Examples from texts
После ужина, когда стемнело, он оделся потеплее, обул высокие ботинки, плащ, взял с собой фонарик и вышел из дверей коттеджа.When it was dark and he had eaten his dinner, he put on his warm clothing, his hiking boots, and his slicker, pocketed a flashlight, and went out the door of his cottage.Брукс, Терри / Бегущая с демономBrooks, Terry / Running with the demonRunning with the demonBrooks, Terry© 1997 by Terry BrooksБегущая с демономБрукс, Терри
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- 1.
Wrap yourself up warmly.
translation added by Tatiana GerasimenkoGold ru-en - 2.
bundle up
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en