The Universal Dictionary- dicts.lingvouniversal_en_ru.description
- dicts.lingvouniversal_en_ru.description
яма (в природе или вырытая), углубление, впадина, лунка
волчья яма; западня
= inspection pit смотровая, ремонтная яма (в гараже)
с.-х. яма для хранения овощей, подпол; парник
воен. одиночный окоп
выгребная яма
шахта, копь, карьер, шурф
= orchestra pit оркестровая яма
ист. темница, тюрьма в подземелье
уст. пруд, колодец, бассейн
спорт. пит, паддок, гараж (в автогонках - территория, отведённая командам для содержания автомобилей и ремонта, дозаправки и смены колёс во время гонки) см. тж. pit stop
арена для петушиных (или собачьих) боёв
разг. зал, танцпол (на дискотеке)
карт. пит, игорный зал (в казино)
амер. отдел товарной биржи
кабина экипажа (самолёта, корабля)
заднее сиденье в кабине
анат. впадина, ямка
оспина, родинка (на коже); рубец, шрам
амер.; разг.; = armpit подмышка
раковина (на отливке)
ямка травления
(the pit) = the pit of hell; = the bottomless pit преисподняя
разг. карман
дно, падение; наихудший образец (чего-л.)
гад, мерзкий, отвратительный человек
дыра, гадюшник
(the pits) отстой, мерзость (о неприятной ситуации)
брит.; разг. постелька, кроватка
мед.; жарг. приёмник, приёмный покой (в больнице)
класть, складывать, закладывать в яму (для хранения)
рыть ямы
предавать земле, хоронить, зарывать в землю
покрывать ямками; оставлять следы, отметины
(pit against) стравливать (петухов, собак во время боёв); выставлять (животных на ринг)
меряться силами; бороться, противостоять
противопоставлять (кого-л. кому-л.), сводить как соперников
спорт. заезжать на пит-стоп (в автогонках)
амер. фруктовая косточка
афр. годные в пищу семена (особенно шишки, орехи)
гл.; амер.
вынимать косточки (из фруктов)
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Examples from texts
She fought forward, as if to throw herself into the pit, but she was restrained by the barrels of four rifles, kept at bay.Она шагнула было вперед, словно намереваясь броситься в колодец, но ее сдержали стволы четырех винтовок.Rollins, James / Judas StrainРоллинс, Джеймс / Печать ИудыПечать ИудыРоллинс, Джеймс© 2007 by Jim Czajkowski© С. Саксин, перевод, 2009© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", издание на русском языке, 2009Judas StrainRollins, James© 2007 by Jim Czajkowski
Drown him in the midden-pit!Утопить в отхожем месте!Чехов, А.П. / Палата No. 6Chekhov, A. / Ward No. 6Ward No. 6Chekhov, A.© 2009 Rowland ClassicsПалата No. 6Чехов, А.П.© Издательство "Наука", 1974
One day somebody will be standing next to you in the pit, the next day they're gone.Сегодня рядом с вами в яме кто-то стоит, а завтра его уже нет.Schwager, Jack D. / The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top TradersШвагер, Джек Д. / Новые маги рынка: беседы с лучшими трейдерами АмерикиНовые маги рынка: беседы с лучшими трейдерами АмерикиШвагер, Джек Д.© Альпина Бизнес Букс, перевод, оформление, 2004© Jack D. Schwager, 1992The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top TradersSchwager, Jack D.© 1992 by Jack D. Schwager
He paused a moment, as if choosing an approach, and then went on: “When a man knows his enemy will be dead in ten minutes, and takes him to the edge of an unfathomable pit, he means to throw his body into it.Он умолк, словно взвешивая свои слова, потом продолжал: — Когда убийца знает, что через десять минут недруг будет мертв, и приводит его к бездонной дыре, он наверняка задумал бросить туда труп.Chesterton, Gilbert Keith / The Bottomless WellЧестертон, Гилберт Кит / Бездонный колодецБездонный колодецЧестертон, Гилберт Кит© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1980The Bottomless WellChesterton, Gilbert Keith© 2009 by Seven Treasures Publications
BLIND Henry was waiting for us in an aisle leading down to the orchestra pit and from there to the hidden basement dressing rooms.Слепец Генри ждал нас в проходе, который вел вниз к оркестровой яме и дальше, к раздевалкам, спрятанным в подвальном этаже.Bradbury, Ray / Let's All Kill ConstanceБрэдбери, Рэй / Давайте все убьем КонстанциюДавайте все убьем КонстанциюБрэдбери, Рэй© 2003 by Ray Bradbury© Л. Брилова, перевод с английского, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009Let's All Kill ConstanceBradbury, Ray© 2003 by Ray Bradbury
Development of open-pit mines to reach a production volume of 4.2 million tonnes per yearразвитие разрезов до объемов добычи 4,2 млн тонн в год;© 2011 PwC 10/23/2011© 2011 PwC 10/23/2011
God is not some omnipotent authority looking down from above, threatening to throw us into a pit of fire if we disobey.Бог – это не какая-то всемогущая сила, взирающая на нас сверху и угрожающая за неповиновение ввергнуть нас в геенну огненную.Brown, Dan / Angels and DemonsБраун, Дэн / Ангелы и демоныАнгелы и демоныБраун, Дэн© Dan Brown, 2000© Перевод. Г.Б. Косов, 2004© ООО «Издательство ACT», 2005Angels and DemonsBrown, Dan© 2000 by Dan Brown
The rampart loomed suddenly before them, a high shadow beyond a dark pit. As they rode up a sentinel challenged them.Из-за черного провала, со смутной высоты стены их окликнул часовой.Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel / The Two TowersТолкиен, Джон Рональд Руэл / Две КрепостиДве КрепостиТолкиен, Джон Рональд Руэл© Издательство "Радуга", 1988The Two TowersTolkien, John Ronald Reuel© 1954, 1965, 1966 by J.R.R. Tolkien© renewed 1982 by Christopher R. Tolkien, Michael H.R. Tolkien, John F.R. Tolkien and Priscilla M.A.R. Tolkien© 1988 by J. R. R. Tolkien
The cylinder was already opened in the centre of the pit, and on the farther edge of the pit, amid the smashed and gravel-heaped shrubbery, one of the great fighting-machines, deserted by its occupant, stood stiff and tall against the evening sky.Цилиндр был уже открыт, а в дальнем конце ямы, среди вырванных и засыпанных песком кустов, стоял пустой боевой треножник – огромный металлический остов, резко выступавший на фоне вечернего неба.Wells, Herbert George / The war of the worldsУэллс, Герберт / Война мировВойна мировУэллс, Герберт© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1972The war of the worldsWells, Herbert George© 1960 by Epstein and Caroll Associates, Inc.
Place the Yoga Danda or Hamsa Danda (a wooden stick of about 2 feet in length with a rest of the shape of U at one end) at the left arm-pit and lean on it by the left side.Поместите Йога Данду или Хамса Данду (деревянная палка около двух футов длиной с подпоркой на одном конце, выполненной в виде латинской буквы U) у левой подмышки и облокотитесь на нее левым боком.Sivananda, Sri / Kundalini YogaШивананда, Шри / Кундалини йогаКундалини йогаШивананда, Шри© МПРИЦ «Культ-информпресс», 1993© В. В. Жикаренцев, перевод, вступительная статья, 1993Kundalini YogaSivananda, Sri© The Divine Life Trust Society
The spiders had surrounded the pit and peered down at them expectantly.Пауки окружили Яму и только ждали удобного момента.Westerfeld, Scott / The Secret HourВестерфельд, Скотт / Тайный часТайный часВестерфельд, Скотт© 2004 by Alloy Entertainment and Scott David Westerfield© Перевод.Н. Сосновская, 2005© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009The Secret HourWesterfeld, Scott© 2004 by Alloy Entertainment and Scott David Westerfield
You can use writing if you want to, and you can combine writing with driving, hunting for werewolves, or drowning in a tar pit with dinosaurs.Если хотите, можете представлять разработку ПО как написание письма, комбинируя эту метафору с вождением автомобиля, охотой на оборотней или образом динозавра, увязшего в смоляной луже.McConnell, Steve / Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software ConstructionМакконнелл, Стив / Совершенный код: Практическое руководство по разработке программного обеспеченияСовершенный код: Практическое руководство по разработке программного обеспеченияМакконнелл, Стив© Перевод на русский язык, Microsoft Corporation, 2004© Оригинальное издание на английском языке, Steven С. McConnell, 2004Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software ConstructionMcConnell, Steve© 2004 by Steven С. McConnell
You could go into the pit and ask him for a quote on any spread combination, and he would be able to give you the price in an instant.Вы могли зайти в яму и спросить у него котировку по любой комбинации спрэдов, и он мог дать вам цену немедленно.Schwager, Jack D. / The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top TradersШвагер, Джек Д. / Новые маги рынка: беседы с лучшими трейдерами АмерикиНовые маги рынка: беседы с лучшими трейдерами АмерикиШвагер, Джек Д.© Альпина Бизнес Букс, перевод, оформление, 2004© Jack D. Schwager, 1992The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top TradersSchwager, Jack D.© 1992 by Jack D. Schwager
Bellis stared into it, into the pit at its end. The fat, hateful understanding that she had nurtured came out of her, unstoppable.Беллис посмотрела на пистолет, на его дуло и неудержимо разрешилась от бремени жирным, омерзительным пониманием, которое все это время в себе взращивала.Mieville, China / The ScarМьевиль, Чайна / ШрамШрамМьевиль, Чайна© Перевод. Г. Крылов, 2008© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008© 2002 by China MievilleThe ScarMieville, China© 2002 by China Mieville
The blue arc protecting the snake pit was only a few yards behind it.Светящаяся голубая дуга, оберегающая Змеиную яму, сверкала всего в нескольких ярдах позади страшной хищницы.Westerfeld, Scott / The Secret HourВестерфельд, Скотт / Тайный часТайный часВестерфельд, Скотт© 2004 by Alloy Entertainment and Scott David Westerfield© Перевод.Н. Сосновская, 2005© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009The Secret HourWesterfeld, Scott© 2004 by Alloy Entertainment and Scott David Westerfield
User translations
The part of speech is not specified
- 1.
translation added by Валерия Беннер
Word forms
Basic forms | |
Past | pitted |
Imperative | pit |
Present Participle (Participle I) | pitting |
Past Participle (Participle II) | pitted |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I pit | we pit |
you pit | you pit |
he/she/it pits | they pit |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am pitting | we are pitting |
you are pitting | you are pitting |
he/she/it is pitting | they are pitting |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have pitted | we have pitted |
you have pitted | you have pitted |
he/she/it has pitted | they have pitted |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been pitting | we have been pitting |
you have been pitting | you have been pitting |
he/she/it has been pitting | they have been pitting |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I pitted | we pitted |
you pitted | you pitted |
he/she/it pitted | they pitted |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was pitting | we were pitting |
you were pitting | you were pitting |
he/she/it was pitting | they were pitting |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had pitted | we had pitted |
you had pitted | you had pitted |
he/she/it had pitted | they had pitted |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been pitting | we had been pitting |
you had been pitting | you had been pitting |
he/she/it had been pitting | they had been pitting |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will pit | we shall/will pit |
you will pit | you will pit |
he/she/it will pit | they will pit |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be pitting | we shall/will be pitting |
you will be pitting | you will be pitting |
he/she/it will be pitting | they will be pitting |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have pitted | we shall/will have pitted |
you will have pitted | you will have pitted |
he/she/it will have pitted | they will have pitted |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been pitting | we shall/will have been pitting |
you will have been pitting | you will have been pitting |
he/she/it will have been pitting | they will have been pitting |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would pit | we should/would pit |
you would pit | you would pit |
he/she/it would pit | they would pit |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be pitting | we should/would be pitting |
you would be pitting | you would be pitting |
he/she/it would be pitting | they would be pitting |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have pitted | we should/would have pitted |
you would have pitted | you would have pitted |
he/she/it would have pitted | they would have pitted |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been pitting | we should/would have been pitting |
you would have been pitting | you would have been pitting |
he/she/it would have been pitting | they would have been pitting |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am pitted | we are pitted |
you are pitted | you are pitted |
he/she/it is pitted | they are pitted |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being pitted | we are being pitted |
you are being pitted | you are being pitted |
he/she/it is being pitted | they are being pitted |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been pitted | we have been pitted |
you have been pitted | you have been pitted |
he/she/it has been pitted | they have been pitted |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was pitted | we were pitted |
you were pitted | you were pitted |
he/she/it was pitted | they were pitted |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being pitted | we were being pitted |
you were being pitted | you were being pitted |
he/she/it was being pitted | they were being pitted |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been pitted | we had been pitted |
you had been pitted | you had been pitted |
he/she/it had been pitted | they had been pitted |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be pitted | we shall/will be pitted |
you will be pitted | you will be pitted |
he/she/it will be pitted | they will be pitted |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been pitted | we shall/will have been pitted |
you will have been pitted | you will have been pitted |
he/she/it will have been pitted | they will have been pitted |
Singular | Plural | |
Common case | pit | pits |
Possessive case | pit's | pits' |