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without examplesFound in 1 dictionary

The English-Ukrainian Dictionary
  • The Dictionary is based on the Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language. The sources for the English part of the Dictionary include more than 30 modern dictionaries such as Webster's, Oxford, and Random House as well as bilingual special dictionaries.


  1. ['vɜ:ʃ(ə)n]


    1. варіант тексту ( переклад або оригінал)

    2. варіант; перекладання, переробка

    3. версія; інтерпретація; розповідь (про що-н.)

    4. військ., тех. варіант, модифікація, тип, вид; improved version удосконалений варіант

    5. муз. аранжування

    6. мед. поворот (плоду в матці); загин (органа)

  2. ['vɜ:ʃ(ə)n]



Examples from texts

If Your version of the SOFTWARE is named “ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Professional Edition,” You may install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE on Your office computer and Your home computer only.
Якщо придбане Вами ПЗ має позначення "ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Professional Edition", Ви може встановлювати та використовувати це ПЗ на Вашому домашньому комп’ютері та на Вашому робочому комп’ютері.
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The set of disabled features may very from version to version and from region to region.
Набір вимкнутих функцій може відрізнятися залежно від версії програми та регіону.
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Together with the parameter, the name, serial number, version number, and interface language of your copy of the SOFTWARE will be sent to ABBYY.
Крім цього параметра, в процесі активації на сервер Компанії ABBYY передається серійний номер, назва, номер версії, а також мова інтерфейсу ПЗ.
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You may be using an unlicensed ABBYY Lingvo version
Можливо, ви використовуєте неліцензійну версію ABBYY Lingvo
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Your version of ABBYY Lingvo x3 may not contain all of the above listed phrasebooks.
Ваша версія ABBYY Lingvo x3 може містити не всі перераховані розмовники.
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Your version of ABBYY Lingvo x3 may not contain all of the listed dictionaries and phrasebooks.
Ваша версія ABBYY Lingvo x3 може містити не всі перелічені словники і розмовники.
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This chapter will teach you to use ABBYY FineReader 9.0 to get an editable electronic version of your paper or PDF documents.
У цьому розділі наведені вказівки щодо використання програми ABBYY FineReader 9.0 для отримання електронної версії паперових документів або PDF-документів для редагування.
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Detailed information about the phrasebooks included in your version of ABBYY Lingvo x3 is available at www.lingvo.ru.
Більш докладну інформацію про те, які словники та розмовники входять до складу вашої версії ABBYY Lingvo x3, ви можете одержати на сайті www.Lingvo.ua.
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To find out whether your application version is licensed, contact the support service.
Щоб уточнити, чи є ваша версія програми ліцензійною, зверніться до служби технічної підтримки.
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Release version (see menu Help > About ABBYY Lingvo x3),
Випуск (див. меню Довідка > Про програму ABBYY Lingvo x3),
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the version of your Windows operating system
версія вашої операційної системи Windows
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atures of ABBYY FormFiller
Features of ABBYY FormFille
The Installation Wizard sends only limited information to the ABBYY activation server, including your specific Product ID and the name, serial number, version number, and interface language of your copy of the ABBYY FineReader software.
Майстер інсталяції надсилає до сервера активації ABBYY лише обмежені відомості, які містять код продукту, ім’я, серійний номер, номер версії та дані про мову інтерфейсу копії програми ABBYY FineReader.
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This version includes only the most common interface and recognition languages.
Щоб зменшити час, необхідний для завантаження програми, пакети для розповсюдження, що продаються через інтернет-крамниці, містять лише найрозповсюдженіші мови інтерфейсу та розпізнавання.
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You acknowledge that any obligation ABBYY may have to support the version of the SOFTWARE being upgraded shall end upon the availability of the upgrade.
Будь-які зобов’язання Компанії ABBYY щодо технічної підтримки використовуваної раніше програми для ЕОМ припиняються у момент передачі Вам ПЗ, позначеного як оновлення.
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If Your version of the SOFTWARE is named “ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Corporate Edition,” and the type of license is “Per seat”.
Якщо придбане Вами ПЗ має позначення "ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Corporate Edition", а Ви придбали одну або кілька ліцензій типу "на робоче місце".
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'vɜ:ʃ(ə)nваріант текстуExamples

the French version of Shakespeare — Шекспір у французькому перекладі
the original version — оригінал, оригінальний текст
revised version — нова редакція, перероблений варіант

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Word forms


Common caseversionversions
Possessive caseversion'sversions'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)versioning
Past Participle (Participle II)versioned
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I versionwe version
you versionyou version
he/she/it versionsthey version
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am versioningwe are versioning
you are versioningyou are versioning
he/she/it is versioningthey are versioning
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have versionedwe have versioned
you have versionedyou have versioned
he/she/it has versionedthey have versioned
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been versioningwe have been versioning
you have been versioningyou have been versioning
he/she/it has been versioningthey have been versioning
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I versionedwe versioned
you versionedyou versioned
he/she/it versionedthey versioned
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was versioningwe were versioning
you were versioningyou were versioning
he/she/it was versioningthey were versioning
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had versionedwe had versioned
you had versionedyou had versioned
he/she/it had versionedthey had versioned
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been versioningwe had been versioning
you had been versioningyou had been versioning
he/she/it had been versioningthey had been versioning
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will versionwe shall/will version
you will versionyou will version
he/she/it will versionthey will version
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be versioningwe shall/will be versioning
you will be versioningyou will be versioning
he/she/it will be versioningthey will be versioning
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have versionedwe shall/will have versioned
you will have versionedyou will have versioned
he/she/it will have versionedthey will have versioned
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been versioningwe shall/will have been versioning
you will have been versioningyou will have been versioning
he/she/it will have been versioningthey will have been versioning
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would versionwe should/would version
you would versionyou would version
he/she/it would versionthey would version
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be versioningwe should/would be versioning
you would be versioningyou would be versioning
he/she/it would be versioningthey would be versioning
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have versionedwe should/would have versioned
you would have versionedyou would have versioned
he/she/it would have versionedthey would have versioned
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been versioningwe should/would have been versioning
you would have been versioningyou would have been versioning
he/she/it would have been versioningthey would have been versioning
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am versionedwe are versioned
you are versionedyou are versioned
he/she/it is versionedthey are versioned
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being versionedwe are being versioned
you are being versionedyou are being versioned
he/she/it is being versionedthey are being versioned
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been versionedwe have been versioned
you have been versionedyou have been versioned
he/she/it has been versionedthey have been versioned
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was versionedwe were versioned
you were versionedyou were versioned
he/she/it was versionedthey were versioned
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being versionedwe were being versioned
you were being versionedyou were being versioned
he/she/it was being versionedthey were being versioned
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been versionedwe had been versioned
you had been versionedyou had been versioned
he/she/it had been versionedthey had been versioned
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be versionedwe shall/will be versioned
you will be versionedyou will be versioned
he/she/it will be versionedthey will be versioned
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been versionedwe shall/will have been versioned
you will have been versionedyou will have been versioned
he/she/it will have been versionedthey will have been versioned