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Examples from texts
Daily, you are barraged with facts and files, and buried in a mountain of e-mail messages.Каждый день вы имеете дело с новыми фактами и файлами, а также получаете большое количество сообщений по электронной почте.Murray, Katherine / First Look 2007 Microsoft® Office SystemМюррей, Кэтрин / Новые возможности системы Microsoft® Office 2007Новые возможности системы Microsoft® Office 2007Мюррей, Кэтрин© 2006 by Katherine Murray© 2006 by Microsoft Corporation© Издательство ЭКОМ, 2006First Look 2007 Microsoft® Office SystemMurray, Katherine© 2006 by Microsoft Corporation
This mail storage format, called mbox, was sufficient for the early days of the Internet, but mbox's limitations began to show as e-mail grew in popularity.На заре развития Интернет данного формата сохранения, называемого "mbox", было достаточно, однако по мере роста популярности электронной почты, все отчетливее стали заявлять о себе ограничения mbox.Allen, David,Scott, Andrew,Lewis, Herb,Stile, John,Tuck, Tim / Windows to Linux Migration ToolkitАллен, Дэвид,Скотт, Эндрю,Льюис, Герберт,Стайл, Джон,Такк, Тимоти / Переход с Windows на LinuxПереход с Windows на LinuxАллен, Дэвид,Скотт, Эндрю,Льюис, Герберт,Стайл, Джон,Такк, Тимоти© 2004 by Syncress Publishing, Inc.© Перевод на русский язык, «БХВ-Петербург» 2005Windows to Linux Migration ToolkitAllen, David,Scott, Andrew,Lewis, Herb,Stile, John,Tuck, Tim© 2004 by Syngress Publishing, Inc.
We also made e-mail transactional in nature in that section; if you rollback, the e-mail does not get sent, if you commit out it goes.В этом разделе мы также обеспечили включение передачи сообщений в транзакцию; при откате транзакции сообщение не отправлялось, а при фиксации — отправлялось.Kyte, Tom / Expert One-on-One OracleКайт, Том / Oracle для профессионаловOracle для профессионаловКайт, Том© Перевод на русский язык. ООО «ДиаСофтЮП», 2003© Wrox Press Ltd, 2002Expert One-on-One OracleKyte, Tom© Wrox Press Ltd, 2002
Be mindful of what you say over the phone, and be extra careful when sending faxes, e-mail, and voice messages: They can very easily end up in the wrong hands.Задумайтесь, о чем можно говорить по телефону, и еще внимательней относитесь к отправке информации по факсу, электронной или голосовой почте: она очень легко может попасть не в те руки.Rasiel, Ethan M. / The McKinsey Way: Using the Techniques of the World's Top Strategic Consultants to Help You and Your BusinessРасиел, Итан М. / Метод McKinsey: Использование техник ведущих стратегических консультантов для решения ваших личных задач и задач вашего бизнесаМетод McKinsey: Использование техник ведущих стратегических консультантов для решения ваших личных задач и задач вашего бизнесаРасиел, Итан М.© Ethan M. Rasiel, 1999© Иванов М., Фербер М., перевод, 2003© ООО "Альпина Бизнес Букс", издание на русском языке, перевод, оформление, 2004The McKinsey Way: Using the Techniques of the World's Top Strategic Consultants to Help You and Your BusinessRasiel, Ethan M.© Ethan M. Rasiel, 1999
My personal favorite is to be able to collect updates into my database by e-mail.Моей самой любимой функцией является возможность сбора обновлений в базу данных через электронную почту.Murray, Katherine / First Look 2007 Microsoft® Office SystemМюррей, Кэтрин / Новые возможности системы Microsoft® Office 2007Новые возможности системы Microsoft® Office 2007Мюррей, Кэтрин© 2006 by Katherine Murray© 2006 by Microsoft Corporation© Издательство ЭКОМ, 2006First Look 2007 Microsoft® Office SystemMurray, Katherine© 2006 by Microsoft Corporation
This information, called an account, enables your computer to interact with a mail server at your Internet service provider (ISP) so that you can send and receive e-mail.Эта информация содержится в учетной записи, она необходима для того, чтобы компьютер пользователя мог взаимодействовать (отсылать и получать электронную почту) с почтовым сервером поставщика услуг Интернета.Simmons, Kurt / Windows XP Headaches - How to Fix Common (and Not So Common) Problems in a HurryСиммонс, Курт / Головная боль Windows XP. Быстрое решение стандартных (и не только) проблемГоловная боль Windows XP. Быстрое решение стандартных (и не только) проблемСиммонс, Курт© Издание на русском языке Издательство Бином, 2004Windows XP Headaches - How to Fix Common (and Not So Common) Problems in a HurrySimmons, Kurt© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies
messages transmitted via e-mail channels;сообщения, передаваемые по каналам электронной почты;http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/25/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/25/2011
Phone number (fax, e-mail address)Телефон (факс, адрес электронной почты)About ABBYY FlexiCapture 8.0 ProfessionalЧто такое ABBYY FlexiCapture 8.0 Professionalо такое ABBYY FlexiCapture 8.0 ProfessionalЧто такое ABBYY FlexiCapture 8.0 Professiona© 2007 ABBYYout ABBYY FlexiCapture 8.0 ProfessionalAbout ABBYY FlexiCapture 8.0 Professiona© 2007 ABBYY
She felt as though a ghostly robot were sitting at her computer, trying to break into her e-mail account at the speed of light.«Словно робот-призрак сидит за компьютером и со скоростью света ищет путь к моей почте», – подумала Лорел.Iles, Greg / Third DegreeАйлс, Грег / Заложники страхаЗаложники страхаАйлс, Грег© ООО Издательство "АСТ-Москва", 2009© Перевод, И. Метлицкая, 2009© 2007 by Greg IlesThird DegreeIles, Greg© 2007 by Greg Iles
Use detail makes use of any numbers, e-mail addresses or Web addresses from the current messageИзвлечь информ. — использовать любые номера, адреса электронной почты или адреса в Интернете из текущего сообщения.© Компания Vertu, 2006http://www.vertu.com 11/27/2011© Vertu 2006http://www.vertu.com 11/27/2011
A major way of spreading computer viruses is through e-mail attachments.Компьютерные вирусы распространяются, в основном, через почтовые сообщения.Simmons, Kurt / Windows XP Headaches - How to Fix Common (and Not So Common) Problems in a HurryСиммонс, Курт / Головная боль Windows XP. Быстрое решение стандартных (и не только) проблемГоловная боль Windows XP. Быстрое решение стандартных (и не только) проблемСиммонс, Курт© Издание на русском языке Издательство Бином, 2004Windows XP Headaches - How to Fix Common (and Not So Common) Problems in a HurrySimmons, Kurt© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies
And with that petty spleen out of my system (spoken to the empty house, and in loud tones, if you must know), I did review the e-mail I'd sent her, and yes, I was worried.Стравив злобу (высказал всё безлюдному дому громким голосом, если вам это интересно), я открыл то самое электронное письмо, которое отправлял Пэм, и да, встревожился.King, Stephen / Duma KeyКинг, Стивен / Дьюма-КиДьюма-КиКинг, Стивен© Перевод В.А. Вебер, 2008© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009© Stephen King, 2008Duma KeyKing, Stephen© 2008 by Stephen King
Scientists are constantly exchanging ideas with one another and critiquing one another's thinking via e-mail.Ученые постоянно обмениваются друг с другом по электронной почте новыми идеями, их анализом и критикой.Gates, Bill / Business @ the Speed of ThoughtГейтс, Билл / Бизнес со скоростью мыслиБизнес со скоростью мыслиГейтс, Билл© 2001 Корпорация MicrosoftBusiness @ the Speed of ThoughtGates, Bill© 1999 by William H. Gates, III
For example, a person walking through a convention center while sending and receiving e-mail from a PDA is exercising mobility.Например, свойством мобильности пользуется человек, передвигающийся по какому-то зданию и отправляющий либо получающий электронную почту посредством своего PDA.Geier, Jim / Wireless Networks first-stepГейер, Джим / Беспроводные сети. Первый шагБеспроводные сети. Первый шагГейер, Джим© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2005© Cisco Systems, Inc., 2005Wireless Networks first-stepGeier, Jim© 2005 Cisco Systems, Inc.
A provider can even do not store AMs at the server and organize the system operation so that AM is sent via e-mail immediately after it has been recorded.Провайдер также может вообще не хранить ЗС на сервере и организовать работу системы таким образом, что ЗС посылается по электронной почте непосредственно после записи.http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/1/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/1/2011
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e-mail address
адрес электронной почты
e-mail based advertising
реклама в e-mail
e-mail based advertising
реклама в электронной почте
e-mail message
передавать сообщение по электронной почте
e-mail server
почтовый сервер
send by e-mail
отправлять по электронной почте
to inform by e-mail
уведомлять по электронной почте
e-mail type
тип электронной почты
e-mail us
писать нам
E-mail network
сеть электронной почты
E-mail privacy
конфиденциальность электронной почты
CRM-Exchange E-mail Router
маршрутизатор электронной почты Microsoft CRM для сервера Exchange
Word forms
noun, singular
Singular | |
Common case | |
Possessive case | - |
Singular | Plural | |
Common case | e-mails | |
Possessive case | e-mail's | e-mails' |
Basic forms | |
Past | e-mailed |
Imperative | |
Present Participle (Participle I) | e-mailing |
Past Participle (Participle II) | e-mailed |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I e-mail | we e-mail |
you e-mail | you e-mail |
he/she/it e-mails | they e-mail |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am e-mailing | we are e-mailing |
you are e-mailing | you are e-mailing |
he/she/it is e-mailing | they are e-mailing |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have e-mailed | we have e-mailed |
you have e-mailed | you have e-mailed |
he/she/it has e-mailed | they have e-mailed |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been e-mailing | we have been e-mailing |
you have been e-mailing | you have been e-mailing |
he/she/it has been e-mailing | they have been e-mailing |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I e-mailed | we e-mailed |
you e-mailed | you e-mailed |
he/she/it e-mailed | they e-mailed |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was e-mailing | we were e-mailing |
you were e-mailing | you were e-mailing |
he/she/it was e-mailing | they were e-mailing |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had e-mailed | we had e-mailed |
you had e-mailed | you had e-mailed |
he/she/it had e-mailed | they had e-mailed |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been e-mailing | we had been e-mailing |
you had been e-mailing | you had been e-mailing |
he/she/it had been e-mailing | they had been e-mailing |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will e-mail | we shall/will e-mail |
you will e-mail | you will e-mail |
he/she/it will e-mail | they will e-mail |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be e-mailing | we shall/will be e-mailing |
you will be e-mailing | you will be e-mailing |
he/she/it will be e-mailing | they will be e-mailing |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have e-mailed | we shall/will have e-mailed |
you will have e-mailed | you will have e-mailed |
he/she/it will have e-mailed | they will have e-mailed |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been e-mailing | we shall/will have been e-mailing |
you will have been e-mailing | you will have been e-mailing |
he/she/it will have been e-mailing | they will have been e-mailing |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would e-mail | we should/would e-mail |
you would e-mail | you would e-mail |
he/she/it would e-mail | they would e-mail |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be e-mailing | we should/would be e-mailing |
you would be e-mailing | you would be e-mailing |
he/she/it would be e-mailing | they would be e-mailing |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have e-mailed | we should/would have e-mailed |
you would have e-mailed | you would have e-mailed |
he/she/it would have e-mailed | they would have e-mailed |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been e-mailing | we should/would have been e-mailing |
you would have been e-mailing | you would have been e-mailing |
he/she/it would have been e-mailing | they would have been e-mailing |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am e-mailed | we are e-mailed |
you are e-mailed | you are e-mailed |
he/she/it is e-mailed | they are e-mailed |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being e-mailed | we are being e-mailed |
you are being e-mailed | you are being e-mailed |
he/she/it is being e-mailed | they are being e-mailed |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been e-mailed | we have been e-mailed |
you have been e-mailed | you have been e-mailed |
he/she/it has been e-mailed | they have been e-mailed |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was e-mailed | we were e-mailed |
you were e-mailed | you were e-mailed |
he/she/it was e-mailed | they were e-mailed |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being e-mailed | we were being e-mailed |
you were being e-mailed | you were being e-mailed |
he/she/it was being e-mailed | they were being e-mailed |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been e-mailed | we had been e-mailed |
you had been e-mailed | you had been e-mailed |
he/she/it had been e-mailed | they had been e-mailed |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be e-mailed | we shall/will be e-mailed |
you will be e-mailed | you will be e-mailed |
he/she/it will be e-mailed | they will be e-mailed |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been e-mailed | we shall/will have been e-mailed |
you will have been e-mailed | you will have been e-mailed |
he/she/it will have been e-mailed | they will have been e-mailed |