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    1. ['kɔmpaund] брит. / амер.


      1. строение, структура, целостное образование; смесь

      2. составление, образование сложных структур

      3. лингв. сложное слово

      4. тех.; = compound engine компаунд

    2. ['kɔmpaund] брит. / амер.


      1. составной; сложный

      2. лингв. сложносочинённый

    3. [kəm'paund]


      1. смешивать, комбинировать, сочетать, составлять

      2. (compound with) урегулировать, утрясать, находить компромиссное решение с (кем-л.)

      3. юр. приходить к соглашению о замене судебного преследования материальным вознаграждением

      4. выплачивать долг, погашать долг

  1. ['kɔmpaund]


    1. огороженная территория (вокруг посольства, представительства иностранных организаций)

    2. воен. лагерь для военнопленных

Law (En-Ru)


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Examples from texts

The problem of increasing the eneigy directed to +1 order of diffraction may be partially solved by using holes having a "compound" contour.
При этом проблема увеличения энергии, направляемой в +1 порядок дифракции, может быть частично решена за счет использования отверстий, имеющих «сложный контур».
The plain was dotted with campfires and there were a few tents toward the center of things. A large number of horses grazed near by, and I guessed there were several hundred men sitting beside the fires or moving about the compound.
Повсюду горели костры, стояли палатки, сидели и ходили люди, человек двести, насколько я мог судить.Неподалеку пасся табун лошадей.
Zelazny, Roger / The Guns of AvalonЖелязны, Роджер / Ружья Авалона
Ружья Авалона
Желязны, Роджер
© 1972 by Roger Zelazny
© перевод М. Гилинский
The Guns of Avalon
Zelazny, Roger
© 1972 by Roger Zelazny
© 1974, 1975 by Universal Publishing and Distributing Corporation
However, use of josamycin in dosages of 25 and 50 mg/kg in combination with the Fe-C coordination compound (amount of coordination compound 1.7×10−7M/kg) promoted an increase in therapeutic efficacy of the preparation.
Однако использование джозамицина в дозировках 25 и 50 мг/кг в сочетании с координационным соединением Fe-C (количество координационного соединения 1.7×10−7M/кг) способствовало повышению терапевтической эффективности препарата.
To compound this – all these unpleasant recollections to the contrary – so much remained of the old Bunny, the one I knew and loved.
И вместе с тем всем паршивым воспоминаниям вопреки, в нем столько всего оставалось от прежнего Банни, которого я знал и любил!
Tartt, Donna / The Secret HistoryТартт, Донна / Тайная история
Тайная история
Тартт, Донна
© 1992 by Donna Tartt
© Д. Бородкин, Н. Ленцман, перевод на русский язык, 2007
© ООО "Издательская группа "Аттикус", 2009
The Secret History
Tartt, Donna
© 1992 by Donna Tartt
Adult flies were administered the compound throughout their lives.
Вещество вводилось в корм взрослым мухам на протяжении всей их жизни.
M±m (exper.)—mean (by three samples) basophil number in the basophil degranulation test following incubation with the tested compound.
М ср (эксп) - среднее (по 3-м пробам) количество базофилов в тесте дегрануляции после инкубации с исследуемым соединением.
It should be pointed out that for oligomerization to occur, with formation of multinuclear complexes, the solution of the d-metal compound must be diluted to a sufficient degree.
Следует отметить, что для того, чтобы произошла олигомеризация с образованием многоядерных комплексов, раствор соединения d-металла должен быть в достаточной степени разбавленным.
A preferable compound is 5-hydroxy-4-dimethy- lamino-2-methyl-l-cyclohexyl-3-ethoxycarbonyl indole (compound A) and its hydrochlorides.
Предпочтительным соединением является 5-гидрокси-4- диметиламино-2-метил-1-циклогексил-3-этоксикарбонилиндол (соединение А) и его гидрохлориды.
She'll want to sell the compound.
Она захочет продать резиденцию.
Feintuch, David / Voices of HopeФайнток, Дэвид / Надежда смертника
Надежда смертника
Файнток, Дэвид
Voices of Hope
Feintuch, David
© 1996 by David Feintuch
However, the compound LiC6 that is formed when lithium ions are inserted into a carbon structure, for example, graphite, is explosion hazardous.
Однако соединение LiC6, образующееся при введении ионов лития в структуру углерода, например, графита, взрывоопасно.
Then, at defined intervals of time, the Fe-C coordination compound, at concentrations of 0.0015 μmol/ml, 0.015 μmol/ml and 0.15 μmol/ml, is transferred to some of the rows with the diluted standard.
После этого через определенные промежутки времени в часть рядов с разведенным стандартом вносят координационное соединение Fe-C в концентрациях 0,0015 мкмоль/мл, 0.015 мкмоль/мл и 0.15 мкмоль/мл.
Thus, for example, compound IV was practically similarly effective in lowering total cholesterol level during 20 days at interval of doses from 50 to 1,500 (J.g/kg differing 30-fold.
Так, например, соединение IV практически одинаково эффективно снижало содержание общего холестерина в течение 20 дней в интервале доз от 50 до 1500 мкг/кг, отличающихся в 30 раз.
Synthesis has been carried out to study inhibition degree of glutamine synthetase with compound XVIII.
Синтез был проведен для изучения степени ингибирования соединением XVIII глутаминсинтетазы.
When you have a loop with a compound test, you can often save time by simplifying the test.
Если цикл включает проверку сложного условия, время его выполнения часто можно сократить, упростив проверку.
McConnell, Steve / Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software ConstructionМакконнелл, Стив / Совершенный код: Практическое руководство по разработке программного обеспечения
Совершенный код: Практическое руководство по разработке программного обеспечения
Макконнелл, Стив
© Перевод на русский язык, Microsoft Corporation, 2004
© Оригинальное издание на английском языке, Steven С. McConnell, 2004
Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction
McConnell, Steve
© 2004 by Steven С. McConnell
“Aqua complex” means a coordination compound containing water molecules (one or more) as ligands.
Под аквакомплексом подразумевается координационное соединение, содержащее в качестве лигандов молекулы воды (одну или несколько).

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'kɔmpaundNounстроение; структура; целостное образование; смесьExamples

Proteins are by far the most complex chemical compounds. — Белки, по всей видимости, являются самыми сложными химическими соединениями.

User translations

The part of speech is not specified

  1. 1.

    группа отгороженных зданий

    translation added by japangod@yandex.ru


abrasive compound
абразивная смесь
abrasive compound
составной абразив
acyclic compound
ациклическое соединение
addition compound
addition compound
продукт присоединения
additive compound
additive compound
продукт присоединения
adsorption compound
адсорбирующее соединение
aliphatic compound
алифатическое соединение
aliphatic compound
ациклическое соединение
aliphatic compound
соединение жирного ряда
amino compound
antidrumming compound
противошумный состав
antiknock compound
антидетонационная присадка
antiseizure compound
противозадирный состав

Word forms


Common casecompoundcompounds
Possessive casecompound'scompounds'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)compounding
Past Participle (Participle II)compounded
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I compoundwe compound
you compoundyou compound
he/she/it compoundsthey compound
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am compoundingwe are compounding
you are compoundingyou are compounding
he/she/it is compoundingthey are compounding
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have compoundedwe have compounded
you have compoundedyou have compounded
he/she/it has compoundedthey have compounded
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been compoundingwe have been compounding
you have been compoundingyou have been compounding
he/she/it has been compoundingthey have been compounding
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I compoundedwe compounded
you compoundedyou compounded
he/she/it compoundedthey compounded
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was compoundingwe were compounding
you were compoundingyou were compounding
he/she/it was compoundingthey were compounding
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had compoundedwe had compounded
you had compoundedyou had compounded
he/she/it had compoundedthey had compounded
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been compoundingwe had been compounding
you had been compoundingyou had been compounding
he/she/it had been compoundingthey had been compounding
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will compoundwe shall/will compound
you will compoundyou will compound
he/she/it will compoundthey will compound
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be compoundingwe shall/will be compounding
you will be compoundingyou will be compounding
he/she/it will be compoundingthey will be compounding
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have compoundedwe shall/will have compounded
you will have compoundedyou will have compounded
he/she/it will have compoundedthey will have compounded
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been compoundingwe shall/will have been compounding
you will have been compoundingyou will have been compounding
he/she/it will have been compoundingthey will have been compounding
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would compoundwe should/would compound
you would compoundyou would compound
he/she/it would compoundthey would compound
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be compoundingwe should/would be compounding
you would be compoundingyou would be compounding
he/she/it would be compoundingthey would be compounding
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have compoundedwe should/would have compounded
you would have compoundedyou would have compounded
he/she/it would have compoundedthey would have compounded
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been compoundingwe should/would have been compounding
you would have been compoundingyou would have been compounding
he/she/it would have been compoundingthey would have been compounding
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am compoundedwe are compounded
you are compoundedyou are compounded
he/she/it is compoundedthey are compounded
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being compoundedwe are being compounded
you are being compoundedyou are being compounded
he/she/it is being compoundedthey are being compounded
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been compoundedwe have been compounded
you have been compoundedyou have been compounded
he/she/it has been compoundedthey have been compounded
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was compoundedwe were compounded
you were compoundedyou were compounded
he/she/it was compoundedthey were compounded
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being compoundedwe were being compounded
you were being compoundedyou were being compounded
he/she/it was being compoundedthey were being compounded
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been compoundedwe had been compounded
you had been compoundedyou had been compounded
he/she/it had been compoundedthey had been compounded
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be compoundedwe shall/will be compounded
you will be compoundedyou will be compounded
he/she/it will be compoundedthey will be compounded
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been compoundedwe shall/will have been compounded
you will have been compoundedyou will have been compounded
he/she/it will have been compoundedthey will have been compounded