The English-Ukrainian Dictionary- The Dictionary is based on the Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language. The sources for the English part of the Dictionary include more than 30 modern dictionaries such as Webster's, Oxford, and Random House as well as bilingual special dictionaries.
- The Dictionary is based on the Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Ukrainian Language. The sources for the English part of the Dictionary include more than 30 modern dictionaries such as Webster's, Oxford, and Random House as well as bilingual special dictionaries.
запис, записування; письмове згадування, письмовий слід (чого-небудь)
реєстрація, облік
протокол (засідання); стенограма; офіційний документ
факти, дані (про кого-небудь); характеристика, репутація; досягнення; результати діяльності
спорт. рекорд
звукозапис; запис (звуку, зображення на плівку); фонограма; фотограма; кінограма
(історичний) пам'ятник (про статую, картину, манускрипт)
(the record) юр. суть справи
юр., діал. показання свідків; свідок
поет. пам'ять
рекордний; небувалий, нечуваний (перен.)
записувати, протоколювати; заносити до списку, до реєстру, до протоколу; реєструвати, фіксувати; показувати (про прилад); записувати (про реєструючий або самописний прилад)
записувати на плівку, платівку; записуватися (про звук); знімати (фото- або кіноапаратом)
співати, заливатися (про птаха)
іст. свідчити
Examples from texts
ABBYY Lingvo x3 contains new recorded pronunciations:ABBYY Lingvo x3 містить нові озвучені слова:ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
Only some dictionaries have recorded pronunciations.Озвучені слова є не в усіх словниках, а лише в деяких.ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
Listening to recorded pronunciationsЯк прослухати вимову словаABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
The following dictionaries contain recorded word pronunciations:Наступні словники містять озвучені слова:ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
Pronunciations of 15,000 English, 10,000 German, 5,000 French, 10,000 Spanish, and 10,000 Ukrainian words recorded by native speakers More: recorded pronunciationsОзвучені носіями мов 15 000 англійських, 10 000 німецьких, 5 000 французьких, 10 000 іспанських і 10 000 українських слів Докладніше: озвучені словаABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
ABBYY Lingvo dictionaries contain word pronunciations recorded only by professional native speakers.Словники ABBYY Lingvo озвучені виключно професійними дикторами-носіями мови.ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
New recorded pronunciationsНові озвучені словаABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
More: recorded pronunciationДокладніше: озвучені словаABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
All words have been recorded by professional narrators — native speakers.Усі слова озвучені професійними дикторами — носіями мови.ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
After that you will get as many forms as there are records in your CSV file.Після цього як ви отримаєте стільки форм, скільки записано у вашому CSV файлі.Features of ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFillerжливості ABBYY FormFillerМожливості ABBYY FormFille© ABBYYatures of ABBYY FormFillerFeatures of ABBYY FormFille© ABBYY
Phrasebooks for 6 languages with recorded pronunciations, including a new Russian-Chinese phrasebook More: phrasebooksОзвучено розмовники для 6 мов, у тому числі новий російсько-китайський розмовник Докладніше: розмовникиABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
Only the most frequently used words have been recorded in dictionaries with sound.В озвучених словниках озвучені не всі слова, а лише ті, що найчастіше використовуються.ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
If a recorded pronunciation is available for a word, it has next to it, which is only displayed in the entries of the dictionaries indicated above.Якщо це слово озвучене, значок з'являється тільки в статті цього слова в одному з перерахованих вище словників, а не в усіх статтях картки.ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
French-Russian dictionary LingvoUniversal (Fr-Ru) — 5,000 words with recorded pronunciations.Французько-російський словник загальної лексики Universal (Fr-Ru) — озвучено 5 000 слів.ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
If you do not see the icon in the entry window, the pronunciation of this word has not been recorded.Якщо ви не бачите значок у картці, це слово не озвучене.ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3BYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYYBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x© ABBYY
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Word forms
Singular | Plural | |
Common case | record | records |
Possessive case | record's | records' |
Basic forms | |
Past | recorded |
Imperative | record |
Present Participle (Participle I) | recording |
Past Participle (Participle II) | recorded |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I record | we record |
you record | you record |
he/she/it records | they record |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am recording | we are recording |
you are recording | you are recording |
he/she/it is recording | they are recording |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have recorded | we have recorded |
you have recorded | you have recorded |
he/she/it has recorded | they have recorded |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been recording | we have been recording |
you have been recording | you have been recording |
he/she/it has been recording | they have been recording |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I recorded | we recorded |
you recorded | you recorded |
he/she/it recorded | they recorded |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was recording | we were recording |
you were recording | you were recording |
he/she/it was recording | they were recording |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had recorded | we had recorded |
you had recorded | you had recorded |
he/she/it had recorded | they had recorded |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been recording | we had been recording |
you had been recording | you had been recording |
he/she/it had been recording | they had been recording |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will record | we shall/will record |
you will record | you will record |
he/she/it will record | they will record |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be recording | we shall/will be recording |
you will be recording | you will be recording |
he/she/it will be recording | they will be recording |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have recorded | we shall/will have recorded |
you will have recorded | you will have recorded |
he/she/it will have recorded | they will have recorded |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been recording | we shall/will have been recording |
you will have been recording | you will have been recording |
he/she/it will have been recording | they will have been recording |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would record | we should/would record |
you would record | you would record |
he/she/it would record | they would record |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be recording | we should/would be recording |
you would be recording | you would be recording |
he/she/it would be recording | they would be recording |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have recorded | we should/would have recorded |
you would have recorded | you would have recorded |
he/she/it would have recorded | they would have recorded |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been recording | we should/would have been recording |
you would have been recording | you would have been recording |
he/she/it would have been recording | they would have been recording |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am recorded | we are recorded |
you are recorded | you are recorded |
he/she/it is recorded | they are recorded |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being recorded | we are being recorded |
you are being recorded | you are being recorded |
he/she/it is being recorded | they are being recorded |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been recorded | we have been recorded |
you have been recorded | you have been recorded |
he/she/it has been recorded | they have been recorded |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was recorded | we were recorded |
you were recorded | you were recorded |
he/she/it was recorded | they were recorded |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being recorded | we were being recorded |
you were being recorded | you were being recorded |
he/she/it was being recorded | they were being recorded |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been recorded | we had been recorded |
you had been recorded | you had been recorded |
he/she/it had been recorded | they had been recorded |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be recorded | we shall/will be recorded |
you will be recorded | you will be recorded |
he/she/it will be recorded | they will be recorded |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been recorded | we shall/will have been recorded |
you will have been recorded | you will have been recorded |
he/she/it will have been recorded | they will have been recorded |