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without examplesFound in 1 dictionary

The Universal Dictionary
  • dicts.lingvouniversal_en_ru.description



сущ.; мн.; разг.


Examples from texts

Once, however, Yevgenia glanced into the Prince's chambers: piles of books and old newspapers towered up in the corners; ancient armchairs were heaped on top of each other almost to the ceiling; portraits in gilt frames covered the floor.
Но однажды Женя заглянула в княжьи покои: груды книг и старых газет высились холмами по углам, старинные кресла громоздились друг на дружке почти до самого потолка, портреты в золоченых рамах стояли на полу.
Grossman, Vasily / Life and FateГроссман, Василий / Жизнь и судьба
Жизнь и судьба
Гроссман, Василий
© Издательство "Книжная палата", 1988
Life and Fate
Grossman, Vasily
© 1980 by Editions L'Age D'Homme
© 1985 by Collins Harvill
He threw his mooring lines over the piles and went up to the house for a coffee can bail.
Лодка толкнулась о причал. Он бросил швартовы на столб и пошел в дом. Пить кофе.
Proulx, Annie / The Shipping NewsПрул, Энни / Корабельные новости
Корабельные новости
Прул, Энни
© 1993 by Annie Proulx
© Издание на русском языке, перевод. ЗАО ТИД "Амфора", 2005
The Shipping News
Proulx, Annie
© 1993 by Annie Proulx
When your press correspondent visited the Olympic park a year ago for the first time after the beginning of its layout I saw the first piles of a prospect main hockey stadium of 2014 Olympic Games.
В сентябре прошлого года, когда ваш корреспондент оказался в Олимпийском парке впервые после начала его обустройства, он видел первые сваи будущего главного хоккейного стадиона Игр-2014.
© 2005—2011 ООО «Роза Хутор»
www.rosaski.com 20.06.2011
© 2005—2011 LLC Rosa Khutor
www.rosaski.com 20.06.2011
Pursing his lips, he left the piles and lifted Perrins axe from the table, hefting it.
Сморщив губы, он оставил кучки в покое и взял со стола топор Перрина, взвесив его в руках.
Jordan, Robert / The Eye of the WorldДжордан, Роберт / Око мира
Око мира
Джордан, Роберт
The Eye of the World
Jordan, Robert
© 1990 by Robert Jordan
She had already stripped her husband's shirt and helped him hide pieces of it across the lower two floors: tossed into boarded-up offices, shoved into piles of refuse, hung from the metal drawer in a maze of secretarial cubicles.
Гарриет разорвала на полоски рубашку мужа и помогла спрятать клочки на двух предыдущих этажах: подсовывая их под двери запертых кабинетов, бросая в кучи мусора, развешивая их под потолком в запутанном лабиринте помещений.
Rollins, James / Judas StrainРоллинс, Джеймс / Печать Иуды
Печать Иуды
Роллинс, Джеймс
© 2007 by Jim Czajkowski
© С. Саксин, перевод, 2009
© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", издание на русском языке, 2009
Judas Strain
Rollins, James
© 2007 by Jim Czajkowski
The bullet threw up a spurt of mud to the right of the wood-wreathed piles.
Пуля взметнула фонтан грязи вправо от старой, обвитой водорослями сваи.
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard / The Light That FailedКиплинг, Джозеф Редьярд / Свет погас
Свет погас
Киплинг, Джозеф Редьярд
© "Издательство П. П. Сойкина", 1915
The Light That Failed
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard
© 2011 by Victorian Secrets
He passed slag heaps and scrap piles, stacks of old building timbers and rows of abandoned buildings.
Следопыт шел мимо куч шлака, груд металлолома, штабелей строительных материалов и рядов заброшенных домов.
Brooks, Terry / First King of ShannaraБрукс, Терри / Первый король Шаннары
Первый король Шаннары
Брукс, Терри
First King of Shannara
Brooks, Terry
© 1996 by Terry Brooks
Just as a television channel surfer flips from channel to channel, sampling the wares, a Web surfer moves from page to page, sampling the vast and esoteric piles of information.
Как любители телеэкранов переключают каналы различных программ, так и Web-путешественники постоянно переходят с одного Web-узла на другой.
Rathbone, Andy / Windows® XP For Dummies®Ратбон, Энди / Windows ХР для "чайников"
Windows ХР для "чайников"
Ратбон, Энди
© Компьютерное изд-во "Диалектика", 2002
© Hungry Minds, Inc., 2001
Windows® XP For Dummies®
Rathbone, Andy
© 2001 Hungry Minds, Inc.
“My gold!” the dragon roared over and over as he slammed his way through the tight piles.
– Мое золото! – снова и снова ревел дракон, с грохотом пробираясь среди куч.
Salvatore, Robert / SojournСальваторе, Роберт / Воин
Сальваторе, Роберт
© ИЦ "Максима", 2007
© 1990 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
© В. Иванов, перевод, 2002
Salvatore, Robert
© 1991 TSR, Inc.
Once their clothes were all in piles on the stools, Ara brought them each a large bucket of hot water and a dipper.
Как только вся одежда грудами легла на табуреты, Ара принес каждому по большому ведру горячей воды и ковшики.
Jordan, Robert / The Eye of the WorldДжордан, Роберт / Око мира
Око мира
Джордан, Роберт
The Eye of the World
Jordan, Robert
© 1990 by Robert Jordan
As increasingly small rock piles become listed as islands, the overall list lengthens, and the total number of islands is practically infinite.
А если добавить к списку островов все скалы, малые скалы и просто торчащие над водой камни, то длина этого списка устремится чуть ли не к бесконечности.
Mandelbrot, Benoit / The Fractal Geometry of NatureМандельброт, Бенуа / Фрактальная геометрия природы
Фрактальная геометрия природы
Мандельброт, Бенуа
© Б. Мандельброт, 2002
© Перевод на русский язык, Институт компьютерных исследований, 2002
The Fractal Geometry of Nature
Mandelbrot, Benoit
© 1977, 1982, 1983 by Benoit B. Mandelbrot
She handed Nanny several piles of papers.
Она передала нянюшке несколько бумажных стопок.
Pratchett, Terry / MaskeradeПратчетт,Терри / Маскарад
© Перевод С. Увбарх, А. Жикаренцев 2006
© Издание на русском языке, оформление ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008
© 1995 by Terry and Lyn Pratchett
Pratchett, Terry
© 1995 by Terry and Lyn Pratchett
This was rather a large room, but owing to the perpetual darkness, the low-pitched ceiling, the piles of boxes and bales, and the numbers of men that kept flitting to and fro in it, it made as unpleasant an impression on a newcomer as the others.
Это была довольно большая комната, но, благодаря постоянным сумеркам, низкому потолку и тесноте от ящиков, тюков и снующих людей, она производила на свежего человека такое же невзрачное впечатление, как обе нижние.
Чехов, А.П. / Три годаChekhov, A. / Three years
Three years
Chekhov, A.
© 2006 BiblioBazaar
Три года
Чехов, А.П.
© Издательство "Наука", 1974
He watched the tall dapper Irishman step with the lithe delicacy of a fighter over the piles of equipment and lean down to peer over Leva's shoulder.
Высокий франтоватый ирландец с кошачьей грацией боксера переступил через груды лежащих на полу вещей и, остановившись за спиной у Ливы, взглянул на машинку.
Jones, James / From Here to EternityДжонс, Джеймс / Отныне и вовек
Отныне и вовек
Джонс, Джеймс
© Издательство "Правда", 1989
From Here to Eternity
Jones, James
© 1951 by James Jones
© renewed 1991 by Gloria Jones, James Anthony Phillipe Jones, and Kaylie Anne Jones
It was still crisp and clear. Even the piles of exhaust gray snow plowed up on every corner looked positively enchanting beneath the streetlights.
Воздух очистился и посвежел, и даже кучи снега на перекрестках, пепельно-серые от выхлопных газов, поблескивали в огнях ночного города, как огромные фантастические муравейники.
Murakami, Haruki / Dance, dance, danceМураками, Харуки / Дэнс, дэнс, дэнс
Дэнс, дэнс, дэнс
Мураками, Харуки
© Haruki Murakami 1991 "Dansu, dansu, dansu"
© Дмитрий Коваленин, 2001
Dance, dance, dance
Murakami, Haruki
© 1994 by Kodansha International Ltd.

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Persons subject to piles should especially avoid all heating and stimulating drinks. — Люди, подверженные геморрою, должны в особенности избегать всех горячительных и стимулирующих напитков.

User translations


  1. 1.


    translation added by Lina Mironenko

The part of speech is not specified

  1. 1.


    translation added by Валерий Коротоношко
    Gold ru-en


box piles
сварной свайный ростверк
clump of piles
группа свай
driving of sheet piles
забивка шпунтовых свай
hold of piles
глубина забивки свай
piles foundation
свайный фундамент
rank of piles
rank of piles
свайная стенка
prolapsed piles
выпадение геморроидальных узлов
intero-external type of piles
комбинированный геморрой
intero-external type of piles
смешанный геморрой
drive in piles
забивать сваи
drive piles
забивать сваи
driving-in of piles
забивка свай
roasting in piles
кучный обжиг
arch-type sheet pile
аркообразная шпунтовая свая

Word forms


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)piling
Past Participle (Participle II)piled
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I pilewe pile
you pileyou pile
he/she/it pilesthey pile
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am pilingwe are piling
you are pilingyou are piling
he/she/it is pilingthey are piling
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have piledwe have piled
you have piledyou have piled
he/she/it has piledthey have piled
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been pilingwe have been piling
you have been pilingyou have been piling
he/she/it has been pilingthey have been piling
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I piledwe piled
you piledyou piled
he/she/it piledthey piled
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was pilingwe were piling
you were pilingyou were piling
he/she/it was pilingthey were piling
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had piledwe had piled
you had piledyou had piled
he/she/it had piledthey had piled
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been pilingwe had been piling
you had been pilingyou had been piling
he/she/it had been pilingthey had been piling
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will pilewe shall/will pile
you will pileyou will pile
he/she/it will pilethey will pile
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be pilingwe shall/will be piling
you will be pilingyou will be piling
he/she/it will be pilingthey will be piling
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have piledwe shall/will have piled
you will have piledyou will have piled
he/she/it will have piledthey will have piled
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been pilingwe shall/will have been piling
you will have been pilingyou will have been piling
he/she/it will have been pilingthey will have been piling
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would pilewe should/would pile
you would pileyou would pile
he/she/it would pilethey would pile
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be pilingwe should/would be piling
you would be pilingyou would be piling
he/she/it would be pilingthey would be piling
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have piledwe should/would have piled
you would have piledyou would have piled
he/she/it would have piledthey would have piled
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been pilingwe should/would have been piling
you would have been pilingyou would have been piling
he/she/it would have been pilingthey would have been piling
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am piledwe are piled
you are piledyou are piled
he/she/it is piledthey are piled
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being piledwe are being piled
you are being piledyou are being piled
he/she/it is being piledthey are being piled
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been piledwe have been piled
you have been piledyou have been piled
he/she/it has been piledthey have been piled
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was piledwe were piled
you were piledyou were piled
he/she/it was piledthey were piled
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being piledwe were being piled
you were being piledyou were being piled
he/she/it was being piledthey were being piled
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been piledwe had been piled
you had been piledyou had been piled
he/she/it had been piledthey had been piled
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be piledwe shall/will be piled
you will be piledyou will be piled
he/she/it will be piledthey will be piled
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been piledwe shall/will have been piled
you will have been piledyou will have been piled
he/she/it will have been piledthey will have been piled


Common casepilepiles
Possessive casepile'spiles'