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El diccionario universal inglés-ruso
  • It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.


['sek(ə)nd] брит. / амер.

  1. сущ.

    1. сокр. sec секунда (1/60 часть минуты)

    2. мгновение, миг, минута, момент (очень короткий промежуток времени)

    1. прил.

        1. второй (по счёту, по порядку)

        2. второй (по важности), второстепенный

        3. второсортный

        1. другой, второй

        2. второй, очень похожий

      1. уступающий, находящийся ниже (кого-л. / чего-л.); подчинённый

      2. дополнительный, добавочный

    2. сущ.

      1. (the second)

        1. второй по счёту элемент

        2. человек, идущий вторым

      2. помощник; следующий по рангу

      3. получивший второй приз, вторую премию; пришедший вторым

      4. второй класс (в транспорте)

      5. разг. вторая, не высшая оценка

      6. товар второго сорта, низшего качества; мука грубого помола

      7. альпинист, идущий вторым в связке

      8. ист. секундант (на дуэли)

      9. муз. секунда (самый короткий музыкальный интервал)

    3. нареч.

      1. во-вторых

      2. вторым (номером); во второй группе

    4. гл.

      1. поддерживать, выступать в поддержку (предложения, резолюции)

      2. ист. быть секундантом (на дуэли)

      3. [sɪ'kɔnd]

        брит. (second to)

        1. откомандировывать; отправлять в командировку, на стажировку

        2. временно назначать (на чьё-л. место)

Law (En-Ru)


  1. второй

  2. второстепенный; подчинённый; уступающий по значению, силе и т. п.

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Ejemplos de los textos

It was necessary to rationalize the methods of work of the Second Committee in order to maximize the policy relevance and impact of its deliberations.
Что же касается Второго комитета, то необходимо рационализировать методы его работы с тем, чтобы его дискуссии были более предметными и эффективными.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
Second, it shows that counter-terrorism measures have an impact on a wide range of rights and rights holders.
Во-вторых, это свидетельствует о том, что меры по борьбе с терроризмом имеют широкие последствия для целого ряда прав и правообладателей.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
Plenary meetings and Second Committee
Пленарные заседания и Второй комитет
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
The Assembly may also wish to consider how the discussions on other agenda items related to financing for development in the Second Committee could be best reflected in the high-level dialogue.
Ассамблея, возможно, также пожелает рассмотреть вопрос об оптимальных путях обеспечения учета в контексте диалога на высоком уровне результатов обсуждения во Втором комитете других пунктов повестки дня, касающихся финансирования развития.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
Second, part of the logging waste should be included as unrealized rent as well.
Во-вторых, при расчете нереализованной ренты следует учитывать некоторую часть отходов лесозаготовок.
Эйсмонт, О.А.,Петров, А.П.,Логвин, А.В.,Боске, Б.Д.Eismont, Oleg,Petrov, Anatoly,Logvin, Alexei,Bosquet, Benoit
smont, Oleg,Petrov, Anatoly,Logvin, Alexei,Bosquet, Benoit
Eismont, Oleg,Petrov, Anatoly,Logvin, Alexei,Bosquet, Benoi
© EERC, 1996-2010
© O.A. Eismont, A.P. Petrov, A.V. Logvin, B.J. Bosquet 2002
http://eerc.ru/ 12/28/2011
смонт, О.А.,Петров, А.П.,Логвин, А.В.,Боске, Б.Д.
Эйсмонт, О.А.,Петров, А.П.,Логвин, А.В.,Боске, Б.Д
© EERC, 1996-2010
© О.А. Эйсмонт, А.П. Петров, А.В. Логвин, Б.Д. Боске 2002
http://eerc.ru/ 12/28/2011
The Second Ordeal
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы
Братья Карамазовы
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1988
The brothers Karamazov
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
Second, with the tremendous population growth that had occurred, the employment situation had become more critical.
Во-вторых, в связи с колоссальным ростом народонаселения обострилась ситуация в области занятости.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
It is only in the years since the Second World War that one-party government has been the rule, though the country did have an informal pact between Labour and Liberals in the 1970's.
Только во время второй мировой войны однопартийное правительство стало правилом, хотя в 1970-х годах в стране действительно существовал неформальный договор с лейбористами и либералами.
Patten, ChrisПаттен, Крис
ттен, Крис
Паттен, Кри
© Project Syndicate 1995 - 2011
tten, Chris
Patten, Chri
© Project Syndicate 1995 - 2011
Influence of a Coordination Compound on the Activity of Enzymes in the Second Phase of Detoxication of Xenobiotics in the Liver Cells of an Animal
Влияние координационного соединения на активность ферментов второй фазы детоксикации ксенобиотиков в клетках печени животного.
Yet whatever the future held, what had already happened to Second Fleet was a grimly pointed reminder that there might be other warp points no one knew about, and a part of MacGregor wanted desperately to pull back to One.
Впрочем, что бы ни сулило грядущее, ловушка, в которую попал Второй флот, была зловещим предостережением тем, кто забыл, что пространство кишит невидимыми узлами. Поэтому Макгрегор очень часто хотелось отойти в Андерсон-1.
Weber, David,White, Steve / In Death GroundВебер, Дэвид,Уайт, Стив / Земля смерти
Земля смерти
Вебер, Дэвид,Уайт, Стив
In Death Ground
Weber, David,White, Steve
© 1997 by David Weber & Steve White
Second Stage of Development, 2009-2011.
Второй этап развития 2009-2011 гг.
The Second Extended Filesystem, devised by Rmy Card, is used in all shipping Linux distributions as of this writing.
Вторая расширенная файловая система (Second Extended Filesystem), изобретенная Реми Кардом (Remy Card), на момент написания этих строк используется во всех поставляемых дистрибутивах Linux.
Musumeci, Gian-Paolo D.,Loukides, Mike / System Performance TuningМусумеси, Джан-Паоло Д.,Лукидес, Майк / Настройка производительности UNIX-систем
Настройка производительности UNIX-систем
Мусумеси, Джан-Паоло Д.,Лукидес, Майк
© Издательство Символ-Плюс, 2003
© 2002 O'Reilly & Associates Inc.
System Performance Tuning
Musumeci, Gian-Paolo D.,Loukides, Mike
© 2002,1990 O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
Second Secretary, Philippine Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva, 1965-1969
Второй секретарь, Представительство Филиппин при Отделении Организации Объединенных Наций в Женеве, 1965-1969 годы.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
It is interesting to note that, especially since the Second World War, Soviet mathematics has followed a path of its own, producing many results of great value, but largely in isolation.
Интересно отметить, что, особенно со времен Второй мировой войны, советская математика шла по своему собственному пути, получая множество очень ценных результатов, но оставаясь, по большей части, в изоляции.
Diacu, Florin,Holmes, Philip / Celestial encounters: the origins of chaos and stabilityДиаку, Флорин,Холмс, Филип / Небесные встречи. Истоки хаоса и устойчивости.
Небесные встречи. Истоки хаоса и устойчивости.
Диаку, Флорин,Холмс, Филип
© НИЦ «Регулярная и хаотическая динамика», перевод на русский язык, 2004
© Princeton University Press. 1996
Celestial encounters: the origins of chaos and stability
Diacu, Florin,Holmes, Philip
© 1996 by Florin Diacu and Philip Holmes
Second United Nations/United States of America Workshop on the Use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, to be held in Vienna from 26 to 30 November 2001.
второй Практикум Организации Объединенных Наций/Соединенных Штатов Америки по использованию глобальных навигационных спутниковых систем, который будет проведен в Вене с 26 по 30 ноября 2001 года
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010

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Traducciones de usuarios


  1. 1.


    Traducción agregada por Даниил Сергеев


Second Advent
Второе пришествие
Second Coming
Второе пришествие
Second Empire
Вторая империя
Second House of Parliament
"вторая палата" парламента
Second House of Parliament
палата лордов
Second of Exchange
второй экземпляр
Second Commander of the Royal Artillery
заместитель начальника артиллерии
World Year of Peoples' Commemoration of the Victims of the Second World War
Всемирный год памяти народов о жертвах второй мировой войны
Second Administrative-level Boundaries project
проект в отношении границ второго административного уровня
Second Carrier
вторая несущая
bits per second
бит в секунду
by second intention
заживление грануляциями
by second intention
заживление раны вторичным натяжением
centimeter-gramme-second system
система единиц СГС
centimeter-gram-second system
система единиц СГС

Forma de la palabra


Common casesecondseconds
Possessive casesecond'sseconds'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)seconding
Past Participle (Participle II)seconded
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I secondwe second
you secondyou second
he/she/it secondsthey second
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am secondingwe are seconding
you are secondingyou are seconding
he/she/it is secondingthey are seconding
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have secondedwe have seconded
you have secondedyou have seconded
he/she/it has secondedthey have seconded
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been secondingwe have been seconding
you have been secondingyou have been seconding
he/she/it has been secondingthey have been seconding
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I secondedwe seconded
you secondedyou seconded
he/she/it secondedthey seconded
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was secondingwe were seconding
you were secondingyou were seconding
he/she/it was secondingthey were seconding
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had secondedwe had seconded
you had secondedyou had seconded
he/she/it had secondedthey had seconded
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been secondingwe had been seconding
you had been secondingyou had been seconding
he/she/it had been secondingthey had been seconding
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will secondwe shall/will second
you will secondyou will second
he/she/it will secondthey will second
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be secondingwe shall/will be seconding
you will be secondingyou will be seconding
he/she/it will be secondingthey will be seconding
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have secondedwe shall/will have seconded
you will have secondedyou will have seconded
he/she/it will have secondedthey will have seconded
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been secondingwe shall/will have been seconding
you will have been secondingyou will have been seconding
he/she/it will have been secondingthey will have been seconding
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would secondwe should/would second
you would secondyou would second
he/she/it would secondthey would second
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be secondingwe should/would be seconding
you would be secondingyou would be seconding
he/she/it would be secondingthey would be seconding
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have secondedwe should/would have seconded
you would have secondedyou would have seconded
he/she/it would have secondedthey would have seconded
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been secondingwe should/would have been seconding
you would have been secondingyou would have been seconding
he/she/it would have been secondingthey would have been seconding
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am secondedwe are seconded
you are secondedyou are seconded
he/she/it is secondedthey are seconded
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being secondedwe are being seconded
you are being secondedyou are being seconded
he/she/it is being secondedthey are being seconded
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been secondedwe have been seconded
you have been secondedyou have been seconded
he/she/it has been secondedthey have been seconded
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was secondedwe were seconded
you were secondedyou were seconded
he/she/it was secondedthey were seconded
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being secondedwe were being seconded
you were being secondedyou were being seconded
he/she/it was being secondedthey were being seconded
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been secondedwe had been seconded
you had been secondedyou had been seconded
he/she/it had been secondedthey had been seconded
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be secondedwe shall/will be seconded
you will be secondedyou will be seconded
he/she/it will be secondedthey will be seconded
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been secondedwe shall/will have been seconded
you will have been secondedyou will have been seconded
he/she/it will have been secondedthey will have been seconded