Denise Gomesasked for translation 7 лет назад
How to translate? (pt-en)
"Tu dici non ho niente Ti sembra niente il sole! La vita... l'amore..."
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Denise Gomesasked for translation 8 лет назад
How to translate? (pt-en)
Gostaria de lhe dizer que eu não reclamaria e nem perderia meu tempo, caso não tivesse me sentido lesada, afinal paguei por quatro utensílios e só recebi três!
- 1.
I would like to say I wouldn't be complaining and losing my time if I had not felt I was treated unjustly. After all I did pay for 4 itens but only received 3 of them!
translation added by иам гонеBronze pt-en
Denise Gomesasked for translation 8 лет назад
How to translate? (pt-en)
Plastico bolha
- 1.
bubble wrap
translation added by иам гонеBronze pt-en