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  1. перфорированный, продырявленный, просверленный

  2. пористый

  3. сквозной (о ране)

Biology (En-Ru)



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Examples from texts

Exhibit indicates that the early January lows were perforated in late February.
Как видно из рисунка, минимумы начала января были прорваны в конце февраля.
Nison, Steve / Japanese Candlestick Charting TechniquesНисон, Стив / Японские свечи: графический анализ финансовых рынков
Японские свечи: графический анализ финансовых рынков
Нисон, Стив
© 1991 by Steve Nison
© OOO «Диаграмма», 1997
Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques
Nison, Steve
© 1991 by Steve Nison
The external pneumatic chamber and radial supports can be also made in the form of perforated hoses with toroidal pneumatic chambers the insides of which intercommunicate with hoses through apertures.
Внешняя пневмокамера и радиальные стойки могут быть выполнены также в виде шлангов с отверстиями, на которых размещены тороидальные пневматические камеры, внутренние полости которых сообщаются с внутренними полостями шлангов через отверстия.
For this purpose, the device includes a perforated wall positioned within the chamber in parallel to its walls.
При этом данное устройство содержит расположенную внутри камеры параллельно стенкам камеры перфорированную стенку.
I made the fireman get a lantern, and then I went to the express car and yelled to the messenger to open up or get perforated.
Приказав кочегару достать фонарь, я подошел к служебному вагону и закричал проводнику, чтобы он открыл, если не хочет быть продырявлен.
O.Henry / Holding Up a TrainГенри, О. / Налет на поезд
Налет на поезд
Генри, О.
Holding Up a Train
An electrostatic loudspeaker is disclosed in Patent RU No. 2010459 of Mar. 3, 1994. A membrane placed in the air spacing between two fixed perforated electrodes functions as a mechanical intermediary device in this invention.
Известен электростатический громкоговоритель, патент RU Ne 2010459 от 03.03.94 г. Роль механического посредника в данном изобретении выполняет мембрана, расположенная в воздушном промежутке между двумя перфорированными неподвижными электродами.
I was just clear of Mission Street when the trouble began between two gentlemen, one of whom perforated the other.
Не успел я миновать Мишн-стрит, как между двумя джентльменами возникло недоразумение, и один из них продырявил другого.
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard / From sea to seaКиплинг, Джозеф Редьярд / От моря до моря
От моря до моря
Киплинг, Джозеф Редьярд
© Издательство "Мысль", 1983
From sea to sea
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard
© BiblioLife, LLC
In [4], as elements reducing noise of a chassis, partially perforated surfaces are proposed, which deviate a stream of air in the area of a support and wheels of the chassis.
В [4] в качестве элементов, снижающих шум шасси, предлагаются частично перфорированные поверхности, отклоняющие поток воздуха в области стойки и колес шасси.
Weatherford successfully ran and expanded 195 ft (59.4 m) of 5 1/2- x 7-in.MetalSkin solid expandable cased-hole liner across the perforated thief zone, extending from 5,700 to 5,900 ft (1,730 to 1,798 m).
Компании Weatherford удалось успешно спустить и расширить заплатку для обсаженного ствола MetalSkin размером 5/4x7 дюймов (140 х 178 мм) и длиной 195 футов (59,4 м) в зоне поглощения на глубине от 5700 до 5900 футов (1730 -1798 м).
© 2010-2012 Weatherford International Ltd.
Coordination tests were perforated satisfactorily.
Координаторные пробы выполняет удовлетворительно.
Then the logging device 11, as arranged on the lower end of the flexible tube 10, is lowered on the flexible tube 10 with the perforated lower section along the tubing string 1 and arranged in the area of the production formations.
Далее на пропущенной через герметизирующий узел 9 гибкой трубе 10 с перфорированным нижним участком опускают по колонне труб 1 и устанавливают в зоне 5 продуктивных пластов расположенный на нижнем конце гибкой трубы 10 каротажный прибор 11.
The external chamber and the radial supports can be also constructed as perforated flexible tubes, whose insides intercommunicate with internal cavities of toroidal pneumatic chambers.
Внешняя камера и радиальные стойки могут быть выполнены также в виде гибких трубок с отверстиями, внутренние полости которых сообщаются с внутренними полостями тороидальных пневмокамер.
The tables and the outer layer of the partitions are made of light and strong plastics, the partitions are perforated.
Столы и внешний слой перегородок выполняются из легких и прочных пластиков, перегородки перфорируются.
The PCA has a number of central perforating or penetrating branches which supply the midbrain, thalamus, subthalamus, posterior internal capsule, optic radiation and cerebral peduncle.
ЗМА имеет несколько перфорирующих ветвей, кровоснабжающих средний мозг, таламус, субталамическую область, заднюю часть внутренней капсулы, зрительную лучистость и ножку мозга.
Баркер, Р.,Барази, С.,Нил, М. / Наглядная неврологияBarker, Roger,Barasi, Stephen,Neal, Michael / Neuroscience at a glance
Neuroscience at a glance
Barker, Roger,Barasi, Stephen,Neal, Michael
©1999 by Blackwell Science Ltd
Наглядная неврология
Баркер, Р.,Барази, С.,Нил, М.
© R.A. Barker, S. Barasi, M.J. Neal. Neuroscience at a glance. Second Edition, 2003
© Г.Н. Левицкий, перевод, 2005
© Издательская группа «ГЭОТАР-Медиа», 2005
The known method of operating such devices enables to perforate a well and due to this intensify a well yield of various extracted media, e.g., oil.
Известный способ работы установки позволяет проводить перфорацию скважины и за счет этого интенсифицировать откачку из скважины различных добываемых сред, например, нефти.
delaying another one of said two sequences for a time of perforating said Hilbert transform; whereupon performing said step of adding, on the sample- to-sample basis, said converted and delayed sequences.
задерживают другую из упомянутых двух последовательностей на время выполнения упомянутого преобразования Гильберта; после чего и осуществляют упомянутое поотсчётное сложение упомянутых преобразованной и задержанной последовательностей.

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'pɜːf(ə)reɪtɪdAdjectiveперфорированный; продырявленный; просверленныйExamples

perforated tape — перфолента

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edge-perforated card
карта с краевой перфорацией
hood perforated panel
перфорированная панель капота
horizontally perforated brick
кирпич с продольными отверстиями
marginal-perforated card
карта с краевой перфорацией
paper perforated tape
бумажная перфолента
perforated absorbent tile
перфорированная звукопоглощающая плитка
perforated appendix
перфоративный аппендицит
perforated appendix
перфорация червеобразного отростка
perforated breakwater
сквозной волнолом
perforated brick
дырчатый кирпич
perforated brick
пустотелый кирпич
perforated ceiling
перфорированный потолок
perforated cooking cradle
перфорированная корзина для варки субпродуктов
perforated hood
перфорированный капот
perforated light sail
перфорированный солнечный парус

Word forms


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)perforating
Past Participle (Participle II)perforated
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I perforatewe perforate
you perforateyou perforate
he/she/it perforatesthey perforate
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am perforatingwe are perforating
you are perforatingyou are perforating
he/she/it is perforatingthey are perforating
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have perforatedwe have perforated
you have perforatedyou have perforated
he/she/it has perforatedthey have perforated
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been perforatingwe have been perforating
you have been perforatingyou have been perforating
he/she/it has been perforatingthey have been perforating
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I perforatedwe perforated
you perforatedyou perforated
he/she/it perforatedthey perforated
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was perforatingwe were perforating
you were perforatingyou were perforating
he/she/it was perforatingthey were perforating
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had perforatedwe had perforated
you had perforatedyou had perforated
he/she/it had perforatedthey had perforated
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been perforatingwe had been perforating
you had been perforatingyou had been perforating
he/she/it had been perforatingthey had been perforating
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will perforatewe shall/will perforate
you will perforateyou will perforate
he/she/it will perforatethey will perforate
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be perforatingwe shall/will be perforating
you will be perforatingyou will be perforating
he/she/it will be perforatingthey will be perforating
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have perforatedwe shall/will have perforated
you will have perforatedyou will have perforated
he/she/it will have perforatedthey will have perforated
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been perforatingwe shall/will have been perforating
you will have been perforatingyou will have been perforating
he/she/it will have been perforatingthey will have been perforating
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would perforatewe should/would perforate
you would perforateyou would perforate
he/she/it would perforatethey would perforate
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be perforatingwe should/would be perforating
you would be perforatingyou would be perforating
he/she/it would be perforatingthey would be perforating
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have perforatedwe should/would have perforated
you would have perforatedyou would have perforated
he/she/it would have perforatedthey would have perforated
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been perforatingwe should/would have been perforating
you would have been perforatingyou would have been perforating
he/she/it would have been perforatingthey would have been perforating
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am perforatedwe are perforated
you are perforatedyou are perforated
he/she/it is perforatedthey are perforated
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being perforatedwe are being perforated
you are being perforatedyou are being perforated
he/she/it is being perforatedthey are being perforated
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been perforatedwe have been perforated
you have been perforatedyou have been perforated
he/she/it has been perforatedthey have been perforated
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was perforatedwe were perforated
you were perforatedyou were perforated
he/she/it was perforatedthey were perforated
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being perforatedwe were being perforated
you were being perforatedyou were being perforated
he/she/it was being perforatedthey were being perforated
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been perforatedwe had been perforated
you had been perforatedyou had been perforated
he/she/it had been perforatedthey had been perforated
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be perforatedwe shall/will be perforated
you will be perforatedyou will be perforated
he/she/it will be perforatedthey will be perforated
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been perforatedwe shall/will have been perforated
you will have been perforatedyou will have been perforated
he/she/it will have been perforatedthey will have been perforated