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The New Comprehensive Italian-Russian Dictionary- Сontains more than 300,000 words and phrases of contemporary Italian. Detailed entries contain extensive information about collocations and idioms. The Dictionary offers good coverage of scientific, media, technical, and sports terms.
- Сontains more than 300,000 words and phrases of contemporary Italian. Detailed entries contain extensive information about collocations and idioms. The Dictionary offers good coverage of scientific, media, technical, and sports terms.
(плеонастически, без значения отрицания в сравнительных и факультативно во временных и дополнительных предложениях)
Economics (It-Ru)
не-, бес-(без-)
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non di nobili natali
non poter staccare gli occhi
è inutile che aspettiate (l'eredità), non sto per morire
не дождётесь
non sperare che io stia male
не дождёшься
Non ci sperare
не дождёшься