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The Universal Dictionary
  • It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.



  1. сущ.

    1. умбра (природный коричневый пигмент)

    2. коричневый цвет

  2. прил.


  3. гл.

    красить умброй; красить коричневой краской

Biology (En-Ru)



тёмный горбыль (Sciaena umbra)

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Examples from texts

"You must ask Cethlin." She led them down from the ridge to a pavilion of mossy green, and she lifted aside a curtain of dull umber.
- Спросите об этом у Сетлина, - она повела их в зеленую палатку и откинула занавес тускло-янтарного цвета.
Brackett, Leigh / Reavers of SkaithБрэкетт, Ли / Грабители Скэйта
Грабители Скэйта
Брэкетт, Ли
Reavers of Skaith
Brackett, Leigh
© 1976 by Leigh Brackett
In fact there is a natural definition of multiplicity of intersection such that the inequality still hold for umber of points counted with multiplicities and if k is algebraically closed then equality holds.
В действительности имеется естественное определение кратности пересечения, при котором приведенное неравенство выполняется для «числа точек, подсчитанного с кратностями», а если к алгебраически замкнуто, то это неравенство превращается в равенство.
Рид, Майлз / Алгебраическая геометрия для всехReid, Miles / Undergraduate Algebraic Geometry
Undergraduate Algebraic Geometry
Reid, Miles
© Cambridge University Press 1988
Алгебраическая геометрия для всех
Рид, Майлз
© Cambridge University Press 1988
© перевод на русский язык, с авторскими изменениями и дополнениями, Б. 3. Шапиро, 1991
The tinted bulbs and the umber-fabric lampshades produced light the color of caramelized honey.
Тонированные лампы и абажуры из темно-коричневой ткани давали темно-медовый свет.
Koontz, Dean Ray / Brother OddКунц, Дин / Брат Томас
Брат Томас
Кунц, Дин
© Перевод. В. А. Вебер, 2007
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2007
© 2006 by Dean Koontz
Brother Odd
Koontz, Dean Ray
© 2006 by Dean Koontz
and the next moment the fog settled down again upon that part, as brown as umber, and cut him off from his blackguardly surroundings.
Затем бурый, точно глина, туман вновь сомкнулся и скрыл от него окружающее убожество.
Stevenson, Robert Louis / The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeСтивенсон, Роберт Луис / Странная история доктора Джекила и мистера Хайда
Странная история доктора Джекила и мистера Хайда
Стивенсон, Роберт Луис
© Издательство "Правда", 1967
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Stevenson, Robert Louis
© 2008 Waldman Publishing Corp.
I threw back the sheet with Libbit going Shhhh, seized my Burnt Umber from my pack - now it didn't seem to matter whose pencils I used - and sketched the kitchen again.
Я перевернул страницу, на которой Либбит говорила: «Тс-с-с-с!» — достал из поясной сумки тёмно-коричневый карандаш (теперь уже не имело значения, чьим карандашом я пользовался) и вновь нарисовал кухню.
King, Stephen / Duma KeyКинг, Стивен / Дьюма-Ки
Кинг, Стивен
© Перевод В.А. Вебер, 2008
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
© Stephen King, 2008
Duma Key
King, Stephen
© 2008 by Stephen King

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burnt umber
жженая умбра
umber brown
raw umber
натуральная умбра

Word forms


Common caseumber*umbers
Possessive caseumber's*umbers'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)umbering
Past Participle (Participle II)umbered
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I umberwe umber
you umberyou umber
he/she/it umbersthey umber
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am umberingwe are umbering
you are umberingyou are umbering
he/she/it is umberingthey are umbering
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have umberedwe have umbered
you have umberedyou have umbered
he/she/it has umberedthey have umbered
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been umberingwe have been umbering
you have been umberingyou have been umbering
he/she/it has been umberingthey have been umbering
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I umberedwe umbered
you umberedyou umbered
he/she/it umberedthey umbered
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was umberingwe were umbering
you were umberingyou were umbering
he/she/it was umberingthey were umbering
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had umberedwe had umbered
you had umberedyou had umbered
he/she/it had umberedthey had umbered
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been umberingwe had been umbering
you had been umberingyou had been umbering
he/she/it had been umberingthey had been umbering
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will umberwe shall/will umber
you will umberyou will umber
he/she/it will umberthey will umber
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be umberingwe shall/will be umbering
you will be umberingyou will be umbering
he/she/it will be umberingthey will be umbering
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have umberedwe shall/will have umbered
you will have umberedyou will have umbered
he/she/it will have umberedthey will have umbered
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been umberingwe shall/will have been umbering
you will have been umberingyou will have been umbering
he/she/it will have been umberingthey will have been umbering
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would umberwe should/would umber
you would umberyou would umber
he/she/it would umberthey would umber
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be umberingwe should/would be umbering
you would be umberingyou would be umbering
he/she/it would be umberingthey would be umbering
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have umberedwe should/would have umbered
you would have umberedyou would have umbered
he/she/it would have umberedthey would have umbered
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been umberingwe should/would have been umbering
you would have been umberingyou would have been umbering
he/she/it would have been umberingthey would have been umbering
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am umberedwe are umbered
you are umberedyou are umbered
he/she/it is umberedthey are umbered
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being umberedwe are being umbered
you are being umberedyou are being umbered
he/she/it is being umberedthey are being umbered
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been umberedwe have been umbered
you have been umberedyou have been umbered
he/she/it has been umberedthey have been umbered
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was umberedwe were umbered
you were umberedyou were umbered
he/she/it was umberedthey were umbered
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being umberedwe were being umbered
you were being umberedyou were being umbered
he/she/it was being umberedthey were being umbered
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been umberedwe had been umbered
you had been umberedyou had been umbered
he/she/it had been umberedthey had been umbered
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be umberedwe shall/will be umbered
you will be umberedyou will be umbered
he/she/it will be umberedthey will be umbered
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been umberedwe shall/will have been umbered
you will have been umberedyou will have been umbered
he/she/it will have been umberedthey will have been umbered