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[tæn] брит. / амер.

  1. сущ.

    1. дубильная кора

    2. жёлто-коричневый цвет

    3. загар

    4. (tans) одежда, обувь жёлто-коричневого цвета

  2. прил.

    желтовато-коричневый; рыжевато-коричневый

  3. гл.

    1. дубить (кожу)

      1. загорать

      2. обжигать кожу (о солнце)

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Examples from texts

Then, as he lay on his back and smoked a pipe, he mused on how he would lay out the rest of the money--what dogs he would procure, real Kostroma hounds, spot and tan, and no mistake!
Потом помечтал, лежа на спине и покуривая трубочку, о том, как он распорядится с остальными деньгами, – а именно, каких он раздобудет собак: настоящих костромских и непременно красно-пегих!
Тургенев, И.С. / Записки охотника т.2Turgenev, I.S. / A Sportsman's Sketches v.2
A Sportsman's Sketches v.2
Turgenev, I.S.
© 2006 BiblioBazaar
Записки охотника т.2
Тургенев, И.С.
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1975
Even this early in the year, she had tan lines around her hips.
Даже в это время года на бедрах ее виднелась светлая полоска.
Butcher, Jim / Storm FrontБатчер, Джим / Гроза из Преисподней
Гроза из Преисподней
Батчер, Джим
© Jim Butcher, 2000
© Перевод Н.К. Кудряшев, 2006
© Издание на русском языке AST Publishers, 2010
Storm Front
Butcher, Jim
© Jim Butcher, 2000
His Calla tan was thin paint over an immense pallor.
Загар, приобретенный в Кэлле, превратился в тонкую пленку, едва скрывавшую бледность.
King, Stephen / The Dark Tower 6: The Song of SusannahКинг, Стивен / Темная башня 6: Песнь Сюзанны
Темная башня 6: Песнь Сюзанны
Кинг, Стивен
The Dark Tower 6: The Song of Susannah
King, Stephen
© 2004 by Stephen King
The new stuff felt stiff, but it looked pretty good in the mirror, against his tan. He came back out.
Новая была немного жесткой, но отлично гармонировала с его загаром. Он несколько минут разглядывал себя в зеркале, затем вышел.
Child, Lee / TripwireЧайлд, Ли / Ловушка
Чайлд, Ли
© 1999 by Lee Child
© Перевод. В. Гольдич, И. Оганесова, 2009
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009
Child, Lee
© 1999 by Lee Child
His knee-length tan synthwool coat flapped desultorily in the faint breeze; the clouds scudded in earnest over the sun.
Его плащ из синтетической шерсти колыхался под ветром — набежавшие облака уже скрывали солнце.
Saintcrow, Lilith / Saint City SinnersСэйнткроу, Лилит / Грешники Святого города
Грешники Святого города
Сэйнткроу, Лилит
Saint City Sinners
Saintcrow, Lilith
© 2007 by Lilith Saintcrow
"Besides a nice tan in the summer."
— Разве что летом позагорать.
Zahn, Timothy / The Green And The GrayЗан, Тимоти / Зеленые и серые
Зеленые и серые
Зан, Тимоти
The Green And The Gray
Zahn, Timothy
© 2004 by Timothy Zahn
The tan had come from a bottle or salon, as had the piled auburn hair.
Ее загар был явно искусственным — из тюбика или из салона красоты, — равно как и красновато-коричневый цвет волос.
Rankin, Ian / The Naming of the DeadРэнкин, Иэн / Перекличка мертвых
Перекличка мертвых
Рэнкин, Иэн
© John Rebus Ltd 2006
© Ю. Вейсберг, перевод на русский язык, 2009
© ООО "Издательская группа Аттикус", Издательство "Иностранка" 2009
The Naming of the Dead
Rankin, Ian
© John Rebus Ltd 2006
He stood beside a tan horse and leaned upon a lance about which was twined a rope of flowers.
Он стоял рядом с гнедым конем, опираясь на копье, увенчанное гирляндой цветов.
Zelazny, Roger / Nine Princes in AmberЖелязны, Роджер / Девять принцев Эмбера
Девять принцев Эмбера
Желязны, Роджер
© 1974, 1975 by Universal Publishing and Distributing Corporation
© 1970 by Roger Zelazny
© перевод М. Гилинский
Nine Princes in Amber
Zelazny, Roger
© 1970 by Roger Zelazny
© 1974, 1975 by Universal Publishing and Distributing Corporation
He had taken what he now saw was the wrong pair to go with his spats; they should have been grey, but were deerskin of a dark tan; whether to keep them on or not he could not decide.
Он только теперь заметил, что надел не ту пару — эти перчатки не подходили к его гетрам; они должны быть серые, а это была темно-коричневая замша; остаться в них или снять их — он никак не мог решить.
Galsworthy, John / In ChanceryГолсуорси, Джон / В петле
В петле
Голсуорси, Джон
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство""Эксмо", 2003
In Chancery
Galsworthy, John
© 1920 by Charles Scribner's Sons
© 1920 by The International Magazine Co.
Either Billy or Charlie had obviously cleaned it up, but the tan upholstered seats still smelled faintly of tobacco, gasoline, and peppermint.
Наверняка в ней убрался Чарли или Билли, кожаная обивка сидений пахла табаком, бензином и мятной жвачкой.
Meyer, Stephenie / TwilightМайер, Стефани / Сумерки
Майер, Стефани
© А. Ахмерова, 2007
© Издание на русском языке AST Publishers
© Stephenie Meyer, 2005
Meyer, Stephenie
© 2005 by Stephenie Meyer
Her hair was her striking feature—glossy black, parted on the left and severely pulled back into a single tight braid that reached below the nape of her neck; warm brown eyes, no make-up, a fading tan.
Самой броской черточкой в облике Жаннет были ее волосы — черные и блестящие, зачесанные налево и туго стянутые узкой ленточкой, они спадали до плеч. Теплые карие глаза, отсутствие макияжа, легкий загар.
Wilson, Paul Francis / HostsВилсон, Пол Фрэнсис / Пожиратели сознания
Пожиратели сознания
Вилсон, Пол Фрэнсис
Wilson, Paul Francis
© 2001 by F. Paul Wilson
It was a tan, stucco condo, set into a community of other condos that tried desperately to be as hip as new construction in Seattle could manage.
То было желто-коричневое здание, в окружении других таких же, с безуспешной претензией на стильность архитектуры.
Mead, Richelle / Succubus DreamsМид, Райчел / Сны суккуба
Сны суккуба
Мид, Райчел
© И. Шаргородская, перевод на русский язык, 2010
© Издание на русском языке, ООО "Издательство"Эксмо", 2010
© 2008 by Richelle Mead
Succubus Dreams
Mead, Richelle
© 2008 by Richelle Mead
Bending down to pick up the furled golf umbrella he brought along in case it rained again, Harry smiles to see that his walking Nikes are coated with a pink-tan dust just like these black boys' sneakers.
Нагнувшись за своим сложенным зонтом, который он прихватил на случай нового непредвиденного дождя, Гарри улыбается: его кроссовки теперь густо присыпаны розовой пылью, в точности как кеды троих чернокожих мальчишек.
Updike, John / Rabbit At RestАпдайк, Джон / Кролик успокоился
Кролик успокоился
Апдайк, Джон
© Перевод. Н. Роговская, 2009
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
© John Updike, 1990
Rabbit At Rest
Updike, John
© 1990 by John Updike
And his socks were of a shade of tan that did not appeal to me.
Носки у него были каштанового цвета, который тоже не нравился мне.
O.Henry / Let Me Feel your PulseГенри, О. / Дайте пощупать ваш пульс!
Дайте пощупать ваш пульс!
Генри, О.
Let Me Feel your Pulse
He wore a dark blue demob suit, already shiny at the elbows and the cuffs, and his face was sallow with a tired tropical tan.
На нем был синий костюм демобилизованного, уже залоснившийся на локтях и обшлагах, лицо желтело застаревшим тропическим загаром.
Waters, Sarah / The Night WatchУотерс, Сара / Ночной дозор
Ночной дозор
Уотерс, Сара
© 2006 by Sarah Waters
© А. Сафронов, перевод с английского, 2008
© Издание на русском языке, ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008
The Night Watch
Waters, Sarah
© 2006 by Sarah Waters

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tænNounдубильная кора

User translations

The part of speech is not specified

  1. 1.


    translation added by Alexander Аkimov
    Gold ru-en
  2. 2.


    translation added by Masha Fox
  3. 3.

    transaction authentication number-аутентификационный номер транзакции-вид двухфакторной аутентификации,при использовании интернет-банкинга клиенту выдается бумажка с заранее сформированным списком одноразовых паролей, вводимые один за другим при каждом входе в систему и/или совершении транзакции.

    translation added by Michael Gabrawy


black and tan
коктейль из светлого и темного пива
black and tan
черный с рыжими подпалинами
tan bark
дубильная кора
tan liquor
дубильный раствор
tan liquor
дубильный сок
tan smb.'s hide
избить кого-л
tan smb.'s hide
tan smb.'s hide
tan smb.'s hide
сурово наказать кого-л
tan-chord angle
угол между касательной и хордой
дубильный чан
tan smb's hide
getting a tan
acquire / get a tan
to acquire a tan

Word forms


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)tanning
Past Participle (Participle II)tanned
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I tanwe tan
you tanyou tan
he/she/it tansthey tan
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am tanningwe are tanning
you are tanningyou are tanning
he/she/it is tanningthey are tanning
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have tannedwe have tanned
you have tannedyou have tanned
he/she/it has tannedthey have tanned
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been tanningwe have been tanning
you have been tanningyou have been tanning
he/she/it has been tanningthey have been tanning
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I tannedwe tanned
you tannedyou tanned
he/she/it tannedthey tanned
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was tanningwe were tanning
you were tanningyou were tanning
he/she/it was tanningthey were tanning
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had tannedwe had tanned
you had tannedyou had tanned
he/she/it had tannedthey had tanned
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been tanningwe had been tanning
you had been tanningyou had been tanning
he/she/it had been tanningthey had been tanning
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will tanwe shall/will tan
you will tanyou will tan
he/she/it will tanthey will tan
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be tanningwe shall/will be tanning
you will be tanningyou will be tanning
he/she/it will be tanningthey will be tanning
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have tannedwe shall/will have tanned
you will have tannedyou will have tanned
he/she/it will have tannedthey will have tanned
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been tanningwe shall/will have been tanning
you will have been tanningyou will have been tanning
he/she/it will have been tanningthey will have been tanning
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would tanwe should/would tan
you would tanyou would tan
he/she/it would tanthey would tan
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be tanningwe should/would be tanning
you would be tanningyou would be tanning
he/she/it would be tanningthey would be tanning
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have tannedwe should/would have tanned
you would have tannedyou would have tanned
he/she/it would have tannedthey would have tanned
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been tanningwe should/would have been tanning
you would have been tanningyou would have been tanning
he/she/it would have been tanningthey would have been tanning
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am tannedwe are tanned
you are tannedyou are tanned
he/she/it is tannedthey are tanned
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being tannedwe are being tanned
you are being tannedyou are being tanned
he/she/it is being tannedthey are being tanned
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been tannedwe have been tanned
you have been tannedyou have been tanned
he/she/it has been tannedthey have been tanned
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was tannedwe were tanned
you were tannedyou were tanned
he/she/it was tannedthey were tanned
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being tannedwe were being tanned
you were being tannedyou were being tanned
he/she/it was being tannedthey were being tanned
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been tannedwe had been tanned
you had been tannedyou had been tanned
he/she/it had been tannedthey had been tanned
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be tannedwe shall/will be tanned
you will be tannedyou will be tanned
he/she/it will be tannedthey will be tanned
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been tannedwe shall/will have been tanned
you will have been tannedyou will have been tanned
he/she/it will have been tannedthey will have been tanned


Common casetantans
Possessive casetan'stans'


Positive degreetan
Comparative degreetanner
Superlative degreetannest