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Examples from texts

Not of these imputed sins, but of others.
Не в этих вмененных грехах - но в других.
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr / The Gulag ArchipelagoСолженицын, Александр / Архипелаг Гулаг
Архипелаг Гулаг
Солженицын, Александр
© Русский Общественный Фонд Александра Солженицына, 2009
The Gulag Archipelago
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
© 1973 by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn
© 1973, 1974 by Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc.
© 1985 by The Russian Social Fund
The spiritual attitude and the aptitudes imputed to the preternatural agent are still such as belong under the regime of status, but they now assume the patriarchal cast characteristic of the quasi-peaceable stage of culture.
Духовная позиция и способности, приписываемые сверхъестественному агенту, все еще относятся к режиму статуса, но принимают теперь форму патриархального уклада, характерного для квазимиролюбивой стадии развития общества.
Veblen, Thorstein / The Theory of the Leisure ClassВеблен, Торстейн / Теория праздного класса
Теория праздного класса
Веблен, Торстейн
© Перевод на русский язык, издательство «Прогресс», 1984
The Theory of the Leisure Class
Veblen, Thorstein
The imputed monetary ruble/dollar rate increased from 13.1 to 13.3 rubles to the dollar in June 2006.
В июне 2006 г. значение расчетного монетарного курса рубля увеличилось с 13,1 до 13,3 руб./долл. США.
© 2000-2010 Банк России
The average imputed monthly pension rose 13.1% in real terms last January year on year, to 2,539 rubles.
Средний размер назначенных месячных пенсий в январе 2006 г. составил 2539 руб., что в реальном выражении на 13,1% больше, чем в январе 2005 года.
© 2000-2010 Банк России
the consequences are not established, in particular - the character and size of the harm caused to the victims by the imputed actions.
не установлены последствия, в частности - характер и размер вреда, причинённого потерпевшим инкриминированными действиями.
© ПРЕССЦЕНТР Михаила Ходорковского и Платона Лебедева, 2011
© 2011 The International Legal Team of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev
It may even be that the enterprise owes its honorific virtue, as a means of enhancing the donor's good repute, to the imputed presence of this non-invidious motive; but that does not hinder the invidious interest from guiding the expenditure.
Вполне возможно, что деяние, служащее средством усугубления доброй славы дарителя, доставляет почет именно благодаря такому-то независтническому мотиву; однако при расходах это не мешает руководствоваться противоположным, завистническим интересом.
Veblen, Thorstein / The Theory of the Leisure ClassВеблен, Торстейн / Теория праздного класса
Теория праздного класса
Веблен, Торстейн
© Перевод на русский язык, издательство «Прогресс», 1984
The Theory of the Leisure Class
Veblen, Thorstein
The two girls, and the freckled girl in particular, tried to 'stir him up' to some effort to do his imputed potentialities justice.
Обе девушки, в особенности обладательница веснушек, старались подбодрить его, может, он еще сделает героическое усилие и не даст пропасть втуне своим талантам (а что талант есть, эти добрые души не сомневались).
Wells, Herbert George / KippsУэллс, Герберт / Киппс
Уэллс, Герберт
© Издательство "Правда", 1964
Wells, Herbert George
© the Literary Executors of the Estate of H. G. Wells, 1905
In other words, a decision on the initiation of a criminal case based on the features of the theft of oil being imputed to Khodorkovsky and Lebedev has not been adopted by the organs of preliminary investigation.
Иными словами, органами предварительного следствия не принималось решение о возбуждении уголовного дела по признакам хищения нефти, инкриминированного Ходорковскому и Лебедеву.
© ПРЕССЦЕНТР Михаила Ходорковского и Платона Лебедева, 2011
© 2011 The International Legal Team of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev
Nominal imputed average monthly per employee wage Rubles
Номинальная начисленная среднемесячная заработная плата на 1 работающего руб.
© 2000-2010 Банк России
Imputed monetary rate
Расчетный монетарный курс
© 2000-2010 Банк России
Official Exchange Rate and Imputed Monetary Rate
Официальный валютный курс и расчетный монетарный курс
© 2000-2010 Банк России
Oh, Mr. Keller, why does your article impute things to my father without the slightest foundation?
Ах, зачем вы такую неправду написали, господин Келлер, в вашей статье про моего отца?
Достоевский, Фёдор / ИдиотDostoevsky, Fyodor / Idiot
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
© 2004 by Fine Creative Media, Inc.
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1971
Thus, hope and expectation would be kept alive; none would complain of broken promises, but impute their disappointments wholly to fortune, whose shoulders are broader and stronger than those of a ministry..
Таким образом, у сенаторов всегда будет поддерживаться надежда на получение места; никто из них не станет жаловаться на неисполнение обещания, и неудачники будут взваливать свои неудачи на судьбу, у которой плечи шире и крепче, чем у любого министра.
Swift, Jonathan / Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the worldСвифт, Джонатан / Путешествия Гулливера
Путешествия Гулливера
Свифт, Джонатан
© Издательство "Правда", 1987
Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the world
Swift, Jonathan
Children, and primitive peoples, impute intentions to the weather, to waves and currents, to falling rocks.
Дети и примитивные народы приписывают целенаправленное поведение погоде, волнам, течениям, падающим камням.
Dawkins, Richard / The God DelusionДокинз, Ричард / Бог как иллюзия
Бог как иллюзия
Докинз, Ричард
© 2006 by Richard Dawkins
© H. Смелкова, перевод на русский язык, 2008
© ООО "Издательская Группа Аттикус", 2008
The God Delusion
Dawkins, Richard
© Richard Dawkins 2006
But, we may be told, you impute to the “state upheaval” quite a different meaning from the one in which Mr. Tikhomirov uses it.
Но, скажут нам, вы придаете «государственному перевороту» совсем не тот смысл, в каком употребляет это выражение г. Тихомиров.
Плеханов, Г. В. / Наши разногласия. Письмо к П. Л. ЛавровуPlekhanov, G. V. / Our Differences. Letter to P. L. Lavrov
Our Differences. Letter to P. L. Lavrov
Plekhanov, G. V.
Наши разногласия. Письмо к П. Л. Лаврову
Плеханов, Г. В.
© Государственное издательство политической литературы, 1949 г.

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imputed cost
вмененная стоимость промежуточного продукта
imputed cost
вмененные издержки
imputed costs
вмененные издержки
imputed earnings
вмененный доход
imputed earnings
условно начисленный доход
imputed income
доход в неденежной форме
imputed income
условно начисленный доход
imputed interest
вмененный процент
imputed knowledge
вменяемая в вину заведомость
imputed liability
ответственность за действия других лиц
imputed liability
ответственность поручителя
imputed negligence
вмененная небрежность
imputed value
оценочная стоимость
imputed value
расчетная стоимость
imputed value
условно начисленная стоимость

Word forms


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)imputing
Past Participle (Participle II)imputed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I imputewe impute
you imputeyou impute
he/she/it imputesthey impute
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am imputingwe are imputing
you are imputingyou are imputing
he/she/it is imputingthey are imputing
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have imputedwe have imputed
you have imputedyou have imputed
he/she/it has imputedthey have imputed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been imputingwe have been imputing
you have been imputingyou have been imputing
he/she/it has been imputingthey have been imputing
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I imputedwe imputed
you imputedyou imputed
he/she/it imputedthey imputed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was imputingwe were imputing
you were imputingyou were imputing
he/she/it was imputingthey were imputing
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had imputedwe had imputed
you had imputedyou had imputed
he/she/it had imputedthey had imputed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been imputingwe had been imputing
you had been imputingyou had been imputing
he/she/it had been imputingthey had been imputing
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will imputewe shall/will impute
you will imputeyou will impute
he/she/it will imputethey will impute
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be imputingwe shall/will be imputing
you will be imputingyou will be imputing
he/she/it will be imputingthey will be imputing
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have imputedwe shall/will have imputed
you will have imputedyou will have imputed
he/she/it will have imputedthey will have imputed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been imputingwe shall/will have been imputing
you will have been imputingyou will have been imputing
he/she/it will have been imputingthey will have been imputing
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would imputewe should/would impute
you would imputeyou would impute
he/she/it would imputethey would impute
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be imputingwe should/would be imputing
you would be imputingyou would be imputing
he/she/it would be imputingthey would be imputing
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have imputedwe should/would have imputed
you would have imputedyou would have imputed
he/she/it would have imputedthey would have imputed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been imputingwe should/would have been imputing
you would have been imputingyou would have been imputing
he/she/it would have been imputingthey would have been imputing
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am imputedwe are imputed
you are imputedyou are imputed
he/she/it is imputedthey are imputed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being imputedwe are being imputed
you are being imputedyou are being imputed
he/she/it is being imputedthey are being imputed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been imputedwe have been imputed
you have been imputedyou have been imputed
he/she/it has been imputedthey have been imputed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was imputedwe were imputed
you were imputedyou were imputed
he/she/it was imputedthey were imputed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being imputedwe were being imputed
you were being imputedyou were being imputed
he/she/it was being imputedthey were being imputed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been imputedwe had been imputed
you had been imputedyou had been imputed
he/she/it had been imputedthey had been imputed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be imputedwe shall/will be imputed
you will be imputedyou will be imputed
he/she/it will be imputedthey will be imputed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been imputedwe shall/will have been imputed
you will have been imputedyou will have been imputed
he/she/it will have been imputedthey will have been imputed