Examples from texts
– Estoy cansado -repitió."I'm tired," he repeated.Bolano, Roberto / 2666Bolano, Roberto / 26662666Bolano, Roberto© 2004 by the heirs of Roberto Bolaño© 2008 by Natasha Wimmer2666Bolano, Roberto© 2004 por herederos de Roberto Bolaño
Tú también estás cansado, ¿eh, cabrón?You're tired, too, you bastard.Katzenbach, John / Juicio FinalKatzenbach, John / Just CauseJust CauseKatzenbach, John© 1992 by John KatzenbachJuicio FinalKatzenbach, John© 1992 by John Katzenbach© Ediciones B, S. A., 2006
– Estoy demasiado cansado para pensar -gruñó Mark.He groaned. 'I am too tired to think.'Sansom, Christopher John / El gallo negroSansom, Christopher John / DissolutionDissolutionSansom, Christopher John© C.J. Sansom, 2003El gallo negroSansom, Christopher John
Estoy demasiado cansado para seguir discutiendo.I'm too tired to argue further.Sansom, Christopher John / El gallo negroSansom, Christopher John / DissolutionDissolutionSansom, Christopher John© C.J. Sansom, 2003El gallo negroSansom, Christopher John
'Estoy cansada... tan cansada, pero no puedo dormir'.'I'm tired ... so tired, but I can't sleep'.© New South Wales Health Department for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Waleshttp://www.health.nsw.gov.au 12/27/2011© New South Wales Health Department for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Waleshttp://www.health.nsw.gov.au 12/27/2011
Estaba tan cansado...He was so tired.Kava, Alex / Bajo SospechaKava, Alex / A Perfect EvilA Perfect EvilKava, Alex© S.M. Kava 2000Bajo SospechaKava, Alex
¡Por las llagas de Cristo, qué cansado estoy!A cold shiver went through me. 'God's wounds, I'm tired.'Sansom, Christopher John / El gallo negroSansom, Christopher John / DissolutionDissolutionSansom, Christopher John© C.J. Sansom, 2003El gallo negroSansom, Christopher John
Estoy bastante cansada.I'm kinda tired."Kellerman, Jonathan / La Rama RotaKellerman, Jonathan / When The Bough BreaksWhen The Bough BreaksKellerman, Jonathan© 1985 by Jonathan KellermanLa Rama RotaKellerman, Jonathan
El poeta lo miró con una expresión de vacío y, tuteándolo también, dijo que estaba un poco cansado.The poet gave him a blank look, and, calling him by his first name too, said he was a little tired.Bolano, Roberto / 2666Bolano, Roberto / 26662666Bolano, Roberto© 2004 by the heirs of Roberto Bolaño© 2008 by Natasha Wimmer2666Bolano, Roberto© 2004 por herederos de Roberto Bolaño
Estamos cansados y agradeceríamos un poco de ese vino mientras nos contáis qué ocurrió exactamente.Now, we are tired and would be grateful for a little of that wine while you tell us exactly what has happened here.'Sansom, Christopher John / El gallo negroSansom, Christopher John / DissolutionDissolutionSansom, Christopher John© C.J. Sansom, 2003El gallo negroSansom, Christopher John
Mi idea original era viajar al sur otra vez, a Barcelona, pero cuando acabó la vendimia estaba demasiado cansada, demasiada enferma y decidí que lo mejor era ir a Londres a casa de mis padres y tal vez hacerle una visita al médico.My original idea was to travel south again, to Barcelona, but when the harvest was over I was too tired, too ill, and I decided that the best thing would be to go back to my parents' house in London and maybe visit the doctor.Bolano, Roberto / Los detectives salvajesThe savage detectivese savage detectivesThe savage detective© 1998 by Roberto Bolaño© 2007 by Natasha WimmerLos detectives salvajesBolano, Roberto
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- 1.
I am tired
translation added by Salomão Bruno - 2.
i'm tired
translation added by Cristian Abarca - 3.
I'm exhausted
translation added by Milton Valenzuela