Hello there! Could you please help me. How to say Медведи заняли заброшенную научную станцию. Будет ли заброшеннаяabandoned.?
How to say Они чувствуют себя полноправными хозяевами.
Haw to say Видимо, им нечем там полакомиться.
Очень плохо работает сайт. Пишет - пост не найден.
Написала в поддержку, чтобы почистили спам.и навели хотя бы какой-то порядок.
Улий, поздравляю тебя с Днём Рождения! Желаю счастья, здоровья и прекрасного настроения! Пусть каждый день приносит радость!
Hi there! Could you please help me to recognize what did he say?
The verb with up
Hi there !
Could you please help me to recognize some words from here
What did Zelensky say?
Wow! How it's possible to be so gorgeous!
Проверьте, пожалуйста, ошибки. Вопрос: можно ли использовать gorgeous по отношению к животному или вещи? Или только по отношению к человеку?
Hello! Help me, please.
What did he say?
Very important for me.
В частности, 3:37 слышится слово imbication , не нашла в словаре.
Hello everyone! Could you please help me to fill the gaps?
World in Ten
Gaza deaths around aid trucks mean ceasefire hangs in the balance
0:18 On today's episode is Israel and Hamas tread accusativon over a death by at least hundred and twelve Palestinian yesterday. ____________ is ceasfire in Gaza no over.
0:37 What was the chances of ceasfire in a next few days after deaths of at least 112 Palestinian in Gaza city yesterday ____________. stampede desperately running to airtrack or shooting by the Israeli army. A convoy of 60 tracks entered Gaza around 4:40 am on Thursday morning and chaos in shoot.
1:19 People waiting for rummuge food delivery. and this work._____________________
1:26. So witnesses seen open fire ..___________________
There is areal video footage of this moment from ADF and quite upsetting really. Seen_black and white from ___________
2:12 suddenly sworning avoid this track for meters
2:18 _____ for food. Felt under threats
Hello there!
I have some questions. Could you please help me?
What did they say?
I highly recommend this detective story to amateurs. I read Raymond Chandler's novels in English and in Russian.