without examplesFound in 1 dictionary
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary- The Dictionary is based on the Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language. The sources for the English part of the Dictionary include more than 30 modern dictionaries such as Webster's, Oxford, and Random House as well as bilingual special dictionaries.
- The Dictionary is based on the Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language. The sources for the English part of the Dictionary include more than 30 modern dictionaries such as Webster's, Oxford, and Random House as well as bilingual special dictionaries.
заклинання, замовляння
чари, чарівність; чарівна сила
зачаровувати; замовляти
наділяти магічними властивостями
термін, час
проміжок часу, період
напад (хвороби); сл. період дратівливості, істерії, похмурого настрою
зміна; спец. змінник, напарник
австрал. відпочинок, перепочинок
змінити (кого-небудь у роботі); перемінятися, працювати по черзі
дати відпочинок, перепочинок; перепочити, відпочити
(spelled [-d], spek)
вимовляти або писати (слово) по буквах (spell out); складати (слово з букв)
читати по складах, з трудом розбирати написане (spell out)
розбирати, розшифровувати, тлумачити (spell out)
означати, спричиняти
просити, виражати бажання натяком
Examples from texts
You can use ABBYY FineReader spell checker to check texts written in these languages.Для перевірки текстів, написаних цими мовами, можна використати засоби перевірки орфографії ABBYY FineReader.Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
ABBYY FineReader provides a built-in spell checker to help correct uncertain characters (Tools > Check Spelling).У програмі ABBYY FineReader можна використовувати вбудовану перевірку орфографії для перевірки слів, які містять невпевнено розпізнані символи (Інструменти > Перевірка орфографії). .Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
If you forget how to spell a wordЯкщо ви не пам‘ятаєте, як пишеться словоABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
To customize spell checking, click the Options button in the Check Spelling dialog box.Щоб настроїти перевірку орфографії, натисніть кнопку Параметри в діалоговому вікні Перевірка.Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
Finding a word you are not sure how to spellЗнайти слово, у написанні якого ви не впевненіABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
Spell checking is not available for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean texts.Перевірка правопису недоступна для текстів китайською, японською та корейською мовами.Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
Select Tools > Options, click the Advanced tab, and then click the Spell Checker Settings buttonВідкрийте меню Інструменти > Параметри, перейдіть на вкладку Додатково і натисніть кнопку Параметри перевірки орфографії.Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
In the Spell Checker Settings dialog box, click the Browse button and select the desired folder.У діалоговому вікні Параметри перевірки орфографії, що відображається на екрані, натисніть кнопку Огляд і перейдіть до потрібної папки.Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
For example, if you type koffee instead of coffee and press Enter, ABBYY Lingvo will display a list of spelling suggestions where you can easily spot the correctly spelled coffee.Наприклад, якщо ви введете у рядок уведення слово «koffee» (замість «coffee») і натиснете клавішу Enter, ABBYY Lingvo запропонує варіанти написання слова, серед яких буде потрібне слово — «coffee»:ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
Word as spelt in the user dictionaryСлово у словнику користувачаIntroducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
If you type it with an error, ABBYY Lingvo will display spelling suggestions: Click the required word to open its entry window.Якщо слово набране з помилкою, ABBYY Lingvo запропонує варіанти написання слова: Клацніть мишкою на потрібне слово, щоб відкрити його картку.ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
Paradigms can only be created for words added in the following languages: English, Spanish, Italian, German (old and new spelling), Russian, Ukrainian, and French.Парадигми можна створювати лише для слів таких мов: англійська, іспанська, італійська, німецька (нова та стара орфографія), російська, українська та французька.Introducing ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderгальні відомості про ABBYY FineReaderЗагальні відомості про ABBYY FineReade© ABBYYtroducing ABBYY FineReaderIntroducing ABBYY FineReade© ABBYY
Parts of speech, spelling, punctuation, etc.Частини мови, правопис, пунктуація тощоABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
Shows spelling suggestions for the word entered in the search field.Показує варіанти написання слова з рядка уведення.ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
If the spelling suggestions do not contain the word you need, try using wildcard searchЯкщо у варіантах написання не виявилося потрібного вам слова, використовуйте пошук за маскоюABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
User translations
The part of speech is not specified
- 1.
translation added by ketaum9@gmail.com
Word forms
Basic forms | |
Past | spelled, spelt |
Imperative | spell |
Present Participle (Participle I) | spelling |
Past Participle (Participle II) | spelled, spelt |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I spell | we spell |
you spell | you spell |
he/she/it spells | they spell |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am spelling | we are spelling |
you are spelling | you are spelling |
he/she/it is spelling | they are spelling |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have spelled, spelt | we have spelled, spelt |
you have spelled, spelt | you have spelled, spelt |
he/she/it has spelled, spelt | they have spelled, spelt |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been spelling | we have been spelling |
you have been spelling | you have been spelling |
he/she/it has been spelling | they have been spelling |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I spelled, spelt | we spelled, spelt |
you spelled, spelt | you spelled, spelt |
he/she/it spelled, spelt | they spelled, spelt |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was spelling | we were spelling |
you were spelling | you were spelling |
he/she/it was spelling | they were spelling |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had spelled, spelt | we had spelled, spelt |
you had spelled, spelt | you had spelled, spelt |
he/she/it had spelled, spelt | they had spelled, spelt |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been spelling | we had been spelling |
you had been spelling | you had been spelling |
he/she/it had been spelling | they had been spelling |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will spell | we shall/will spell |
you will spell | you will spell |
he/she/it will spell | they will spell |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be spelling | we shall/will be spelling |
you will be spelling | you will be spelling |
he/she/it will be spelling | they will be spelling |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have spelled, spelt | we shall/will have spelled, spelt |
you will have spelled, spelt | you will have spelled, spelt |
he/she/it will have spelled, spelt | they will have spelled, spelt |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been spelling | we shall/will have been spelling |
you will have been spelling | you will have been spelling |
he/she/it will have been spelling | they will have been spelling |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would spell | we should/would spell |
you would spell | you would spell |
he/she/it would spell | they would spell |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be spelling | we should/would be spelling |
you would be spelling | you would be spelling |
he/she/it would be spelling | they would be spelling |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have spelled, spelt | we should/would have spelled, spelt |
you would have spelled, spelt | you would have spelled, spelt |
he/she/it would have spelled, spelt | they would have spelled, spelt |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been spelling | we should/would have been spelling |
you would have been spelling | you would have been spelling |
he/she/it would have been spelling | they would have been spelling |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am spelled, spelt | we are spelled, spelt |
you are spelled, spelt | you are spelled, spelt |
he/she/it is spelled, spelt | they are spelled, spelt |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being spelled, spelt | we are being spelled, spelt |
you are being spelled, spelt | you are being spelled, spelt |
he/she/it is being spelled, spelt | they are being spelled, spelt |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been spelled, spelt | we have been spelled, spelt |
you have been spelled, spelt | you have been spelled, spelt |
he/she/it has been spelled, spelt | they have been spelled, spelt |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was spelled, spelt | we were spelled, spelt |
you were spelled, spelt | you were spelled, spelt |
he/she/it was spelled, spelt | they were spelled, spelt |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being spelled, spelt | we were being spelled, spelt |
you were being spelled, spelt | you were being spelled, spelt |
he/she/it was being spelled, spelt | they were being spelled, spelt |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been spelled, spelt | we had been spelled, spelt |
you had been spelled, spelt | you had been spelled, spelt |
he/she/it had been spelled, spelt | they had been spelled, spelt |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be spelled, spelt | we shall/will be spelled, spelt |
you will be spelled, spelt | you will be spelled, spelt |
he/she/it will be spelled, spelt | they will be spelled, spelt |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been spelled, spelt | we shall/will have been spelled, spelt |
you will have been spelled, spelt | you will have been spelled, spelt |
he/she/it will have been spelled, spelt | they will have been spelled, spelt |
Singular | Plural | |
Common case | spell | spells |
Possessive case | spell's | spells' |
Basic forms | |
Past | spelled |
Imperative | spell |
Present Participle (Participle I) | spelling |
Past Participle (Participle II) | spelled |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I spell | we spell |
you spell | you spell |
he/she/it spells | they spell |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am spelling | we are spelling |
you are spelling | you are spelling |
he/she/it is spelling | they are spelling |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have spelled | we have spelled |
you have spelled | you have spelled |
he/she/it has spelled | they have spelled |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been spelling | we have been spelling |
you have been spelling | you have been spelling |
he/she/it has been spelling | they have been spelling |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I spelled | we spelled |
you spelled | you spelled |
he/she/it spelled | they spelled |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was spelling | we were spelling |
you were spelling | you were spelling |
he/she/it was spelling | they were spelling |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had spelled | we had spelled |
you had spelled | you had spelled |
he/she/it had spelled | they had spelled |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been spelling | we had been spelling |
you had been spelling | you had been spelling |
he/she/it had been spelling | they had been spelling |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will spell | we shall/will spell |
you will spell | you will spell |
he/she/it will spell | they will spell |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be spelling | we shall/will be spelling |
you will be spelling | you will be spelling |
he/she/it will be spelling | they will be spelling |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have spelled | we shall/will have spelled |
you will have spelled | you will have spelled |
he/she/it will have spelled | they will have spelled |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been spelling | we shall/will have been spelling |
you will have been spelling | you will have been spelling |
he/she/it will have been spelling | they will have been spelling |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would spell | we should/would spell |
you would spell | you would spell |
he/she/it would spell | they would spell |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be spelling | we should/would be spelling |
you would be spelling | you would be spelling |
he/she/it would be spelling | they would be spelling |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have spelled | we should/would have spelled |
you would have spelled | you would have spelled |
he/she/it would have spelled | they would have spelled |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been spelling | we should/would have been spelling |
you would have been spelling | you would have been spelling |
he/she/it would have been spelling | they would have been spelling |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am spelled | we are spelled |
you are spelled | you are spelled |
he/she/it is spelled | they are spelled |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being spelled | we are being spelled |
you are being spelled | you are being spelled |
he/she/it is being spelled | they are being spelled |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been spelled | we have been spelled |
you have been spelled | you have been spelled |
he/she/it has been spelled | they have been spelled |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was spelled | we were spelled |
you were spelled | you were spelled |
he/she/it was spelled | they were spelled |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being spelled | we were being spelled |
you were being spelled | you were being spelled |
he/she/it was being spelled | they were being spelled |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been spelled | we had been spelled |
you had been spelled | you had been spelled |
he/she/it had been spelled | they had been spelled |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be spelled | we shall/will be spelled |
you will be spelled | you will be spelled |
he/she/it will be spelled | they will be spelled |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been spelled | we shall/will have been spelled |
you will have been spelled | you will have been spelled |
he/she/it will have been spelled | they will have been spelled |