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[sɔːlt] брит. sound1 sound4 sound2 sound3 sound sound2 / амер. sound1 sound4 sound2 sound3 sound sound2

  1. сущ.

    1. соль; пищевая, поваренная соль

    2. хим. соль

    3. (salts) фарм. слабительная соль

    4. (salts) = smelling salts нюхательная соль

    5. соль, изюминка (высказывания и т. п.), острота

    6. остроумие, находчивость

    7. = saltcellar

    8. разг.; = old salt морской волк, просоленный ветрами моряк

  2. прил.

      1. солёный; содержащий соль; солевой

      2. засоленный, просоленный

      3. горький, жгучий (о слезах)

    1. соляной

      1. непристойный, скабрёзный (о шутках, историях и т. п.)

      2. едкий, острый (об остроумии, юморе)

    2. разг. слишком высокий, бешеный (о налоге, цене и т. п.)

  3. гл.

      1. солить; посыпать солью

      2. = salt down / away солить, засаливать (консервировать в рассоле или с помощью соли)

    1. придавать остроту, пикантность (высказыванию, словам и т. п.)

Physics (En-Ru)



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Examples from texts

It seemed to Andrey Yefimitch as though a huge salt wave enveloped him from his head downwards and dragged him to the bed; there really was a salt taste in his mouth: most likely the blood was running from his teeth.
Андрею Ефимычу показалось, что громадная соленая волна накрыла его с головой и потащила к кровати; в самом деле, во рту было солоно: вероятно, из зубов пошла кровь.
Чехов, А.П. / Палата No. 6Chekhov, A. / Ward No. 6
Ward No. 6
Chekhov, A.
© 2009 Rowland Classics
Палата No. 6
Чехов, А.П.
© Издательство "Наука", 1974
1.56 g sodium salt of the D-glucuronic acid of the crystal hydrate are dissolved in 10 ml water, then it is passed through a column which is filled with 10 g cation exchanger resin KU-2.
Растворяют 1.56 г натриевой соли D-глюкуроновой кислоты кристаллогидрата в 10 мл воды, пропускают через колонку, заполненную 10 г катионообменной смолы КУ-2.
The first morning I came back from the office I found Katerina Ivanovna had cooked two courses for dinner- soup and salt meat with horse radish- which we had never dreamed of till then.
Пришел я в первый день поутру со службы, смотрю: Катерина Ивановна два блюда сготовила, суп и солонину под хреном, о чем и понятия до сих пор не имелось.
Достоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказаниеDostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
© 2009 Rhodes Media
Преступление и наказание
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1970
In addition, the cleaning of the Na salt of D-glucuronic acid leads to elaborate and environmentally harmful operating sequences for the extraction by dimethyl sulphoxide, and furthermore to a deposition of the product with acetone.
Кроме того, процесс очистки Na-соли D-глюкуроновой кислоты требует затратных и загрязняющих окружающую среду процедур экстракции с помощью диметилсульфоксида и последующего осаждения продукта ацетоном.
The control composition for comparative tests comprised 600 ml salt solution with a supplement of 7.2 g mannitol and 80 ml of a 20% albumin solution.
Контрольный состав для сравнительных исследований содержал 600 мл солево го раствора с добавлением 7,2 г маннитола и 80 мл 20% раствора альбумина.
With this system of saving, that is in beggary, one must live on bread and salt and nothing more, to save up such sums; at least, so I imagine.
Между тем при этом способе накопления, то есть при нищенстве, нужно питаться, чтобы скопить такие деньги, хлебом с солью и более ничем; по крайней мере я так понимаю.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw YouthДостоевский, Фёдор / Подросток
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Советская Россия", 1979
A Raw Youth
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
These good monks, protesting that they knew nothing and thus angering the evil ones, had their hands and feet cut off, salt being put in their wounds before they died.
Будучи допрошены, добрые иноки повторяли, говоря, что ничего не знают, и тем прогневили злодеев, и им отрубили руки и ступни ног и посыпали раны солью, пока те были еще живы.
Kostova, Elisabeth / The HistorianКостова, Элизабет / Историк
Костова, Элизабет
© Перевод. Г. Соловьева, 2005
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2005
© Elizabeth Kostova, 2005
The Historian
Kostova, Elisabeth
© 2005 by Elizabeth Kostova
Method for producing a mechanically activated amorphocrystalline gluconic acid calcium salt composition with pharmaceutically acceptable excipients.
Способ получения механоактивированной аморфно-кристаллической композиции кальциевой соли глюконовой кислоты с фармацевтически приемлемыми эксципиентами.
A more convenient way to perform the Hunsdiecker reaction is by use of a mixture of the acid and mercuric oxide instead of the salt, since the silver salt must be very pure and dry and such pure silver salts are often not easy to prepare.
Для реакции Хунсдиккера требуются очень чистые и сухие серебряные соли, которые нелегко приготовить, поэтому более удобным способом проведения реакции является использование вместо соли смеси кислоты и оксида ртути (II).
March, Jerry,Smith, Michael B. / March's advanced organic chemistry: reactions, mechanisms, and structureМарч, Джерри / Органическая химия. Реакции, механизмы и структура. Том 3
Органическая химия. Реакции, механизмы и структура. Том 3
Марч, Джерри
© 1985 by John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
© перевод на русский язык, «Мир», 1987
March's advanced organic chemistry: reactions, mechanisms, and structure
March, Jerry,Smith, Michael B.
© 2007 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
As crystalline substances, preparation contains inorganic salt of potassium, magnesium, calcium or sodium, saccharose, glucose, fructose, maltose, lactose, rhamnose, ribose, dextrose or their mixture are used as crystalline substances.
В качестве кристаллических веществ используют неорганическую соль калия, магния, кальция или натрия, сахарозу, глюкозу, фруктозу, мальтозу, лактозу, рамнозу, рибозу, декстрозу или их смесь.
She had popcorn, drowned in butter and salt, the fat cat stretched across her feet keeping them nice and warm.
У нее был попкорн, пропитанный маслом и солью, толстый кот растянулся у нее в ногах, отчего ступням было приятно и тепло.
Robb, J.D. / Creation In DeathРобертс, Нора / Образ смерти
Образ смерти
Робертс, Нора
© 2007 by Nora Roberts
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009
© Перевод. Н. Миронова, 2009
Creation In Death
Robb, J.D.
© 2007 by Nora Roberts
Na-succinyl-L-tryptophane disodium salt (II)
Ди-натриевая соль Ка-сукцинил-L-триптофана (II)
The stomach is reacting to salt and demands water to quickly flush the salt out through the kidneys .
Желудок реагирует на чужеродное вещество, предпринимая быструю попытку вымыть его с током воды через почки.
Bragg, Paul C.,Bragg, Patricia / The Miracle Of FastingБрэгг, Поль / Чудо голодания
Чудо голодания
Брэгг, Поль
© Издательство "Наука", 1990 г.
The Miracle Of Fasting
Bragg, Paul C.,Bragg, Patricia
© by Health Science
On the day of my husband's funeral I am turned out of my lodgings! After eating my bread and salt she turns me into the street, with my orphans!
В день похорон мужа гонят с квартиры, после моего хлеба-соли, на улицу, с сиротами!
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказание
Преступление и наказание
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1970
Crime and Punishment
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
© 2009 Rhodes Media
The shift produced by this field, known as the Knight shift, is measured by noting the difference in resonant frequency between the metallic element in (for example) a nonparamagnetic salt, and in the metallic state.
Сдвиг, обусловленный этим полем, называется сдвигом Найта; его можно определить по разности частот ядерного магнитного резонанса для атома металла, находящегося, например, в составе непарамагнитной соли и непосредственно в металле.
Ашкрофт, Н.,Мермин, Д. / Физика твердого телаAshcroft, Neil,Mermin, David / Solid state physics
Solid state physics
Ashcroft, Neil,Mermin, David
© 1976 by Harcourt, lnc
Физика твердого тела
Ашкрофт, Н.,Мермин, Д.

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sɔːlt sound1 sound4 sound2 sound3 sound sound2 Nounсоль; пищевая; поваренная сольExamples

garlic salt — соль с чесноком
onion salt — соль с луком
dash / pinch of salt — щепотка соли
spoonful of salt — ложка соли
to pour salt — сыпать соль

User translations


  1. 1.


    translation added by Wixard Pandora
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  2. 2.


    translation added by Ирина Щукина
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The part of speech is not specified

  1. 1.


    translation added by Mohammed Janabi
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acid salt
кислая соль
acid-salt bath
кислотно-солевая ванна
alkali salt
соль щелочного металла
alkaline salt
щелочная соль
bay salt
осадочная морская соль
bay salt
осадочная озерная соль
basic salt solution
основной соляной раствор
Bechgaard salt
бехгардовская соль
bile salt agar
желчный агар
bitter salt
горькая соль
capping salt
садочная соль-новосадка
common salt
поваренная соль
common salt
хлорид натрия
complex salt electrolyte
электролит, состоящий из комплексных солей металлов

Word forms


Common casesaltsalts
Possessive casesalt'ssalts'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)salting
Past Participle (Participle II)salted
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I saltwe salt
you saltyou salt
he/she/it saltsthey salt
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am saltingwe are salting
you are saltingyou are salting
he/she/it is saltingthey are salting
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have saltedwe have salted
you have saltedyou have salted
he/she/it has saltedthey have salted
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been saltingwe have been salting
you have been saltingyou have been salting
he/she/it has been saltingthey have been salting
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I saltedwe salted
you saltedyou salted
he/she/it saltedthey salted
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was saltingwe were salting
you were saltingyou were salting
he/she/it was saltingthey were salting
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had saltedwe had salted
you had saltedyou had salted
he/she/it had saltedthey had salted
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been saltingwe had been salting
you had been saltingyou had been salting
he/she/it had been saltingthey had been salting
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will saltwe shall/will salt
you will saltyou will salt
he/she/it will saltthey will salt
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be saltingwe shall/will be salting
you will be saltingyou will be salting
he/she/it will be saltingthey will be salting
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have saltedwe shall/will have salted
you will have saltedyou will have salted
he/she/it will have saltedthey will have salted
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been saltingwe shall/will have been salting
you will have been saltingyou will have been salting
he/she/it will have been saltingthey will have been salting
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would saltwe should/would salt
you would saltyou would salt
he/she/it would saltthey would salt
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be saltingwe should/would be salting
you would be saltingyou would be salting
he/she/it would be saltingthey would be salting
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have saltedwe should/would have salted
you would have saltedyou would have salted
he/she/it would have saltedthey would have salted
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been saltingwe should/would have been salting
you would have been saltingyou would have been salting
he/she/it would have been saltingthey would have been salting
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am saltedwe are salted
you are saltedyou are salted
he/she/it is saltedthey are salted
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being saltedwe are being salted
you are being saltedyou are being salted
he/she/it is being saltedthey are being salted
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been saltedwe have been salted
you have been saltedyou have been salted
he/she/it has been saltedthey have been salted
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was saltedwe were salted
you were saltedyou were salted
he/she/it was saltedthey were salted
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being saltedwe were being salted
you were being saltedyou were being salted
he/she/it was being saltedthey were being salted
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been saltedwe had been salted
you had been saltedyou had been salted
he/she/it had been saltedthey had been salted
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be saltedwe shall/will be salted
you will be saltedyou will be salted
he/she/it will be saltedthey will be salted
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been saltedwe shall/will have been salted
you will have been saltedyou will have been salted
he/she/it will have been saltedthey will have been salted