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without examplesFound in 1 dictionary

Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Automation
  • Сontains over 100,000 terms on:
  • - metal working,
  • - machine-building materials,
  • - metal research and machine parts,
  • - terms relating to numerically controlled and CTP machines,
  • - metal cutting tools,
  • - robotics, etc.


  1. перемещаемый по рельсам; рельсовый

  2. перемещаемый по транспортной ленте (о грузах)

Examples from texts

Of these, four armoured personnel carriers are required to replace the existing fleet of United Nations owned tracked armoured personnel carriers, which have reached the end of their useful lives.
Из них четыре бронетранспортера необходимы для замены существующего парка принадлежащих Организации Объединенных Наций гусеничных бронетранспортеров, у которых вышел срок эксплуатации.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
You've probably made many more agreements with yourself than you realize, and every single one of them-big or little—is being tracked by a less-than-conscious part of you.
Вы, вероятно, заключили гораздо больше компромиссов сами с собой, чем подозреваете, и каждый из них — серьезный или нет — откладывается у вас в подсознании.
Allen, David / Getting Things DoneАллен, Дэвид,Далхаймер, Маттиас Калле / Как привести дела в порядок
Как привести дела в порядок
Аллен, Дэвид,Далхаймер, Маттиас Калле
© David Allen. 2001, 2003
© Издательский дом "Вильямс". 2007
Getting Things Done
Allen, David
© David Allen, 2001
He had tracked her only as far as her automobile.
Но он смог выследить только автомобиль.
Brown, Sandra / RicochetБраун, Сандра / Рикошет
Браун, Сандра
© 2006 by Sandra Brown Management Ltd.
© Перевод. С. Панина, 2010
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2010
Brown, Sandra
© 2006 by Sandra Brown Management Ltd.
"To say I had tracked a fox were nearer the mark," thought Quentin, but gave the reply no utterance.
«Вернее было бы сказать, что я выследил лисицу», — подумал Квентин, но ничего не ответил.
Scott, Walter / Quentin DurwardСкотт, Вальтер / Квентин Дорвард
Квентин Дорвард
Скотт, Вальтер
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1964
Quentin Durward
Scott, Walter
© 2009 by Seven Treasures Publications
Baseline scheduling and cost estimates along with scope definition will be tracked and reported on a monthly basis.
Выполнение первоначального графика проекта, соответствие фактических затрат расчетным и содержание проекта должны отслеживаться ежемесячно.
Kendall, Gerald I.,Rollins, Steven C. / Advanced Project Portfolio Management and the PMO: Multiplying ROI at Warp SpeedКендалл, Джеральд И.,Роллинз, Стивен К. / Современные методы управления портфелями проектов и Офис управления проектами. Максимизация ROI.
Современные методы управления портфелями проектов и Офис управления проектами. Максимизация ROI.
Кендалл, Джеральд И.,Роллинз, Стивен К.
© J. Ross Publishing, Inc., 2003
© ЗАО «ПМСОФТ», 2004
Advanced Project Portfolio Management and the PMO: Multiplying ROI at Warp Speed
Kendall, Gerald I.,Rollins, Steven C.
©2003 by International Institute for Learning, Inc.
©2003 by J. Ross Publishing, Inc.
Carl’s eyes tracked a thin form slinking out of the CP trailer.
Из командного пункта-трейлера выскользнула тощая фигура.
Iles, Greg / Third DegreeАйлс, Грег / Заложники страха
Заложники страха
Айлс, Грег
© ООО Издательство "АСТ-Москва", 2009
© Перевод, И. Метлицкая, 2009
© 2007 by Greg Iles
Third Degree
Iles, Greg
© 2007 by Greg Iles
When the crimson flower swallowed my duplicate together with the tracked vehicle, somebody's gay bass voice exclaimed: "Who claims man as the crown of creation, raise your hand!"
Когда малиновый цветок проглотил моего двойника вместе со снегоходом, чей-то весёлый басок воскликнул: — Кто считает человека венцом мироздания, поднимите руки!
Abramov, Aleksandr,Abramov, Sergei / Horsemen from NowhereАбрамов, Александр,Абрамов, Сергей / Всадники из ниоткуда
Всадники из ниоткуда
Абрамов, Александр,Абрамов, Сергей
© Издательство «Детская литература», 1968 г.
Horsemen from Nowhere
Abramov, Aleksandr,Abramov, Sergei
© Mir Publishers, 1969
Evan’s eyes tracked him, but he hadn’t stirred from his seat.
Макганн молча смотрел на него, не двигаясь с места.
Sakey, Marcus / The Blade ItselfСэйки, Маркус / По лезвию ножа
По лезвию ножа
Сэйки, Маркус
© 2007 by Marcus Sakey
© Перевод. А.И.Ахмерова, 2009
© ООО "Издательство "АСТ", 2009
The Blade Itself
Sakey, Marcus
© 2007 by Marcus Sakey
I'd done bounties and I'd tracked down stolen objects, but I'd never done corporate espionage or thieving before.
После этого я начала ловить преступников, разыскивать украденные вещи, однако категорически отказалась заниматься промышленным шпионажем и кражами.
Saintcrow, Lilith / Dead Man RisingСэйнткроу, Лилит / Возвращение мертвеца
Возвращение мертвеца
Сэйнткроу, Лилит
© Перевод. С. Теремязева, 2009
© Издание на руском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009
© 2006 by Lilith Saintcrow
Dead Man Rising
Saintcrow, Lilith
© 2006 by Lilith Saintcrow
The environment was pumping her up; the urge to fight was stronger than when she'd tracked Raven.
Она чувствовала себя пробкой, которую выталкивает на поверхность воды, жажда битвы стала сильнее, чем во время преследования Рейвен.
Banks, L.A. / The AwakeningБэнкс, Л.А. / Пробуждение
Бэнкс, Л.А.
The Awakening
Banks, L.A.
© 2003 by Leslie Esdaile
When we tracked you, as you fought the beast, he told me he would leave the Farlain if you did not survive.
Когда зверь гнался за вами и мы шли по вашим следам, он сказал мне, что, если ты погибнешь, он уйдет из Фарлена.
Gemmell, David / The Hawk EternalГеммел, Дэвид / Вечный ястреб
Вечный ястреб
Геммел, Дэвид
The Hawk Eternal
Gemmell, David
© 1995 by David A. Gemmell
"They tracked Shaiaasu," he said softly.
— Они следили за Шаясом, — негромко проговорил он.
Weber, David,White, Steve / In Death GroundВебер, Дэвид,Уайт, Стив / Земля смерти
Земля смерти
Вебер, Дэвид,Уайт, Стив
In Death Ground
Weber, David,White, Steve
© 1997 by David Weber & Steve White
On a day in the summer which began our sixth year Josella and I went down to the coast together, traveling there in the half-tracked vehicle that I customarily used now that the roads were growing so bad.
Однажды летом шестого года мы с Джозеллой отправились вдвоем на морское побережье. Мы поехали в полугусеничном вездеходе, которым я обычно пользовался теперь, когда дороги сильно ухудшились.
Wyndham, John / The Day of the TriffidsУиндем, Джон / День триффидов
День триффидов
Уиндем, Джон
© 1951 by John Wyndham
© Перевод. С. Бережков, 2009
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009
The Day of the Triffids
Wyndham, John
© 1979 by Grace Isabel Harris
© 1951 by Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc.
But one of them yet remained in the darkness before her; and while she tracked that one she must be right.
Но ушел только один, другая еще здесь, в темноте, и пока ее след не потерян, ошибки быть не может.
Dickens, Charles / Hard TimesДиккенс, Чарльз / Тяжелые времена
Тяжелые времена
Диккенс, Чарльз
© Государаственное издательство художественной литературы, 1960
Hard Times
Dickens, Charles
© Wordsworth Editions Limited 1995
"Somehow the cousins tracked me down,' he said.
— Дело в том, что неугомонные братцы моей неудавшейся невесты все равно напали на мой след, — сказал он.
Eddings, David / The Ruby KnightЭддингс, Дэвид / Рубиновый рыцарь
Рубиновый рыцарь
Эддингс, Дэвид
The Ruby Knight
Eddings, David
© 1990 by David Eddings

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перемещаемый по рельсам; рельсовый

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acoustically tracked current profiler
акустически отслеживаемый профилограф течений
acoustically tracked dropsonde
сбрасываемый радиозонд с акустическим слежением
half-tracked vehicle
satellite-tracked buoy
буй, контролируемый с ИСЗ
tracked crane
гусеничный кран
с оптическим сопровождением
tracked vehicle
гусеничная машина
tracked vehicle
гусеничное транспортное средство
tracked mobile launcher
подвижная гусеничная установка
tracked rocket launcher
пусковая установка на гусеничном ходу
tracked vehicle
гусеничный автомобиль
double-tracked plane
двухпутевой бремсберг
tracked gravity incline
рельсовый бремсберг
rail-tracked transporter
рельсовая тележка

Word forms


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)tracking
Past Participle (Participle II)tracked
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I trackwe track
you trackyou track
he/she/it tracksthey track
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am trackingwe are tracking
you are trackingyou are tracking
he/she/it is trackingthey are tracking
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have trackedwe have tracked
you have trackedyou have tracked
he/she/it has trackedthey have tracked
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been trackingwe have been tracking
you have been trackingyou have been tracking
he/she/it has been trackingthey have been tracking
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I trackedwe tracked
you trackedyou tracked
he/she/it trackedthey tracked
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was trackingwe were tracking
you were trackingyou were tracking
he/she/it was trackingthey were tracking
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had trackedwe had tracked
you had trackedyou had tracked
he/she/it had trackedthey had tracked
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been trackingwe had been tracking
you had been trackingyou had been tracking
he/she/it had been trackingthey had been tracking
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will trackwe shall/will track
you will trackyou will track
he/she/it will trackthey will track
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be trackingwe shall/will be tracking
you will be trackingyou will be tracking
he/she/it will be trackingthey will be tracking
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have trackedwe shall/will have tracked
you will have trackedyou will have tracked
he/she/it will have trackedthey will have tracked
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been trackingwe shall/will have been tracking
you will have been trackingyou will have been tracking
he/she/it will have been trackingthey will have been tracking
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would trackwe should/would track
you would trackyou would track
he/she/it would trackthey would track
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be trackingwe should/would be tracking
you would be trackingyou would be tracking
he/she/it would be trackingthey would be tracking
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have trackedwe should/would have tracked
you would have trackedyou would have tracked
he/she/it would have trackedthey would have tracked
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been trackingwe should/would have been tracking
you would have been trackingyou would have been tracking
he/she/it would have been trackingthey would have been tracking
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am trackedwe are tracked
you are trackedyou are tracked
he/she/it is trackedthey are tracked
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being trackedwe are being tracked
you are being trackedyou are being tracked
he/she/it is being trackedthey are being tracked
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been trackedwe have been tracked
you have been trackedyou have been tracked
he/she/it has been trackedthey have been tracked
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was trackedwe were tracked
you were trackedyou were tracked
he/she/it was trackedthey were tracked
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being trackedwe were being tracked
you were being trackedyou were being tracked
he/she/it was being trackedthey were being tracked
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been trackedwe had been tracked
you had been trackedyou had been tracked
he/she/it had been trackedthey had been tracked
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be trackedwe shall/will be tracked
you will be trackedyou will be tracked
he/she/it will be trackedthey will be tracked
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been trackedwe shall/will have been tracked
you will have been trackedyou will have been tracked
he/she/it will have been trackedthey will have been tracked