sem exemplosEncontrado em 1 dicionário
O Dicionário Compreensivo Alemão-Russo- The dictionary contains entries with a detailed description, as well as illustrative examples and phraseological expressions. Along with commonly used words, the dictionary contains terminology from various professional fields. The present-day lexicon that was included in the dictionary reflects the current state of the language, the brisk growth of information technology, and new trends in various spheres of culture.
- The dictionary contains entries with a detailed description, as well as illustrative examples and phraseological expressions. Along with commonly used words, the dictionary contains terminology from various professional fields. The present-day lexicon that was included in the dictionary reflects the current state of the language, the brisk growth of information technology, and new trends in various spheres of culture.
f <-, -n> уст куртизанка
Exemplos de textos
Ist ein Mann besonders stolz auf seinen Scharfsinn, richtet es die Kurtisane so ein, daß er im vollen Glanz seines Geistes vor ihr steht.Если мужчина кичится своей проницательностью, куртизанка подстроит так, что он явится перед нею во всем блеске ума.Akunin, Boris / Die Diamantene KutscheАкунин, Борис / Алмазная колесница, Том 2Алмазная колесница, Том 2Акунин, БорисDie Diamantene KutscheAkunin, Boris
Adicionar ao meu dicionário
Substantivo femininoкуртизанка
Traduções de usuários
Categoria gramatical não definida
- 1.
Tradução adicionada por Dennis SchikirianskiBronze de-ru
Formas de palavra
Substantiv, Femininum
Singular | Plural | |
Nominativ | Kurtisane | Kurtisanen |
Genitiv | Kurtisane | Kurtisanen |
Dativ | Kurtisane | Kurtisanen |
Akkusativ | Kurtisane | Kurtisanen |