Илья Малышевanswered 7 years ago
answer (en-ru)
What time/stores/do/in your neighborhood/open and close?
What time do stores in your neighborhood open and close?

Илья Малышевanswered 8 years ago
answer (en-ru)
Types of translations . The main goal of the fiction translation?
Типы переводов. В чем основная задача художественного перевода?

Илья Малышевanswered 8 years ago
answer (en-ru)
Subject and aims of translation?
Субъект и цели перевода?

Илья Малышевanswered 8 years ago
answer (ru-en)
твои атомы успокоены им
your atoms are calmed by him

Илья Малышевanswered 8 years ago
answer (en-ru)
To face

Илья Малышевanswered 8 years ago
answer (ru-en)
К Конгрессу присоединились участники из Новой Зеландии!
New members from New Zeland have joined to The Congress

Илья Малышевanswered 8 years ago
answer (en-ru)
I don't pass my exams
я не сдал экзамены

Илья Малышевanswered 8 years ago
answer (ru-en)
я улыбаюсь
I'm smiling

Илья Малышевanswered 8 years ago
answer (en-ru)
were they being at the hospital last month?
они находились в госпитале последний месяц?

Илья Малышевanswered 8 years ago
answer (ru-en)
прилетай на кофе и поцелуй
Come for coffeе and kiss
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