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Анна Леонтьеваsolicitó una traducción 5 anos atrás
¿Cómo traducir? (en-ru)

as nearly as hard

Traducciones de usuarios (2)

  1. 1.

    So if I hadn't met my best friend, I don't think I would have worked nearly as hard in university.


    * * *

    Traducción agregada por ⁌ ULY ⁍
    Oro en-ru
  2. 2.

    So if I hadn't met my best friend, I don't think I would have worked nearly as hard in university.


    Итак, если бы я не встретил своего лучшего друга, то, думаю, что я бы и близко не работал так усердно в университете.

    Traducción agregada por atanas Ь

Discusión (11)

⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario 5 anos atrás

IS nearly as hard (?). Can you post the whole sentence?

Анна Леонтьеваpublicó un comentario 5 anos atrás

So if I hadn't met my best friend, I don't think I would have worked as nearly as hard in university.

⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario 5 anos atrás

So if I hadn't met my best friend, I don't think I would have worked _ nearly as hard in university. 👍🏼

Анна Леонтьеваpublicó un comentario 5 anos atrás

предложение, которое я написала, - это прямая речь от носителя языка, взята из скрипта в видео BBC. Это не упражнение. Нужен перевод фразы

⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario 5 anos atrás

That’s why if you google the phrase “worked as nearly as hard,” you only get three hits. Because it’s either a typo or a mistake: https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk00hmrAt--bIn5nqcCNNgNiRYema1g%3A1582652472384&source=hp&ei=OFxVXrLcFIXmsAWyso_QBg&q=%22worked+as+nearly+as+hard%22&oq=%22worked+as+nearly+as+hard%22&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i299l2.996.6649..6943...2.0..0.146.2944.7j20....2..0....1..gws-wiz.....10..0j46i322i131j0i131j0i3j46i322j35i362i39j35i39j46i322i39i395i275j46i199i291i395j46i199i291i131i395j46i322i39i395j46i322i131i395j46i199i291i395i275j46i322i395j0i10j0i22i30j0i22i10i30j33i22i29i30j33i160.8tnNhTuXbmU&ved=0ahUKEwiy2Krzn-3nAhUFM6wKHTLZA2oQ4dUDCAc&uact=5

⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario 5 anos atrás

Also, Anna, you need to be smarter than Lingvo - if you want a good translation, post entire sentences, not (incorrect) portions. The more people (I) have to guess, the less likely you are to get an accurate translation. 😉

atanas Ьpublicó un comentario 5 anos atrás

Итак, если бы я не встретил своего лучшего друга, то, думаю, что я бы И БЛИЗКО не работал ТАК УСЕРДНО в университете.

Tatiana Gerasimenkopublicó un comentario 5 anos atrás

Atanas, опубликуйте перевод С ИСПРАВЛЕНИЕМ в вопросе! Я бы, например, только «не работал так усердно» заменила бы. Но это дело вкуса.

⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario 5 anos atrás

Great teamwork! Anna got a good translation and we cleaned up some faulty English 👍🏼

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