without examplesFound in 1 dictionary
dictionaries.essential_ru_es- The Dictionary contains about 50,000 entries which cover the contemporary Russian language of literature and daily speech. ABBYY lexicographers have enriched the Dictionary with terms relating to different religions and cultures as well as with colloquialisms and slang words. Spanish translations are provided on the basis of the Spanish language spoken in Spain, the peculiarities of the Latin American region are also taken into consideration. The Dictionary has been compiled to meet the needs of many specialists working with Spanish, translators, and university professors and students.
- The Dictionary contains about 50,000 entries which cover the contemporary Russian language of literature and daily speech. ABBYY lexicographers have enriched the Dictionary with terms relating to different religions and cultures as well as with colloquialisms and slang words. Spanish translations are provided on the basis of the Spanish language spoken in Spain, the peculiarities of the Latin American region are also taken into consideration. The Dictionary has been compiled to meet the needs of many specialists working with Spanish, translators, and university professors and students.
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Word forms
глагол, несовершенный вид, всегда возвратный, непереходный
Инфинитив | божиться |
Настоящее время | |
я божусь | мы божимся |
ты божишься | вы божитесь |
он, она, оно божится | они божатся |
Прошедшее время | |
я, ты, он божился | мы, вы, они божились |
я, ты, она божилась | |
оно божилось |
Наст. время | Прош. время | |
Причастие | божащийся | божившийся |
Деепричастие | божась | (не) божившись |
Ед. ч. | Мн. ч. | |
Повелительное накл. | божись | божитесь |