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[ɪn'tɪmɪdeɪt] брит. / амер.


пугать; запугивать, устрашать

Law (En-Ru)



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Examples from texts

They didn't just ask Leon to agree, they did their best to intimidate him.
Леона, собственно, не просят согласиться – его терроризируют.
Политковская, Анна / Путинская РоссияPolitkovskaya, Anna / Putin's Russia
Putin's Russia
Politkovskaya, Anna
© Anna Politkovskaya 2004
© Arch Tait 2004
Путинская Россия
Политковская, Анна
© Анна Политковская 2004
Won't: frighten me, intimidate me, destroy me.
– Нет, ты не запугаешь меня, не разрушишь меня, я не боюсь.
Barker, Clive / The Damnation GameБаркер, Клайв / Проклятая игра
Проклятая игра
Баркер, Клайв
© copyright 1985 by Clive Barker
© 1994, Кэдмэн
© перевод Д. Аношина
The Damnation Game
Barker, Clive
© copyright 1985 by Clive Barker
But you do intimidate me sometimes."
Но иногда ты меня путаешь.
DeChancie, John / Castle SpellboundДе Ченси, Джон / Замок зачарованный
Замок зачарованный
Де Ченси, Джон
Castle Spellbound
DeChancie, John
© 1992 by John DeChancie
"Last thing I want to do is intimidate you.
— Меньше всего мне хотелось бы пугать тебя.
DeChancie, John / Castle SpellboundДе Ченси, Джон / Замок зачарованный
Замок зачарованный
Де Ченси, Джон
Castle Spellbound
DeChancie, John
© 1992 by John DeChancie
Without saying for the time being how far he succeeds in his attempt to intimidate his socialist readers, I shall merely note that such a method of argument should not be used in solving serious social questions.
Не говоря пока ничего о том, насколько удачна была его попытка запугивания своих читателей-социалистов, я замечу только, что такой прием аргументации не должен был бы употребляться при решении серьезных общественных вопросов.
Плеханов, Г. В. / Наши разногласия. Письмо к П. Л. ЛавровуPlekhanov, G. V. / Our Differences. Letter to P. L. Lavrov
Our Differences. Letter to P. L. Lavrov
Plekhanov, G. V.
Наши разногласия. Письмо к П. Л. Лаврову
Плеханов, Г. В.
© Государственное издательство политической литературы, 1949 г.
References and remarks, to try and convince you all I'm not crazy (or, failing that, to simply intimidate you into shutting up about it).
Ссылки и заметки: попытка убедить вас, что я не полный псих (или, на крайний случай, запугать в достаточной мере, чтобы вы промолчали).
Watts, Peter / BlindsightУоттс, Питер / Ложная слепота
Ложная слепота
Уоттс, Питер
© 2006 by Peter Watts
© Д.М.Смушкович, перевод, 2009
© ООО "Астрель-СПб", 2010
Watts, Peter
© 2006 by Peter Watts
“You come here to intimidate us, but you can't do it.
Вы пришли сюда, чтобы запугать нас, но вам это не удастся.
Dreiser, Theodore / The TitanДрайзер, Теодор / Титан
Драйзер, Теодор
© Издательство "Правда", 1981
The Titan
Dreiser, Theodore
"Guard that grating, Cavor," I cried, howled to intimidate them, and rushed to meet them.
— Охраняйте решетку, Кейвор! — крикнул я и с ревом, чтобы устрашить их, ринулся навстречу.
Wells, Herbert George / The First Men in the MoonУэллс, Герберт / Первые люди на Луне
Первые люди на Луне
Уэллс, Герберт
© Издательство "Правда", 1964
The First Men in the Moon
Wells, Herbert George
© the Literary Executors of the Estate of H. G. Wells
I recognized it as the one she’d purchased at the Catholic church near our university, the one she had used to intimidate the evil librarian when he’d attacked her in the history section of the library stacks.
Я узнал распятие, купленное в церкви Святой Марии, — то самое, которым она запугивала злодея-библиотекаря в историческом отделе фондов.
Kostova, Elisabeth / The HistorianКостова, Элизабет / Историк
Костова, Элизабет
© Перевод. Г. Соловьева, 2005
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2005
© Elizabeth Kostova, 2005
The Historian
Kostova, Elisabeth
© 2005 by Elizabeth Kostova
"What he did was not done simply to frighten or intimidate me.
— Он все это делал не для того, чтобы меня напугать. А чтобы научить.
Brooks, Terry / The Wishsong of ShannaraБрукс, Терри / Песнь Шаннары
Песнь Шаннары
Брукс, Терри
The Wishsong of Shannara
Brooks, Terry
© 1985 by Terrence D. Brooks
Soft targets, easy to intimidate.
Мягкотелых, воспитанных людей легко напугать.
Child, Lee / TripwireЧайлд, Ли / Ловушка
Чайлд, Ли
© 1999 by Lee Child
© Перевод. В. Гольдич, И. Оганесова, 2009
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009
Child, Lee
© 1999 by Lee Child
You are quite wrong, excellency, if you think that your presence will intimidate them; nothing intimidates them.
Вы напрасно думаете их вашим свидетельством сконфузить, ваше превосходительство; они не сконфузятся-с.
Достоевский, Фёдор / ИдиотDostoevsky, Fyodor / Idiot
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
© 2004 by Fine Creative Media, Inc.
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1971
They could intimidate voters at the polling station. If need be, they could riot.
Они могли устрашать людей на избирательном участке, а если будет необходимо, то и устроить бунт.
Liss, David / A Spectacle Of CorruptionЛисс, Дэвид / Ярмарка коррупции
Ярмарка коррупции
Лисс, Дэвид
© И. Нелюбова, перевод, 2007
© Издательский дом "Азбука-классика", 2007
© 2004 by David Liss
A Spectacle Of Corruption
Liss, David
© 2004 by David Liss
He was moving slowly, obviously hoping not to hit Doul, but to intimidate him into submission.
Двигался он медленно, явно рассчитывая не бить Доула, а лишь запугать его и заставить подчиниться.
Mieville, China / The ScarМьевиль, Чайна / Шрам
Мьевиль, Чайна
© Перевод. Г. Крылов, 2008
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008
© 2002 by China Mieville
The Scar
Mieville, China
© 2002 by China Mieville
Maybe we can intimidate anybody who might be feeling unfriendly.'
На случай встречи с недругами нам стоит сделать вид, что в отряде по прежнему много Рыцарей Храма.
Eddings, David / The Ruby KnightЭддингс, Дэвид / Рубиновый рыцарь
Рубиновый рыцарь
Эддингс, Дэвид
The Ruby Knight
Eddings, David
© 1990 by David Eddings

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ɪn'tɪmɪdeɪtVerbпугать; запугивать; устрашатьExamples

The salesman intimidated the old lady into signing the paper. — Угрозами продавец заставил старуху подписать бумагу.

User translations


  1. 1.


    translation added by Евгений Якунин


to intimidate
to intimidate a witness
запугивать свидетеля
to intimidate a witness
запугивать судью
to intimidate
oppressed / intimidated condition
intimidating action
акция устрашения

Word forms


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)intimidating
Past Participle (Participle II)intimidated
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I intimidatewe intimidate
you intimidateyou intimidate
he/she/it intimidatesthey intimidate
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am intimidatingwe are intimidating
you are intimidatingyou are intimidating
he/she/it is intimidatingthey are intimidating
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have intimidatedwe have intimidated
you have intimidatedyou have intimidated
he/she/it has intimidatedthey have intimidated
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been intimidatingwe have been intimidating
you have been intimidatingyou have been intimidating
he/she/it has been intimidatingthey have been intimidating
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I intimidatedwe intimidated
you intimidatedyou intimidated
he/she/it intimidatedthey intimidated
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was intimidatingwe were intimidating
you were intimidatingyou were intimidating
he/she/it was intimidatingthey were intimidating
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had intimidatedwe had intimidated
you had intimidatedyou had intimidated
he/she/it had intimidatedthey had intimidated
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been intimidatingwe had been intimidating
you had been intimidatingyou had been intimidating
he/she/it had been intimidatingthey had been intimidating
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will intimidatewe shall/will intimidate
you will intimidateyou will intimidate
he/she/it will intimidatethey will intimidate
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be intimidatingwe shall/will be intimidating
you will be intimidatingyou will be intimidating
he/she/it will be intimidatingthey will be intimidating
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have intimidatedwe shall/will have intimidated
you will have intimidatedyou will have intimidated
he/she/it will have intimidatedthey will have intimidated
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been intimidatingwe shall/will have been intimidating
you will have been intimidatingyou will have been intimidating
he/she/it will have been intimidatingthey will have been intimidating
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would intimidatewe should/would intimidate
you would intimidateyou would intimidate
he/she/it would intimidatethey would intimidate
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be intimidatingwe should/would be intimidating
you would be intimidatingyou would be intimidating
he/she/it would be intimidatingthey would be intimidating
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have intimidatedwe should/would have intimidated
you would have intimidatedyou would have intimidated
he/she/it would have intimidatedthey would have intimidated
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been intimidatingwe should/would have been intimidating
you would have been intimidatingyou would have been intimidating
he/she/it would have been intimidatingthey would have been intimidating
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am intimidatedwe are intimidated
you are intimidatedyou are intimidated
he/she/it is intimidatedthey are intimidated
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being intimidatedwe are being intimidated
you are being intimidatedyou are being intimidated
he/she/it is being intimidatedthey are being intimidated
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been intimidatedwe have been intimidated
you have been intimidatedyou have been intimidated
he/she/it has been intimidatedthey have been intimidated
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was intimidatedwe were intimidated
you were intimidatedyou were intimidated
he/she/it was intimidatedthey were intimidated
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being intimidatedwe were being intimidated
you were being intimidatedyou were being intimidated
he/she/it was being intimidatedthey were being intimidated
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been intimidatedwe had been intimidated
you had been intimidatedyou had been intimidated
he/she/it had been intimidatedthey had been intimidated
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be intimidatedwe shall/will be intimidated
you will be intimidatedyou will be intimidated
he/she/it will be intimidatedthey will be intimidated
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been intimidatedwe shall/will have been intimidated
you will have been intimidatedyou will have been intimidated
he/she/it will have been intimidatedthey will have been intimidated