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Examples from texts

He got hooked last year and started skimming from their shipments," she replied shortly, reaching up to touch her cheek where the mark of my hand flushed red.
В прошлом году он пристрастился к наркотикам и с тех пор понемножку таскает из каждой партии товара, — ответила она и потрогала щеку.
Saintcrow, Lilith / Working for the DevilСэйнткроу, Лилит / Контракт с дьяволом
Контракт с дьяволом
Сэйнткроу, Лилит
© 2005 by Lilith Saintcrow
© Перевод, С. Теремязева, 2009
© Издание на руском языке, ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009
Working for the Devil
Saintcrow, Lilith
© 2005 by Lilith Saintcrow
But all those within Jim’s sight continued to crowd around, reaching out for their gold pieces.
Но нежить все еще толпилась вокруг Джима и тянулась за своими золотыми монетами.
Dickson, Gordon / Dragon On The BorderДиксон, Гордон / Дракон на границе
Дракон на границе
Диксон, Гордон
Dragon On The Border
Dickson, Gordon
© 1992 by Gordon R. Dickson
Vast red light filled the west, reaching high to heaven, where it faded first to orange, then to a weird green.
Красный цвет заливал западный горизонт, поднимался до небес, где переходил в оранжевый, а потом, что странно, в зелёный.
King, Stephen / Duma KeyКинг, Стивен / Дьюма-Ки
Кинг, Стивен
© Перевод В.А. Вебер, 2008
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
© Stephen King, 2008
Duma Key
King, Stephen
© 2008 by Stephen King
It was a terrible blow for these poor people, on the eve perhaps of reaching the Portuguese villages at its mouth.
Какой жестокий удар для измученных людей, которые надеялись не сегодня завтра прибыть в португальские поселения, расположенные в устье реки!
Verne, Jules / Dick Sand, or A Captain at FifteenВерн, Жюль / Пятнадцатилетний капитан
Пятнадцатилетний капитан
Верн, Жюль
© Художественная литература, 1954
Dick Sand, or A Captain at Fifteen
Verne, Jules
© 2006 Biblio Bazaar
He covered the distance to the throne in one stride, reaching up and pulling the slip-knot in the wire set under his hair.
Одним прыжком он достиг трона первосвященника и дернул узел проволоки, спрятанной в волосах.
Salvatore, Robert / Road of the PatriarchСальваторе, Роберт / Дорога Патриарха
Дорога Патриарха
Сальваторе, Роберт
© 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
© Е. Фурсикова, перевод, 2008
© ООО "Фантастика", 2008
Road of the Patriarch
Salvatore, Robert
© 2007 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Her eyes glittered and she laughed, reaching out to stroke his bearded face.
Она, смеясь, потрепала его за бороду.
Gemmell, David / The Hawk EternalГеммел, Дэвид / Вечный ястреб
Вечный ястреб
Геммел, Дэвид
The Hawk Eternal
Gemmell, David
© 1995 by David A. Gemmell
“I want to do that!” said Sunshine, reaching for the block and the car.
— Я тоже хочу! — сказала Саншайн, протягивая руку к кубику и машине.
Proulx, Annie / The Shipping NewsПрул, Энни / Корабельные новости
Корабельные новости
Прул, Энни
© 1993 by Annie Proulx
© Издание на русском языке, перевод. ЗАО ТИД "Амфора", 2005
The Shipping News
Proulx, Annie
© 1993 by Annie Proulx
The progress in reaching international academic standards of the program is evident from the success of ICEF's students and graduates, appears in consolidation of teaching staff, growth of teaching and research capabilities.
Прогресс в достижении международных академических стандартов программы очевиден, он проявляется в успехах студентов и выпускников МИЭФ, консолидации преподавательского состава, росте преподавательских и научно-исследовательских возможностей.
©2004-2005 by RECEP
©2004-2005 by RECEP
When pressure in the cuff was raised to 100 mmHg, the output was also constantly increasing, reaching its amplitudal maximum at 100 mmHg.
При увеличении давления в манжете до 100 мм.рт.ст. отмечался постоянный рост сигнала, максимальная амплитуда сигнала определялась при 100 мм.рт.ст.
On reaching home Fleur found an atmosphere so peculiar that it penetrated even the perplexed aura of her own private life.
Прибыв домой, Флёр, как ни была она поглощена своими переживаниями, не могла не почувствовать странности царившей вокруг атмосферы.
Galsworthy, John / To LetГолсуорси, Джон / Сдаётся в наём
Сдаётся в наём
Голсуорси, Джон
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство""Эксмо", 2003
To Let
Galsworthy, John
© BiblioBazaar, LLC
He scrambled to his feet and moved off into the underbrush, reaching for his sword before recalling he had abandoned Excalibur.
Принц стал на четвереньки и пополз в кусты, на ходу нащупывая рукой рукоятку меча. Только тут он вспомнил, что бросил Экскалибура.
Zelazny, Roger,Sheckley, Robert / Bring Me the Head of Prince CharmingЖелязны, Роджер,Шекли, Роберт / Принеси мне голову Прекрасного принца
Принеси мне голову Прекрасного принца
Желязны, Роджер,Шекли, Роберт
© 1991 by Amber Corporation and Robert Sheckley
© Перевод. А. К. Андреев, Н. Б. Шварцман, 2004
Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming
Zelazny, Roger,Sheckley, Robert
© 1991 by Amber Corporation and Robert Sheckley
Two lines of H-rails, reaching the 81 st Floor of the given Tower, are secured for each system.
Для каждого из них оборудованы по две линии «H» - образных рельсов 5, каждая из которых доходит до высоты 81 этажа данной башни.
"What I come fur," continued Uncle Mose, reaching into his pocket - "besides de sight of home folks - was to pay Mars' Pendleton what I owes him."
-- Я пришел затем,--продолжал дядя Мозе, залезая в карман,--чтобы повидать моих соотечественников... и чтобы заплатить еще массе Пендльтону мой долг.
O.Henry / The Duplicity of HargravesГенри, О. / Коварство Харгрэвса
Коварство Харгрэвса
Генри, О.
The Duplicity of Hargraves
The epidemic is reaching into ever wider sections of the population, and presents a serious social and economic threat for the whole of Russian society.
Эпидемия охватывает все более широкие слои населения и представляет серьезную социальную и экономическую опасность для всего общества.
© AIDS Foundation East-West
I rounded the corner from my bedroom into the main room and saw Susan reaching for the doorknob.
Я выскочил из-за угла ванной и увидел, что Сьюзен уже протянула руку к дверной ручке.
Butcher, Jim / Storm FrontБатчер, Джим / Гроза из Преисподней
Гроза из Преисподней
Батчер, Джим
© Jim Butcher, 2000
© Перевод Н.К. Кудряшев, 2006
© Издание на русском языке AST Publishers, 2010
Storm Front
Butcher, Jim
© Jim Butcher, 2000

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retire on reaching the age limit
уволиться при достижении пенсионного возраста
minor influx reaching the surface
переливающийся приток
chance of reaching
шанс на достижение
reaching forward
reaching the glide path
вход в зону глиссады
reaching the stalling angle
выход на критический угол
report reaching the altitude
докладывать о занятии заданной высоты
reporting reaching the altitude
доклад о занятии заданной высоты
probability of reaching a target
вероятность выхода на цель
reaching stability
достижение стабильности
reaching forward
Programme for Arms Limitation and Control for Reaching a Reasonable Balance of Forces and Promoting Stability, Mutual Confidence, and Transparency in Central America
Программа об ограничении вооружений и контроле за ними в целях достижения разумного равновесия сил и поощрения стабильности, взаимного доверия и транспарентности в Центральной Америке
ad reach
рекламный охват
beyond reach
вне досягаемости

Word forms


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)reaching
Past Participle (Participle II)reached
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I reachwe reach
you reachyou reach
he/she/it reachesthey reach
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am reachingwe are reaching
you are reachingyou are reaching
he/she/it is reachingthey are reaching
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have reachedwe have reached
you have reachedyou have reached
he/she/it has reachedthey have reached
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been reachingwe have been reaching
you have been reachingyou have been reaching
he/she/it has been reachingthey have been reaching
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I reachedwe reached
you reachedyou reached
he/she/it reachedthey reached
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was reachingwe were reaching
you were reachingyou were reaching
he/she/it was reachingthey were reaching
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had reachedwe had reached
you had reachedyou had reached
he/she/it had reachedthey had reached
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been reachingwe had been reaching
you had been reachingyou had been reaching
he/she/it had been reachingthey had been reaching
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will reachwe shall/will reach
you will reachyou will reach
he/she/it will reachthey will reach
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be reachingwe shall/will be reaching
you will be reachingyou will be reaching
he/she/it will be reachingthey will be reaching
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have reachedwe shall/will have reached
you will have reachedyou will have reached
he/she/it will have reachedthey will have reached
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been reachingwe shall/will have been reaching
you will have been reachingyou will have been reaching
he/she/it will have been reachingthey will have been reaching
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would reachwe should/would reach
you would reachyou would reach
he/she/it would reachthey would reach
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be reachingwe should/would be reaching
you would be reachingyou would be reaching
he/she/it would be reachingthey would be reaching
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have reachedwe should/would have reached
you would have reachedyou would have reached
he/she/it would have reachedthey would have reached
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been reachingwe should/would have been reaching
you would have been reachingyou would have been reaching
he/she/it would have been reachingthey would have been reaching
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am reachedwe are reached
you are reachedyou are reached
he/she/it is reachedthey are reached
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being reachedwe are being reached
you are being reachedyou are being reached
he/she/it is being reachedthey are being reached
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been reachedwe have been reached
you have been reachedyou have been reached
he/she/it has been reachedthey have been reached
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was reachedwe were reached
you were reachedyou were reached
he/she/it was reachedthey were reached
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being reachedwe were being reached
you were being reachedyou were being reached
he/she/it was being reachedthey were being reached
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been reachedwe had been reached
you had been reachedyou had been reached
he/she/it had been reachedthey had been reached
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be reachedwe shall/will be reached
you will be reachedyou will be reached
he/she/it will be reachedthey will be reached
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been reachedwe shall/will have been reached
you will have been reachedyou will have been reached
he/she/it will have been reachedthey will have been reached