strong-willed - это скорее "решительный, настойчивый, упрямый" и т.д. То есть качества, которые требуют присутствия силы воли, но не являются силой воли, как таковой.

человек очень сильной воли
Traducciones de usuarios (2)
- 1.
A strong-willed man
Traducción agregada por Elena BogomolovaOro ru-en3 - 2.
A man with strong willpower
Traducción agregada por Aleh LaOro ru-en1
Discusión (9)

Это именно "обладающий сильной волей". См.:
Not really! How about these:
I have as much trust in the free dictionary, as in urban dictionary - None.
And yes, dislike is from me.

This definition is from "Someone strong-willed doesn’t give up easily. A strong-willed person is determined.
Your will is your desire or drive to do something, so a strong-willed person is someone with a powerful will"

To make it easier. Every strong -willed person is a person with a strong will, but not every person with a strong will is strong -willed.

"strong-willed" has 2 meanings: 1. with a strong will, determined 2. stubborn