The Russian–Italian Dictionary- The Dictionary contains 220,000 words and phrases of contemporary Russian and their Italian equivalents. The compiler aimed to include as many word senses, collocations and set expressions as the space allowed. Wide coverage is given to scientific, technical, business, and socio-political terms.
- The dictionary is intended for translators, teachers, and students of Italian at university level.
- The Dictionary contains 220,000 words and phrases of contemporary Russian and their Italian equivalents. The compiler aimed to include as many word senses, collocations and set expressions as the space allowed. Wide coverage is given to scientific, technical, business, and socio-political terms.
- The dictionary is intended for translators, teachers, and students of Italian at university level.
[skól'ko] avv., pron. interr., rel. ed escl. (gen. скольких, dat. скольким, strum. сколькими, prepos. о скольких)
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сколько тебе лет? — quanti anni hai?
я терпел сколько мог — ho resistito quanto ho potuto
сколько раз... — quante volte...
скольким опасностям они подвергались! — quanti rischi hanno corso!
сколько она пережила! — quanto ha sofferto!
"У скольких поэтов лёгкость руки!" (В. Маяковский) — "Sono tanti i poeti che hanno la penna facile" (V. Majakovskij)
сколько она ни просила... — per quanto supplicasse...
(не) столько... сколько — (non) tanto... quanto...
его поразила не столько её красота, сколько её взгляд — rimase colpito non tanto dalla sua bellezza, quanto dal suo sguardo
"Я столько же уважал её, сколько любил" (И. Тургенев) — "L'amavo e la stimavo altrettanto" (I. Turgenev)
User translations
The part of speech is not specified
- 1.
translation added by Ольга Самойло
Word forms
Им. | сколько |
Род. | скольких |
Дат. | скольким |
Вин. одуш. | скольких |
Вин. неодуш. | сколько |
Тв. | сколькими |
Пр. | скольких |