полисахаридов.
We now show that the number of steps in the location of a fundamental unit can be significantly reduced if a basic result from the theory of continued fractions is employed.
Мы покажем сейчас, что число проб, необходимых для вычисления основной единицы, может быть значительно сокращено, если воспользоваться одним фактом из теории непрерывных дробей.
Borevich, Z.I.,Shafarevich, I.R. / Number TheoryБоревич, З.И.,Шафаревич И. Р. / Теория чисел
Теория чисел
Боревич, З.И.,Шафаревич И. Р.
Number Theory
Borevich, Z.I.,Shafarevich, I.R.
© 1966, by Academic Press Inc.
If decision feedback is to be employed, clearly the decisions must be fairly reliable, which implies that the receiver must be close to lock. Initial acquisition based on decision feedback is not likely to be a practical approach.
Если обратная связь по принятию решения реализуется, очевидно, решения должны быть весьма надежными; следовательно, приемник дол жен быть весьма близок к синхронизации.
Sklar, Bernard / Digital Communications: Fundamentals and ApplicationsСкляр, Бернард / Цифровая связь. Теоретические основы и практическое применение
Цифровая связь. Теоретические основы и практическое применение
Скляр, Бернард
© Издательский дом "Вильямc", 2003
© Prentice Hall PTR, 2001
Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications
Sklar, Bernard
Three hundred tailors were employed in the same manner to make me clothes; but they had another contrivance for taking my measure.
Точно так же тремстам портным было поручено сшить мне костюм, но для снятия мерки они прибегли к другому приему.
Swift, Jonathan / Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the worldСвифт, Джонатан / Путешествия Гулливера
Путешествия Гулливера
Свифт, Джонатан
© Издательство "Правда", 1987
Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the world
Swift, Jonathan
This can lead only to exchange of hydrogen atoms when HC1 is employed but to some substitution of hydrogen by deuterium with DC1, i.e. the overall process is electrophilic substitution.
При этом если в реакции участвует НС1, то просто происходит обмен атомов водорода; в случае же DC1 реакция приводит к некоторому замещению атомов водорода на дейтерий, т. е. весь процесс в целом является электрофильным замещением.
Sykes, Peter / A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic ChemistryСайкс, П. / Механизмы реакций в органической химии
Механизмы реакций в органической химии
Сайкс, П.
© Перевод нa русский язык, издательство «Химия», 1977 г.
A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry
Sykes, Peter
© Peter Sykes, 1961, 1965
© Longman Group Ltd 1970, 1975, 1981, 1986
Cold cathodes can be employed both in the most varied vacuum electronics instruments, and also in various light sources.
Холодные катоды могут применяться как в самых различных приборах вакуумной электроники, так и в источниках света различного назначения.
The mechanism typically employed is consultation.
Обычно для разрешения подобных проблем используются консультации.
© «Сахалин Энерджи» 2006
© Sakhalin Energy 2006
Lavretsky spent a day and a half at Vassilyevskoe, and employed almost all the time in wandering about the neighbourhood.
Лаврецкий провел полтора дня в Васильевском и почти все время пробродил по окрестностям.
Turgenev, I.S. / A House of GentlefolkТургенев, И.С. / Дворянское гнездо
Дворянское гнездо
Тургенев, И.С.
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1983
A House of Gentlefolk
Turgenev, I.S.
© 2006 BiblioBazaar

Añadir a mi diccionario

имеющий работу; работающий

Traducciones de usuarios

Categoría gramatical no está fijada

  1. 1.


    Traducción agregada por Oleg Shevaldyshev
    Bronce ru-en
  2. 2.

    имеющий работу

    Traducción agregada por Алиби Хасенов
  3. 3.

    имеющий работу, работающий


    Traducción agregada por Irena O
    Bronce en-ru
  4. 4.

    работающий(устроенный) на работу человек

    Traducción agregada por Denis Orlov


be employed
работать по найму
be employed
служить у кого-л
capital employed
используемый капитал
capital employed
применяемый капитал
dual employed, no kids
без детей
dual employed, no kids
двое работающих
dual employed, with kids
двое работающих, с детьми
employed person
лицо, работающее по найму
employed workers
занятые рабочие
labour power employed
занятая рабочая сила
number of persons employed
число сотрудников
numbers employed
число работающих
person employed
работающий по найму
under-employed capacity
неиспользованная мощность
be used / employed

Forma de la palabra


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)employing
Past Participle (Participle II)employed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I employwe employ
you employyou employ
he/she/it employsthey employ
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am employingwe are employing
you are employingyou are employing
he/she/it is employingthey are employing
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have employedwe have employed
you have employedyou have employed
he/she/it has employedthey have employed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been employingwe have been employing
you have been employingyou have been employing
he/she/it has been employingthey have been employing
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I employedwe employed
you employedyou employed
he/she/it employedthey employed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was employingwe were employing
you were employingyou were employing
he/she/it was employingthey were employing
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had employedwe had employed
you had employedyou had employed
he/she/it had employedthey had employed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been employingwe had been employing
you had been employingyou had been employing
he/she/it had been employingthey had been employing
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will employwe shall/will employ
you will employyou will employ
he/she/it will employthey will employ
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be employingwe shall/will be employing
you will be employingyou will be employing
he/she/it will be employingthey will be employing
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have employedwe shall/will have employed
you will have employedyou will have employed
he/she/it will have employedthey will have employed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been employingwe shall/will have been employing
you will have been employingyou will have been employing
he/she/it will have been employingthey will have been employing
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would employwe should/would employ
you would employyou would employ
he/she/it would employthey would employ
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be employingwe should/would be employing
you would be employingyou would be employing
he/she/it would be employingthey would be employing
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have employedwe should/would have employed
you would have employedyou would have employed
he/she/it would have employedthey would have employed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been employingwe should/would have been employing
you would have been employingyou would have been employing
he/she/it would have been employingthey would have been employing
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am employedwe are employed
you are employedyou are employed
he/she/it is employedthey are employed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being employedwe are being employed
you are being employedyou are being employed
he/she/it is being employedthey are being employed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been employedwe have been employed
you have been employedyou have been employed
he/she/it has been employedthey have been employed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was employedwe were employed
you were employedyou were employed
he/she/it was employedthey were employed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being employedwe were being employed
you were being employedyou were being employed
he/she/it was being employedthey were being employed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been employedwe had been employed
you had been employedyou had been employed
he/she/it had been employedthey had been employed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be employedwe shall/will be employed
you will be employedyou will be employed
he/she/it will be employedthey will be employed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been employedwe shall/will have been employed
you will have been employedyou will have been employed
he/she/it will have been employedthey will have been employed