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The Universal Dictionary- It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.
- It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.
ярлык, этикетка, наклейка, бирка
ярлык, клеймо
помета (в словаре)
= record label, = recording label фирма, студия грамзаписи; фирменная наклейка на пластинке
архит. слезник
геогр. алидада-высотомер
физ. меченый атом
прикреплять ярлык, этикетку, навешивать бирку прям. и перен.
категоризировать, относить к какой-л. категории
физ. метить (атом)
Law (En-Ru)
ярлык, бирка
кодициль, дополнение к завещанию
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Examples from texts
As a result, a color label is obtained, which may provide information about the medium content, its total capacity, comprise manufacturer identification marking (trademark) and so on.В результате образуется красочная этикетка, которая может отражать информацию о содержании носителя, его общей емкости, содержать маркировку, идентифицирующую изготовителя (товарный знак), и др.http://www.patentlens.net/ 18.10.2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 18.10.2011
The Form dialog box takes the column headings in the range of cells you select and uses them to label the data fields.Оно извлекает заголовки столбцов в выделенном вами диапазоне ячеек и использует эти заголовки, чтобы пометить поля данных.Simon, Jinjer / Excel Data Analysis: Your visual blueprint™ for creating and analyzing data, charts, and PivotTablesСаймон, Джинжер / Анализ данных в Excel: наглядный курс создания отчетов, диаграмм и сводных таблицАнализ данных в Excel: наглядный курс создания отчетов, диаграмм и сводных таблицСаймон, Джинжер© Wiley Publishing, Inс., 2003© Компьютерное изд-во "Диалектика", 2004Excel Data Analysis: Your visual blueprint™ for creating and analyzing data, charts, and PivotTablesSimon, Jinjer© 2003 by Wiley Publishing, Inc, Indianapolis, Indiana© 1992-2003 maranGraphics, Inc.
Located in the Subtotal dialog box, the At each change in field defines the column label you want Excel to monitor for changes, and when it notes a change, it inserts a subtotal.В поле При каждом изменении в, расположенном в диалоговом окне Промежуточные итоги, определяется имя того столбца, в котором вы будете отслеживать изменения. Каждый раз, когда такое изменение найдено, вставляется промежуточный итог.Simon, Jinjer / Excel Data Analysis: Your visual blueprint™ for creating and analyzing data, charts, and PivotTablesСаймон, Джинжер / Анализ данных в Excel: наглядный курс создания отчетов, диаграмм и сводных таблицАнализ данных в Excel: наглядный курс создания отчетов, диаграмм и сводных таблицСаймон, Джинжер© Wiley Publishing, Inс., 2003© Компьютерное изд-во "Диалектика", 2004Excel Data Analysis: Your visual blueprint™ for creating and analyzing data, charts, and PivotTablesSimon, Jinjer© 2003 by Wiley Publishing, Inc, Indianapolis, Indiana© 1992-2003 maranGraphics, Inc.
I want to leave my skeleton to the academy, but on the condition though, on the condition that a label should be stuck on the forehead for ever and ever, with the words: 'A repentant free-thinker.'Хочу завещать мой скелет в академию, но с тем, с тем однако чтобы на лбу его был наклеен навеки веков ярлык со словами: "раскаявшийся вольнодумецDostoevsky, Fyodor / The possessedДостоевский, Фёдор / БесыБесыДостоевский, Фёдор© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1989The possessedDostoevsky, Fyodor
If the name is not Howard, the procedure branches to the WrongName label and ends.Если имя пользователя отличается от Ховард, то процедура переходит к метке WrongName, на чем заканчивает свою работу.Walkenbach, John / Excel 2002 Power Programming with VBAУокенбах, Джон / Профессиональное программирование на VBA в Excel 2002Профессиональное программирование на VBA в Excel 2002Уокенбах, Джон© Компьютерное изд-во "Диалектика"© 2003 by Dialektika Computer Publishing© 2003 by Wiley Publishing, Inc.Excel 2002 Power Programming with VBAWalkenbach, John© 2001 Hungry Minds, Inc.
According to its destination label, he flicked a lever on a panel and, a moment later, an automatic arm reached out and grabbed the bag, setting it beside others for the same flight.Взглянув на прикрепленный к ручке ярлык с указанием места назначения, он нажимает на соответствующую кнопку, и автоматический рычаг хватает чемодан и ставит его на платформу рядом с другим багажом, отправляемым тем же рейсом.Hailey, Arthur / AirportХейли, Артур / АэропортАэропортХейли, Артур© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1978AirportHailey, Arthur© 1968, 2000 by Arthur Hailey, Ltd.
Look for the common thread, e.g., marketing is marketing, even if the label is a little different.Ищите общие черты: например, маркетинг всегда маркетинг, даже если называется немного по-другому.Siciliano, Gene / Finance for Non-Financial ManagersСицилиано, Джене / Финансы для нефинансовых менеджеровФинансы для нефинансовых менеджеровСицилиано, Джене© Original edition copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2003© ЗАО "ГроссМедиа Ферлаг", 2005© ООО "ГроссМедиа", 2005Finance for Non-Financial ManagersSiciliano, Gene© 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Unlike an ":sL3" (which must be proceeded by an ":L3"), an ":L3" label does not insist on a preceding ":sL3."В отличие от волны с обозначением ":sL3", волна с обозначением ":L3" не обязательно должна следовать за волной с обозначением ":sL3".Neely, Glenn / Mastering Elliott WaveНили, Гленн / Мастерство анализа Волн ЭллиотаМастерство анализа Волн ЭллиотаНили, Гленн© 1990 by Glenn Neely© Перевод на русский язык и оформление "ИК Аналитика", 2002Mastering Elliott WaveNeely, Glenn© 1990 by Glenn Neely
The fluorescent signals from the microchip elements are recorded with the help of fluorescence microscopes or scanning microscopes of various types which allow recording signals with the fluorescent label employed.Регистрацию флуоресцентных сигналов с ячеек микрочипа проводят с помощью флуоресцентных микроскопов или сканирующих микроскопов различных типов, позволяющих регистрировать сигнал с используемой флуоресцентной метки.http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/25/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/25/2011
A label is an identifier that acts as a place-marker for either instructions or data.Метка является обычным идентификатором, с помощью которого в программе помечается некоторый участок кода или данных.Irvine, Kip R. / Assembly Language for Intel-Based ComputersИрвин, Кип Р. / Язык ассемблера для процессоров IntelЯзык ассемблера для процессоров IntelИрвин, Кип Р.© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2005© Pearson Education, Inc., 2003, 1999Assembly Language for Intel-Based ComputersIrvine, Kip R.© Pearson Education, Inc., 2003, 1999
Ordinarily, you can only jump to a label inside the current procedure, unless the label has been specially designated as globalОбычно безусловный переход в программе выполняется в пределах текущей процедуры, кроме особых случаев передачи управления глобальной меткеIrvine, Kip R. / Assembly Language for Intel-Based ComputersИрвин, Кип Р. / Язык ассемблера для процессоров IntelЯзык ассемблера для процессоров IntelИрвин, Кип Р.© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2005© Pearson Education, Inc., 2003, 1999Assembly Language for Intel-Based ComputersIrvine, Kip R.© Pearson Education, Inc., 2003, 1999
In Figure 17.1 you can see an example of the DbProgr application's output, which uses both a label and a progress bar to display an order's quantity information.На рис. 17.1 показан вывод программы DbProgr; Для отображения значения поля Qty (Quantity — количество) используется два элемента управления: метка и Рго-gressBar.Cantu, Marco / Mastering Delphi 7Кэнту, М. / Delphi 7: для профессионаловDelphi 7: для профессионаловКэнту, М.© 2003 SYBEX Inc© Перевод на русский язык, ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер», 2004© Издание на русском языке, оформление, ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер», 2004Mastering Delphi 7Cantu, Marco© 2003 SYBEX Inc
“In fact, maybe you can settle it: name of Elton John’s old record label?”— Может быть, даже вы способны разрешить наш спор. Как называлась бывшая студия звукозаписи Элтона Джона?Rankin, Ian / A Question of BloodРэнкин, Иэн / Вопрос кровиВопрос кровиРэнкин, Иэн© 2003 by John Rebus Limited© Е. Осенева, перевод на русский язык, 2008© ООО "Издательская группа Аттикус", Издательство "Иностранка", 2008A Question of BloodRankin, Ian© 2003 by John Rebus Limited
However, there are situations when you may not want to display a label for every element.Однако в некоторых ситуациях выводить надписи для каждого элемента, формы нежелательно.Budd, Andy,Moll, Cameron,Collison, Simon / CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards SolutionsБадд, Энди,Молл, Камерон,Коллизон, Саймон / Мастерская CSS: профессиональное применение Web-стандартовМастерская CSS: профессиональное применение Web-стандартовБадд, Энди,Молл, Камерон,Коллизон, Саймон© Andy Budd, Cameron Moll, and Simon Collison 2006© Издательский дом "Вильямc", 2007CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards SolutionsBudd, Andy,Moll, Cameron,Collison, Simon© 2006 by Andy Budd, Cameron Moll, and Simon Collison
In the goto statement, the identifier must be a label (§A9.1) located in the current function.В goto-инструкции идентификатор должен быть меткой (А9.1), расположенной в текущей функции.Kernighan, Brian W.,Ritchie, Dennis M. / The C Programming LanguageКерниган, Б.,Ритчи, Д. / Язык программирования СиЯзык программирования СиКерниган, Б.,Ритчи, Д.© 1998,1978 by Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated© "Невский Диалект", 2001The C Programming LanguageKernighan, Brian W.,Ritchie, Dennis M.© 1988, 1978 by Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated
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'leɪb(ə)lNounярлык; этикетка; наклейка; биркаExamples
adhesive / gummed label — наклейка
to attach / put on / stick on label — приклеивать ярлык
to bear / carry / have a label — иметь ярлык
to sew on a label — пришивать ярлык
He peered at the label on the bottle. — Он внимательно посмотрел на бутылочную этикетку.
User translations
The part of speech is not specified
- 1.
translation added by Igor Igor
action label
метка действия
advertising label
рекламная этикетка
advertising label
рекламный ярлык
affix a label
прикреплять ярлык
alphameric label
буквенно-цифровая метка
alphanumeric label
буквенно-цифровая метка
approved label
апробированная этикетка
baggage label
багажный ярлык
bar code label
этикетка с универсальным товарным кодом
bar code label
этикетка со штриховым кодом
beginning file label
метка начала файла
beginning tape label
метка начала ленты
beginning-of-file label
метка файла
body label
корпусная этикетка
body label
этикетка на корпусе тары
Word forms
Singular | Plural | |
Common case | label | labels |
Possessive case | label's | labels' |
Basic forms | |
Past | labeled, labelled |
Imperative | label |
Present Participle (Participle I) | labeling, labelling |
Past Participle (Participle II) | labeled, labelled |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I label | we label |
you label | you label |
he/she/it labels | they label |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am labeling, labelling | we are labeling, labelling |
you are labeling, labelling | you are labeling, labelling |
he/she/it is labeling, labelling | they are labeling, labelling |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have labeled, labelled | we have labeled, labelled |
you have labeled, labelled | you have labeled, labelled |
he/she/it has labeled, labelled | they have labeled, labelled |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been labeling, labelling | we have been labeling, labelling |
you have been labeling, labelling | you have been labeling, labelling |
he/she/it has been labeling, labelling | they have been labeling, labelling |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I labeled, labelled | we labeled, labelled |
you labeled, labelled | you labeled, labelled |
he/she/it labeled, labelled | they labeled, labelled |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was labeling, labelling | we were labeling, labelling |
you were labeling, labelling | you were labeling, labelling |
he/she/it was labeling, labelling | they were labeling, labelling |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had labeled, labelled | we had labeled, labelled |
you had labeled, labelled | you had labeled, labelled |
he/she/it had labeled, labelled | they had labeled, labelled |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been labeling, labelling | we had been labeling, labelling |
you had been labeling, labelling | you had been labeling, labelling |
he/she/it had been labeling, labelling | they had been labeling, labelling |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will label | we shall/will label |
you will label | you will label |
he/she/it will label | they will label |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be labeling, labelling | we shall/will be labeling, labelling |
you will be labeling, labelling | you will be labeling, labelling |
he/she/it will be labeling, labelling | they will be labeling, labelling |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have labeled, labelled | we shall/will have labeled, labelled |
you will have labeled, labelled | you will have labeled, labelled |
he/she/it will have labeled, labelled | they will have labeled, labelled |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been labeling, labelling | we shall/will have been labeling, labelling |
you will have been labeling, labelling | you will have been labeling, labelling |
he/she/it will have been labeling, labelling | they will have been labeling, labelling |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would label | we should/would label |
you would label | you would label |
he/she/it would label | they would label |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be labeling, labelling | we should/would be labeling, labelling |
you would be labeling, labelling | you would be labeling, labelling |
he/she/it would be labeling, labelling | they would be labeling, labelling |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have labeled, labelled | we should/would have labeled, labelled |
you would have labeled, labelled | you would have labeled, labelled |
he/she/it would have labeled, labelled | they would have labeled, labelled |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been labeling, labelling | we should/would have been labeling, labelling |
you would have been labeling, labelling | you would have been labeling, labelling |
he/she/it would have been labeling, labelling | they would have been labeling, labelling |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am labeled, labelled | we are labeled, labelled |
you are labeled, labelled | you are labeled, labelled |
he/she/it is labeled, labelled | they are labeled, labelled |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being labeled, labelled | we are being labeled, labelled |
you are being labeled, labelled | you are being labeled, labelled |
he/she/it is being labeled, labelled | they are being labeled, labelled |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been labeled, labelled | we have been labeled, labelled |
you have been labeled, labelled | you have been labeled, labelled |
he/she/it has been labeled, labelled | they have been labeled, labelled |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was labeled, labelled | we were labeled, labelled |
you were labeled, labelled | you were labeled, labelled |
he/she/it was labeled, labelled | they were labeled, labelled |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being labeled, labelled | we were being labeled, labelled |
you were being labeled, labelled | you were being labeled, labelled |
he/she/it was being labeled, labelled | they were being labeled, labelled |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been labeled, labelled | we had been labeled, labelled |
you had been labeled, labelled | you had been labeled, labelled |
he/she/it had been labeled, labelled | they had been labeled, labelled |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be labeled, labelled | we shall/will be labeled, labelled |
you will be labeled, labelled | you will be labeled, labelled |
he/she/it will be labeled, labelled | they will be labeled, labelled |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been labeled, labelled | we shall/will have been labeled, labelled |
you will have been labeled, labelled | you will have been labeled, labelled |
he/she/it will have been labeled, labelled | they will have been labeled, labelled |