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[fiːl] брит. / амер.

  1. гл.; прош. вр., прич. прош. вр. felt

      1. ощупывать, осязать, трогать, прикасаться

      2. ощупывать, прощупывать (проверяя что-л.); мед. производить пальпацию

      3. = feel about шарить, искать ощупью прям. и перен.

      1. разг. "прощупывать", выяснять положение дел

      2. воен., жарг. "прощупывать", осуществлять разведдействия, выяснять, есть ли враг на данной территории

      1. чувствовать, ощущать; быть способным ощущать (что-л.)

      2. чувствовать с особой остротой, тонко воспринимать (в частности, различия между чем-л.), быть чувствительным, восприимчивым (к чему-л.)

      3. принимать близко к сердцу

      4. (feel for / with) сочувствовать; сопереживать (кому-л.)

    1. полагать, считать, быть убеждённым

    2. (feel + прил.) чувствовать себя (как-л.), быть в состоянии (чего-л.)

  2. сущ.

    1. ощущение

    2. чувство

    3. интуитивное знание или способность

    4. эротическое прикосновение

Biology (En-Ru)


чувствовать, ощущать; осязать

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Examples from texts

Behind his back he could feel everyone eyeing his blue overalls.
Он спиной чувствовал, что все глаза уставились на его синий комбинезон.
Orwell, George / Nineteen Eighty-FourОруэлл, Джордж / 1984
Оруэлл, Джордж
© 1977, Sonia Brownell Orwell
© Издательство «Прогресс», 1989
© перевод, Голышев В. П.
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Orwell, George
© 1977, Sonia Brownell Orwell
© 2003, Thomas Pynchon
I understand how you feel, Rand, she said, and he had the uncomfortable feeling that she really did.
Я понимаю, что ты чувствуешь. Ранд, - сказала она, и ему стало неловко оттого, что она действительно понимает.
Jordan, Robert / The Eye of the WorldДжордан, Роберт / Око мира
Око мира
Джордан, Роберт
The Eye of the World
Jordan, Robert
© 1990 by Robert Jordan
On his return from seeing him, he was very mournful and dispirited; he suddenly began to feel that he was anxious for Mitya's escape, not only to heal that sore place by sacrificing thirty thousand, but for another reason.
Возвращаясь тогда от него, он был страшно грустен и смущен: ему вдруг начало чувствоваться, что он хочет побега не для того только, чтобы пожертвовать на это тридцать тысяч и заживить царапину, а и почему-то другому.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы
Братья Карамазовы
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1988
The brothers Karamazov
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
At times, using this mode might feel like trying to tame a wild cat: you think you're making progress, then it gets away from you.
Временами использование этого режима может выглядеть, как попытка приручить дикую кошку: вы думаете, что достигаете прогресса, а затем она убегает от вас.
Story, Derrick / Digital Photography Hacks™Стори, Деррик / Цифровая фотография. Трюки. 100 советов и рекомендаций профессионала
Цифровая фотография. Трюки. 100 советов и рекомендаций профессионала
Стори, Деррик
© 2004 O'Reilly Media, Inc.
© Перевод на русский язык, ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер»
© Издание на русском языке, ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер», 2005
Digital Photography Hacks™
Story, Derrick
© 2004 O'Reilly Media, Inc.
I am beginning to feel an attachment to this Town.
Но теперь я привязываюсь к этому Городу.
Murakami, Haruki / Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the WorldМураками, Харуки / Страна чудес без тормозов и конец света
Страна чудес без тормозов и конец света
Мураками, Харуки
© 1991 by Kodansha International Ltd.
© Д. Коваленин. Перевод, 2003
© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2005
Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
Murakami, Haruki
© 1991 by Kodansha International Ltd.
“I feel like an ornamental flower arrangement,” she said with some feeling.
— Я, по-моему, похожа на клумбу, — заметила она с некоторым волнением.
Stross, Charles / The Family TradeСтросс, Чарльз / Семейное дело
Семейное дело
Стросс, Чарльз
The Family Trade
Stross, Charles
© 2004 by Charles Stross
"Most of it," Lisa said, not knowing whether to feel pride or guilt.
– Почти все, – ответила Лиза, не зная, чувствовать ли ей гордость или вину.
Zahn, Timothy / A Coming Of AgeЗан, Тимоти / Планета по имени Тигрис
Планета по имени Тигрис
Зан, Тимоти
© 1985 by Timothy Zahn
© Перевод. И. Рассохин, В. Иванов, 2006
© Издание на русском языке ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2007
A Coming Of Age
Zahn, Timothy
© 1985 by Timothy Zahn
Susannah could feel a fine, tickling spray of saliva.
Сюзанна почувствовала, как ее обдало слюной.
King, Stephen / The Dark Tower 6: The Song of SusannahКинг, Стивен / Темная башня 6: Песнь Сюзанны
Темная башня 6: Песнь Сюзанны
Кинг, Стивен
The Dark Tower 6: The Song of Susannah
King, Stephen
© 2004 by Stephen King
This is the point: I have perhaps acted unfairly to you; I feel it.
Вот что-с: я, может быть, и очень виноват перед вами выхожу; я это чувствую-с.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказание
Преступление и наказание
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1970
Crime and Punishment
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
© 2009 Rhodes Media
She should feel it, but instead of feeling it she goes against me!
Она бы чувствовала, а вместо чувствия она супротив идет!
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The Insulted and InjuredДостоевский, Фёдор / Униженные и оскорблённые
Униженные и оскорблённые
Достоевский, Фёдор
© "Государственное издательство художественной литературы", 1955
The Insulted and Injured
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
"I understand all that you mean. Marry you cannot with loving, and that love you do not feel for me.
— Я понимаю, что вы хотите сказать: вы не можете жениться без любви, а любви ко мне у вас нет.
Cooper, James Fenimore / The DeerslayerКупер, Джеймс Фенимор / Зверобой, или Первая тропа войны
Зверобой, или Первая тропа войны
Купер, Джеймс Фенимор
© Издательство "Детская литература", 1974
The Deerslayer
Cooper, James Fenimore
© Wordsworth Editions Limited 1995
You're playing on how I feel about you.
Не играй на моих чувствах к тебе.
Mead, Richelle / Shadow KissМид, Райчел / Поцелуй тьмы
Поцелуй тьмы
Мид, Райчел
© Б. Жужунава, перевод на русский язык, 2010
© Издание на русском языке, ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2010
© 2008 Richelle Mead
Shadow Kiss
Mead, Richelle
© 2008 Richelle Mead
I shall feel happy over it for a week.
Мне теперь веселья на целую неделю хватит!
Zola, Emile / Abbe Mouret's TransgressionЗоля, Эмиль / Проступок аббата Муре
Проступок аббата Муре
Золя, Эмиль
Abbe Mouret's Transgression
Zola, Emile
© BiblioBazaar, LLC
Standing there under an old oak tree was a table covered with a starched white cloth on which such an abundance of tasty things was laid out that Varya immediately began to feel hungry.
Под старым дубом белел накрытый крахмальной скатертью стол, а на нем стояло столько всякого вкусного, что Варя моментально проголодалась.
Акунин, Борис / Турецкий ГамбитAkunin, Boris / Turkish Gambit
Turkish Gambit
Akunin, Boris
© Boris Akunin 1998
© Andrew Bromfield, translation
Турецкий Гамбит
Акунин, Борис
© Copyright Борис Акунин
It made her feel better to think about that, but after a few minutes she reluctantly concluded that it wouldn't solve anything.
Пока она размышляла об этом, ей полегчало, но несколько минут спустя она с трудом пришла к заключению, что это ничего не решает.
Stross, Charles / The Family TradeСтросс, Чарльз / Семейное дело
Семейное дело
Стросс, Чарльз
The Family Trade
Stross, Charles
© 2004 by Charles Stross

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fiːlVerbощупывать; осязать; трогать; прикасаться

User translations

The part of speech is not specified

  1. 1.

    чувствовать, ощущать

    translation added by Орч Алп
  2. 2.


    translation added by Reine Anna


artificial feel bungee
автомат усилий
artificial feel bungee
пружинный автомат загрузки
artificial feel system
автомат загрузки
feel angry
feel bad
чувствовать себя плохо
feel blue
feel certain
быть уверенным
feel cheap
feel fine
чувствовать себя хорошо
feel free
не стесняться
feel free
чувствовать себя как дома
feel free
чувствовать себя свободно
feel her helm
слушаться руля
feel like
быть склонным
feel like

Word forms


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)feeling
Past Participle (Participle II)felt
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I feelwe feel
you feelyou feel
he/she/it feelsthey feel
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am feelingwe are feeling
you are feelingyou are feeling
he/she/it is feelingthey are feeling
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have feltwe have felt
you have feltyou have felt
he/she/it has feltthey have felt
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been feelingwe have been feeling
you have been feelingyou have been feeling
he/she/it has been feelingthey have been feeling
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I feltwe felt
you feltyou felt
he/she/it feltthey felt
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was feelingwe were feeling
you were feelingyou were feeling
he/she/it was feelingthey were feeling
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had feltwe had felt
you had feltyou had felt
he/she/it had feltthey had felt
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been feelingwe had been feeling
you had been feelingyou had been feeling
he/she/it had been feelingthey had been feeling
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will feelwe shall/will feel
you will feelyou will feel
he/she/it will feelthey will feel
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be feelingwe shall/will be feeling
you will be feelingyou will be feeling
he/she/it will be feelingthey will be feeling
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have feltwe shall/will have felt
you will have feltyou will have felt
he/she/it will have feltthey will have felt
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been feelingwe shall/will have been feeling
you will have been feelingyou will have been feeling
he/she/it will have been feelingthey will have been feeling
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would feelwe should/would feel
you would feelyou would feel
he/she/it would feelthey would feel
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be feelingwe should/would be feeling
you would be feelingyou would be feeling
he/she/it would be feelingthey would be feeling
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have feltwe should/would have felt
you would have feltyou would have felt
he/she/it would have feltthey would have felt
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been feelingwe should/would have been feeling
you would have been feelingyou would have been feeling
he/she/it would have been feelingthey would have been feeling
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am feltwe are felt
you are feltyou are felt
he/she/it is feltthey are felt
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being feltwe are being felt
you are being feltyou are being felt
he/she/it is being feltthey are being felt
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been feltwe have been felt
you have been feltyou have been felt
he/she/it has been feltthey have been felt
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was feltwe were felt
you were feltyou were felt
he/she/it was feltthey were felt
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being feltwe were being felt
you were being feltyou were being felt
he/she/it was being feltthey were being felt
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been feltwe had been felt
you had been feltyou had been felt
he/she/it had been feltthey had been felt
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be feltwe shall/will be felt
you will be feltyou will be felt
he/she/it will be feltthey will be felt
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been feltwe shall/will have been felt
you will have been feltyou will have been felt
he/she/it will have been feltthey will have been felt


Common casefeelfeels
Possessive casefeel'sfeels'