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Computer Science- The present edition has been significantly enriched with terms from such areas as logical device design and modeling, knowledge engineering, production computerization, artificial intelligence systems, computer networks, digital signal processing, parallel and pipeline computations, system analysis, Internet Technology.
- The present edition has been significantly enriched with terms from such areas as logical device design and modeling, knowledge engineering, production computerization, artificial intelligence systems, computer networks, digital signal processing, parallel and pipeline computations, system analysis, Internet Technology.
числа с плавающей точкой
Examples from texts
Similarly, there is no restriction that SisoComp can operate only on bit vectors; it can just as well operate on integers, floats, lists, components, systems, or any other Confluence datatype.Не существует никаких ограничений, чтобы элемент SisoComp работал не только с двоичными векторами, но также и с целыми числами, переменными, списками, компонентами, системами или любыми другими типами данных языка Confluence.Maxfield, Clive / The design warrior's guide to FPGAs: Devices, Tools and FlowsМаксфилд, Клайв / Проектирование на ПЛИС. Архитектура, средства и методы. Курс молодого бойцаПроектирование на ПЛИС. Архитектура, средства и методы. Курс молодого бойцаМаксфилд, Клайв© Издательский дом «Додэка-XXI», 2007The design warrior's guide to FPGAs: Devices, Tools and FlowsMaxfield, Clive© 2004, Mentor Graphics Corporation and Xilinx, Inc.
Moreover, in that known structure it is suggested that shooting take place in opposite directions in adjacent sections, as well as to mount upper protective cover on the floats or to use for this purpose a diving-bell.Кроме того, в известной конструкции предложено в смежных секциях проводить встречную стрельбу, при этом предлагается на поплавках установить верхнее защитное покрытие или использовать в качестве него водолазный колокол.http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/10/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/10/2011
Cross-section stability on water is provided with the tight hollow wings which are carrying out the function of lateral stabilizing floats.Поперечная устойчивость на воде обеспечивается герметичными полыми крыльями, выполняющими функцию боковых стабилизирующих поплавков.http://www.patentlens.net/ 10/31/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 10/31/2011
The fewest fish were caught by Lavretsky and Lisa; probably this was because they paid less attention than the others to the angling, and allowed their floats to swim back right up to the bank.Реже всех бралось у Лаврецкого и у Лизы; вероятно, это происходило оттого, что они меньше других обращали внимания на ловлю и дали поплавкам своим подплыть к самому берегу.Turgenev, I.S. / A House of GentlefolkТургенев, И.С. / Дворянское гнездоДворянское гнездоТургенев, И.С.© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1983A House of GentlefolkTurgenev, I.S.© 2006 BiblioBazaar
"We believe these new floats are just the beginning of a growing, healthy, long term pipeline of issuers, looking to join our markets.Мы полагаем, что эти новые размещения свидетельствуют о начале массового, стабильного и долгосрочного потока эмитентов, желающих выйти на наши рынки.© 2011 PwChttp://www.pwc.ru/ 21.10.2011© 2011 PwChttp://www.pwc.ru/ 21.10.2011
Let us consider a problem on impact on water in applications to water landing of hydroplanes and to experiments with plates (schematized models of boats and airplane inboard stabilizing floats) with the help of dimensional and similarity theory.Рассмотрим с помощью теории размерности и подобия задачу об ударе о воду применительно к посадке гидросамолетов и к экспериментам с пластинками — схематизированными моделями лодок и поплавков самолетов.Sedov, L.I. / Similarity and dimensional methods in mechanicsСедов, Л.И. / Методы подобия и размерности в механикеМетоды подобия и размерности в механикеСедов, Л.И.© Главная редакция физико-математической литературы издательства "Наука", 1977, с изменениямиSimilarity and dimensional methods in mechanicsSedov, L.I.© 1993 by CRC Press, Inc.
There are three basic positioning schemes in CSS: normal flow, floats, and absolute positioning.В таблицах CSS существует три базовые схемы позиционирования: нормальный поток плавающий блок и абсолютное позиционирование.Budd, Andy,Moll, Cameron,Collison, Simon / CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards SolutionsБадд, Энди,Молл, Камерон,Коллизон, Саймон / Мастерская CSS: профессиональное применение Web-стандартовМастерская CSS: профессиональное применение Web-стандартовБадд, Энди,Молл, Камерон,Коллизон, Саймон© Andy Budd, Cameron Moll, and Simon Collison 2006© Издательский дом "Вильямc", 2007CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards SolutionsBudd, Andy,Moll, Cameron,Collison, Simon© 2006 by Andy Budd, Cameron Moll, and Simon Collison
To solve this problem, some people choose to float nearly everything in a layout and then clear those floats using an appropriate meaningful element, often the site footer.Для решения этой проблемы некоторые разработчики делают плавающими почти все элементы макета, а затем очищают их с помощью какого-либо элемента (часто используя для этого нижний колонтитул страницы).Budd, Andy,Moll, Cameron,Collison, Simon / CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards SolutionsБадд, Энди,Молл, Камерон,Коллизон, Саймон / Мастерская CSS: профессиональное применение Web-стандартовМастерская CSS: профессиональное применение Web-стандартовБадд, Энди,Молл, Камерон,Коллизон, Саймон© Andy Budd, Cameron Moll, and Simon Collison 2006© Издательский дом "Вильямc", 2007CSS Mastery: Advanced Web Standards SolutionsBudd, Andy,Moll, Cameron,Collison, Simon© 2006 by Andy Budd, Cameron Moll, and Simon Collison
Finally the rope breaks and Bartleby floats away.Наконец веревка рвется, и Бартлеби улетает.King, Stephen / Bag of BonesКинг, Стивен / Мешок с костямиМешок с костямиКинг, Стивен© 1998 Стивен Кинг© 1999, АСТ© перевод В. ВебераBag of BonesKing, Stephen© 1998 by Stephen King
Another generator device is known, including a generator line made of cable provided with floats or of floating cable, and a receiving line, which is submerged onto the bottom.Известно генераторное устройство, в котором генераторная линия, выполнена из кабеля, снабженного поплавками или из плавающего кабеля, а приемная линия погружена на дно.http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/2/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/2/2011
To accurately predict the motion of a feather or a falling leaf, we would have to include forces due to the air through which it floats.Чтобы точно предсказать движение пера или падающего листа, нам понадобилось бы учесть силы действия воздуха, в котором данный предмет парит.Diacu, Florin,Holmes, Philip / Celestial encounters: the origins of chaos and stabilityДиаку, Флорин,Холмс, Филип / Небесные встречи. Истоки хаоса и устойчивости.Небесные встречи. Истоки хаоса и устойчивости.Диаку, Флорин,Холмс, Филип© НИЦ «Регулярная и хаотическая динамика», перевод на русский язык, 2004© Princeton University Press. 1996Celestial encounters: the origins of chaos and stabilityDiacu, Florin,Holmes, Philip© 1996 by Florin Diacu and Philip Holmes
The ocean to the east has underwater warships in it; these tend to shoot at anything that floats.На востоке океан кишит подводными военными судами; они нападают на все, что плавает.Heinlein, Robert / Time Enough For LoveХайнлайн, Роберт / Достаточно времени для любви, или жизни Лазаруса ЛонгаДостаточно времени для любви, или жизни Лазаруса ЛонгаХайнлайн, Роберт© 1973 by Robert A. Heinlein© Перевод. Ю. Соколов, 2008© TERRA FANTASTICA, 2008Time Enough For LoveHeinlein, Robert© 1973 by Robert Heinlein
"Make him sing his song, 'How the Moon Floats,'" cried Marya Dmitrievna.- Заставьте его спеть романс - как луна плывет, - воскликнула Марья Дмитриевна.Turgenev, I.S. / A House of GentlefolkТургенев, И.С. / Дворянское гнездоДворянское гнездоТургенев, И.С.© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1983A House of GentlefolkTurgenev, I.S.© 2006 BiblioBazaar
Marduk used a Whirlpool semi-mix microphone, with a forty-bbc channel rejection, an 'expanding' type sense-discrimination selector, with a floating throat-slot 'passive' director.Мардук применял микрофон «Вихрь» с сорокаканальным подавлением, селектор-дискриминатор ощущений «расширяющегося» типа был оборудован поплавковым щелегорловым «пассивным» регулятором.Sheckley, Robert / MindswapШекли, Роберт / Обмен разумовОбмен разумовШекли, Роберт© 1966 by Robert Sheckley© Евдокимова Н., перевод на русский язык, 2009© Издание на русском языке, ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009MindswapSheckley, Robert© 1966 by Robert Sheckley
Such application is to be delivered to the Company no later than the date preceding the date of floating of additional shares and issued securities convertible into shares.Такое заявление должно быть направлено Обществу не позднее дня, предшествующего дате начала размещения дополнительных акций и эмиссионных ценных бумаг, конвертируемых в акции.© 2002-2008 Aeroflot - Russian Airlineshttp://www.old.aeroflot.ru/ 8/13/2009© 2002-2008 Аэрофлот - Российские авиалинииhttp://www.old.aeroflot.ru/ 8/13/2009
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числа с плавающей точкой
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tied-in floats structure
одинарное комбинированное трикотажное переплетение с чередованием полных, неполных и прессовых петель
twin floats
спаренные буи
whatever floats your boat
как изволите
whatever floats your boat
как пожелаете
whatever floats your boat
как вам угодно
it floats around
это носится в воздухе
aerotype float chamber
нечувствительная к крену поплавковая камера
air-floating head
плавающая головка
annular float
кольцеобразный поплавок
ball float
сферический поплавок
ball float
шаровой поплавок
ball float valve
шаровой поплавковый клапан
block-floating matrix
блочно-плавающая матрица
Word forms
Singular | Plural | |
Common case | float | floats |
Possessive case | float's | floats' |
Basic forms | |
Past | floated |
Imperative | float |
Present Participle (Participle I) | floating |
Past Participle (Participle II) | floated |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I float | we float |
you float | you float |
he/she/it floats | they float |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am floating | we are floating |
you are floating | you are floating |
he/she/it is floating | they are floating |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have floated | we have floated |
you have floated | you have floated |
he/she/it has floated | they have floated |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been floating | we have been floating |
you have been floating | you have been floating |
he/she/it has been floating | they have been floating |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I floated | we floated |
you floated | you floated |
he/she/it floated | they floated |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was floating | we were floating |
you were floating | you were floating |
he/she/it was floating | they were floating |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had floated | we had floated |
you had floated | you had floated |
he/she/it had floated | they had floated |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been floating | we had been floating |
you had been floating | you had been floating |
he/she/it had been floating | they had been floating |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will float | we shall/will float |
you will float | you will float |
he/she/it will float | they will float |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be floating | we shall/will be floating |
you will be floating | you will be floating |
he/she/it will be floating | they will be floating |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have floated | we shall/will have floated |
you will have floated | you will have floated |
he/she/it will have floated | they will have floated |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been floating | we shall/will have been floating |
you will have been floating | you will have been floating |
he/she/it will have been floating | they will have been floating |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would float | we should/would float |
you would float | you would float |
he/she/it would float | they would float |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be floating | we should/would be floating |
you would be floating | you would be floating |
he/she/it would be floating | they would be floating |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have floated | we should/would have floated |
you would have floated | you would have floated |
he/she/it would have floated | they would have floated |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been floating | we should/would have been floating |
you would have been floating | you would have been floating |
he/she/it would have been floating | they would have been floating |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am floated | we are floated |
you are floated | you are floated |
he/she/it is floated | they are floated |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being floated | we are being floated |
you are being floated | you are being floated |
he/she/it is being floated | they are being floated |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been floated | we have been floated |
you have been floated | you have been floated |
he/she/it has been floated | they have been floated |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was floated | we were floated |
you were floated | you were floated |
he/she/it was floated | they were floated |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being floated | we were being floated |
you were being floated | you were being floated |
he/she/it was being floated | they were being floated |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been floated | we had been floated |
you had been floated | you had been floated |
he/she/it had been floated | they had been floated |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be floated | we shall/will be floated |
you will be floated | you will be floated |
he/she/it will be floated | they will be floated |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been floated | we shall/will have been floated |
you will have been floated | you will have been floated |
he/she/it will have been floated | they will have been floated |