without examplesFound in 1 dictionary
The Comprehensive Russian-French Dictionary- This Dictionary is a revised and updated edition of the well-known Russian-French Dictionary by L. Scerba and M. Matoussevitch, which was first published in 1935. The compilers have remained faithful to the principles laid down by L. Scerba and have tried to preserve the original structure and organization of the entries.
- This is the largest Russian-French dictionary ever compiled and includes more than 200,000 words and expressions of contemporary Russian, many idioms, scientific terms and words widely used in the media. The Dictionary includes many terms related to world religions and cultures. For French translations, the compilers have relied on the latest French dictionaries. Compared to the first edition, the number of words in this volume has grown two-fold. The compilers selected illustrative examples so as to reflect the various aspects of modern Russian usage.
- The Dictionary is intended for linguists, translators, teachers, and university students. French students of Russian may also find it useful.
- This Dictionary is a revised and updated edition of the well-known Russian-French Dictionary by L. Scerba and M. Matoussevitch, which was first published in 1935. The compilers have remained faithful to the principles laid down by L. Scerba and have tried to preserve the original structure and organization of the entries.
- This is the largest Russian-French dictionary ever compiled and includes more than 200,000 words and expressions of contemporary Russian, many idioms, scientific terms and words widely used in the media. The Dictionary includes many terms related to world religions and cultures. For French translations, the compilers have relied on the latest French dictionaries. Compared to the first edition, the number of words in this volume has grown two-fold. The compilers selected illustrative examples so as to reflect the various aspects of modern Russian usage.
- The Dictionary is intended for linguists, translators, teachers, and university students. French students of Russian may also find it useful.
pratique; affairé (озабоченный)
Examples from texts
– Мы выйдем в половине шестого, – деловито прибавил рыбак.– Nous partons à cinq heures et demie, ajouta gravement le pêcheur.Дюма, Александр / Виконт де Бражелон. Том IDumas, Alexandre / Le vicomte de Bragelonne.Tome ILe vicomte de Bragelonne.Tome IDumas, Alexandre©2008 Bibliobazaar, LLCВиконт де Бражелон. Том IДюма, Александр
Он загляделся на пылинки, с удивительной быстротой кружившиеся в луче, словно толпы посланцев, беспрестанно и деловито сновавших с вестями от солнца к земле.Il s'intéressait aux atomes allant et venant le long du rayon, avec une vitesse prodigieuse, pareils à une foule de messagers affairés portant sans cesse des nouvelles du soleil à la terre.Золя, Эмиль / Проступок аббата МуреZola, Emile / La Faute de l'Abbe MouretLa Faute de l'Abbe MouretZola, EmileПроступок аббата МуреЗоля, Эмиль
— Ты не угадал, Фред, — ответил неуязвимый Ричард, деловито продолжая писать.– Non, Fred, répondit gravement Richard en continuant d’écrire comme un homme très-affairé ; ce n’est pas tout à fait cela.Dickens, Charles / Le magasin d'antiquitesДиккенс, Чарльз / Лавка древностейЛавка древностейДиккенс, ЧарльзLe magasin d'antiquitesDickens, Charles
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pratique; affairéExamples
деловитый работник — travailleur qui a le sens pratique
деловитый вид — air affairé
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Word forms
Полные формы | Краткие формы | |
Муж. род | деловитый | деловит |
Жен. род | деловитая | деловита |
Ср. род | деловитое | деловито |
Мн. ч. | деловитые | деловиты |
Сравнит. ст. | деловитее, деловитей |
Превосх. ст. | - |