without examplesFound in 1 dictionary
The Ukrainian-Russian Dictionary- The Dictionary provides Russian equivalents for the core senses of Ukrainian words. Contemporary Ukrainian spelling is used throughout. The Russian equivalents are grouped based on sense, making it easier for the translator to select the appropriate translation. The Dictionary also includes idiomatic phrases and provides illustrative sentences and word combinations.
- The Dictionary provides Russian equivalents for the core senses of Ukrainian words. Contemporary Ukrainian spelling is used throughout. The Russian equivalents are grouped based on sense, making it easier for the translator to select the appropriate translation. The Dictionary also includes idiomatic phrases and provides illustrative sentences and word combinations.
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Word forms
дієслово, недоконане, неперехідне, активн.стан
Iнфiнiтив | душіти, душіть |
Теперiшнiй час | |
я душу | ми душим, душимо |
Минулий час | |
він душів | ми, ви, вони душіли |
Майбутнiй час | |
я душітиму | ми душітимем, душітимемо |
Одн. | Множ. | |
Наказовий спосiб | души | душіте, душіть |
Акт. дiєприкметник теп. часу | душачий |
Акт. дiєприкметник мин. часу | душівший |
Дiєприслiвник теп. часу | душачи |
Дiєприслiвник мин. часу | душівши |