Aylar, а все слова даны отдельно или там есть и словосочетания? Спрашиваю, потому что, например "study hard" и "lovely flowers" это вполне нормальные словосочетания, тогда как "enough lovely" не может существовать.
Aylar Seydpublicó una nota 9 years ago
Помеченные слова обязательно должны быть в тексте.
Discusión (14)
Ольга, все даны отдельно, кроме "study hard".
Да тут вообще много чего не может существовать оказывается)))
Ясно, спасибо. Это уже легче.
Aylar, выкладываю отредактированный с учетом списка слов перевод Uly сюда, потому что в предыдущем посте уже очень много комментариев.
At the Airport
I still have a long 1.5 hours to wait before my flight to Paris and they’re dragging by extremely slowly. I anticipate that I’m really going to have a great time. I studied French hard and now I am going to reap the fruits of my labour. I have achieved my goal and my cherished dream is about to come true. I am flying to Paris on the “Francophone Program" for 2 weeks for what promises to be an unforgettable experience. This guy from our group named Thomas is coming too. For some reason, I didn’t pay any attention to him in class and now I feel like some magic force is bringing us together.
I am sitting in a comfortable chair in the waiting area and looking around, brimming with enthusiasm. There’s a beautiful young family sitting near me. The mother is trying to feed pizza to her sweet, funny son, who is wearing red jeans and a cool shirt and playing with one of those ridiculous minion toys, while beside them, the head of the family is examining the contents of some bag from the duty free shop. They are full of happiness and excitement. As I scan the waiting area, I see Thomas talking to a rather pretty girl. From the way they were standing together, it's easy to guess that they're brother and sister. They look very much alike. She obviously came to see him off and wish him a good trip.
I start to scrutinize Thomas and realize that I've never noticed his handsome, pleasant features before. I simply can’t have enough of looking at him. He looks about 28. Tall and strapping, with an elegant style. His wavy brown hair looks like spun gold. When he turns his head slowly, his profile resembles that of an ancient Greek statue. He has an ambitious, confident look. (At that moment) He could have been a passionate, benevolent knight in a medieval tale, who made the every lady feel like a princess or queen when she was with him. He most likely has a friendly family and a dog at home. I imagine he’s the sort of man who can't be tainted by money or social status, even though he has millions. What’s more, he seemed like someone capable of cherishing his friends, someone who cares more about friendship, not cash. Oh, my fancy carried me away! God knows.
As he and his sister give each other a goodbye hug, he glances over at me, not able to suppress a smile, giving me encouragement to look into his eyes, and there I see a million of glimmering snowflakes. Gushing with emotions, I smile back coquettishly, demurely, trying all the time to remain frozen and cool as a cucumber. Over the loudspeaker comes a pleasant voice announcing that the flight to Paris is now boarding. This is to be my first flight ever and it feels so nice to have all this freedom of traveling all by myself to the place I’ve always dreamed of. How exciting and awesome! I'm full of excitement and breathless expectation about my two-week holiday in Paris.
At last I'll be enraptured by the beauty of Champs Elysées with its lovely flowers and the invaluable inspiration and enjoyment that awaits me at the Louvre. I will be able to experience excellent French cuisine and feel all the passion that French chefs put into it. And, of course, the magnificent view from the Eiffel Tower, which will remain forever etched in my memory… with Thomas.
Ольга!) Как же красиво вы все расставили по местам!) Теперь уж точно можно куда-нибудь публиковать!))
Благодарю за оказанную помощь!
Aylar, да не за что :) Приходите к нам ещё :)
Да, были бы у меня такие Olga и Uly в своё время, мой английский мог бы быть значительно лучше!
Ольга - просто WOW! ☺
Oleg, я всего лишь добавила несколько предложений, чтобы в тексте были использованы все слова из задания Aylar. Основную работу проделали сама Aylar, которая всю историю сочинила и постаралась перевести, и Uly, который помог ей, отредактировав перевод. Я только добавила кое-что к тексту. Так что заслуга не моя.