Grizzly Nestrelyalipublicó un comentario 10 лет назад
или surrounded by a blockade
Помимо войск в кольце блокады оказалось всё гражданское население города.
Прежде всего интересует термин "кольцо блокады". Спасибо :)
not only the troops, but all the civilians of the city found themselves surrounded
without the troops' knowledge, the whole city found itself encircled by a blockade
или surrounded by a blockade
помимо войск - unbeknown to the troops?
No, Chris, "помимо" means "apart/aside from".
"unbeknown to somebody" would be something like "без ведома кого либо"
Thank you both! Are the troops inside or outside the blockade, or have I completely misunderstood?
inside. roughly: "not only the troops, but the citizens were surrounded"
Спасибо, именно то, что нужно!!!
I see. Thanks again:)
я рад, что Вам подошло