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Examples from texts
She would be able to delineate the grave site by charting the highest methane readings.Затем по точкам максимального содержания метана она набросает схему и приблизительно очертит место захоронения.Connelly, Michael / Echo ParkКоннелли, Майкл / Эхо-паркЭхо-паркКоннелли, Майкл© Hieronymus, Inc., 2006© Перевод Н.А. Кудашевой, 2008© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009Echo ParkConnelly, Michael© 2006 by Hieronymus, Inc.
In using the "charting by exception" method of documentation, the nurse documents only those patient observations that are exceptions to normal findings.Используя метод " записи исключением", медсестра документирует только наблюдения, отличающиеся от нормы.© 2001-2006 EurasiaHealth Knowledge Network and American International Health Alliancehttp://www.eurasiahealth.org/ 2/29/2008
Technical Analysis of Stock Trends by Edwards and Magee, written in the first half of the twentieth century, is considered the definitive book on classical charting.Эдварде и Маги, "Технический анализ трендов на рынке акций". Книга написана в первой половине двадцатого века и считается лучшим учебником по классическим графикам.Elder, Alexander / Come into My Trading RoomЭлдер, Александр / Трейдинг с д-ром Элдером: энциклопедия биржевой игрыТрейдинг с д-ром Элдером: энциклопедия биржевой игрыЭлдер, Александр© 2002 by Dr. Alexander Elder© Издательский дом «Диаграмма», 2003Come into My Trading RoomElder, Alexander© 2002 by Dr. Alexander Elder
Candlestick charting techniques are for the most part unused in the United States.Японские свечи мало используются в Соединенных Штатах.Nison, Steve / Japanese Candlestick Charting TechniquesНисон, Стив / Японские свечи: графический анализ финансовых рынковЯпонские свечи: графический анализ финансовых рынковНисон, Стив© 1991 by Steve Nison© OOO «Диаграмма», 1997Japanese Candlestick Charting TechniquesNison, Steve© 1991 by Steve Nison
This method of charting displays more data at once, while still giving the large-volume days visibility.Этот графический метод показывает большее количество данных одновременно и при этом делает видимыми дни с большим объемом.Morris, Gregory L. / Candlestick Charting ExplainedМоррис, Грегори Л. / Японские свечи: метод анализа акций и фьючерсов, проверенныйЯпонские свечи: метод анализа акций и фьючерсов, проверенныйМоррис, Грегори Л.© Gregory L. Morris, 1995© Альпина Паблишер — перевод на русский язык, оформление, 2001Candlestick Charting ExplainedMorris, Gregory L.© 1992, 1995, 2006 by Gregory L. Morris
Candlestick charting has produced a number of derivative charting and analysis methods.Графики японских свечей породили множество производных графических и аналитических методов.Morris, Gregory L. / Candlestick Charting ExplainedМоррис, Грегори Л. / Японские свечи: метод анализа акций и фьючерсов, проверенныйЯпонские свечи: метод анализа акций и фьючерсов, проверенныйМоррис, Грегори Л.© Gregory L. Morris, 1995© Альпина Паблишер — перевод на русский язык, оформление, 2001Candlestick Charting ExplainedMorris, Gregory L.© 1992, 1995, 2006 by Gregory L. Morris
Intriguingly, there are many pattern and technical concepts based on the number three in Western technical analysis as well as in candlestick charting.Удивительно, но в западном техническом анализе также существует большое количество моделей и концепций, основывающихся на числе три.Nison, Steve / Japanese Candlestick Charting TechniquesНисон, Стив / Японские свечи: графический анализ финансовых рынковЯпонские свечи: графический анализ финансовых рынковНисон, Стив© 1991 by Steve Nison© OOO «Диаграмма», 1997Japanese Candlestick Charting TechniquesNison, Steve© 1991 by Steve Nison
Chen and I have finished charting the extent of the sounds and vibration.Мы с Ченом закончили картирование звуков и вибрации.White, James / RecoveryУайт, Джеймс / Звездолет-неотложкаЗвездолет-неотложкаУайт, ДжеймсRecoveryWhite, James© 1980 by James White© 2002 by the Estate of James White
A significant advantage attributed to candlestick charting techniques is that these techniques can be used in addition to, not instead of, other technical tools.Возможность использования свечей вместе с другими инструментами, а не вместо них — их несомненное достоинство.Nison, Steve / Japanese Candlestick Charting TechniquesНисон, Стив / Японские свечи: графический анализ финансовых рынковЯпонские свечи: графический анализ финансовых рынковНисон, Стив© 1991 by Steve Nison© OOO «Диаграмма», 1997Japanese Candlestick Charting TechniquesNison, Steve© 1991 by Steve Nison
Hamilton took over the job after Dow died and struck a blow for charting when he wrote "The Turn of the Tide," an editorial following the 1929 crash.После его смерти у руля правления встал В.Гамильтон, который своей статьей «Конец прилива» (The Turn of the Tide) повысил репутацию графиков во время биржевого краха 1929 года.Elder, Alexander / Trading for a LivingЭлдер, Александр / Как играть и выигрывать на биржеКак играть и выигрывать на биржеЭлдер, Александр© 1996 by Alexander Elder© Издательский дом «Диаграмма», 2001Trading for a LivingElder, Alexander© 1993 by Dr. Alexander Elder
Candlestick charting shows this action quite well, where standard bar charting would hardly discern it.График японских свечей довольно хорошо показывает это, в то время как на стандартном штриховом графике такую тенденцию трудно увидеть.Morris, Gregory L. / Candlestick Charting ExplainedМоррис, Грегори Л. / Японские свечи: метод анализа акций и фьючерсов, проверенныйЯпонские свечи: метод анализа акций и фьючерсов, проверенныйМоррис, Грегори Л.© Gregory L. Morris, 1995© Альпина Паблишер — перевод на русский язык, оформление, 2001Candlestick Charting ExplainedMorris, Gregory L.© 1992, 1995, 2006 by Gregory L. Morris
Did you always use candle charting for your analysis?Всегда ли вы использовали для анализа японские свечи?Morris, Gregory L. / Candlestick Charting ExplainedМоррис, Грегори Л. / Японские свечи: метод анализа акций и фьючерсов, проверенныйЯпонские свечи: метод анализа акций и фьючерсов, проверенныйМоррис, Грегори Л.© Gregory L. Morris, 1995© Альпина Паблишер — перевод на русский язык, оформление, 2001Candlestick Charting ExplainedMorris, Gregory L.© 1992, 1995, 2006 by Gregory L. Morris
Thus, there is some subjectivity in deciding whether a certain candlestick formation meets the guidelines for that particular formation, but this subjectivity is no different than that used with other charting techniques.Таким образом, выявление той или иной графической модели свечей всегда немного субъективно, но такой же субъективизм свойственен и любой другой методике графического анализа.Nison, Steve / Japanese Candlestick Charting TechniquesНисон, Стив / Японские свечи: графический анализ финансовых рынковЯпонские свечи: графический анализ финансовых рынковНисон, Стив© 1991 by Steve Nison© OOO «Диаграмма», 1997Japanese Candlestick Charting TechniquesNison, Steve© 1991 by Steve Nison
As with all charting methods, candlestick chart patterns are subject to the interpretation of the user.Интерпретация свечей, как, впрочем, и любой другой метод графического анализа, носит субъективный характер.Nison, Steve / Japanese Candlestick Charting TechniquesНисон, Стив / Японские свечи: графический анализ финансовых рынковЯпонские свечи: графический анализ финансовых рынковНисон, Стив© 1991 by Steve Nison© OOO «Диаграмма», 1997Japanese Candlestick Charting TechniquesNison, Steve© 1991 by Steve Nison
Ease of Movement is a numerical method used to quantify the shape of a box used in Equivolume charting.Индикатор легкости движения Армса — числовой метод, используемый для определения размера прямоугольника (box), который применяется в «эквиобъемных» графиках.Morris, Gregory L. / Candlestick Charting ExplainedМоррис, Грегори Л. / Японские свечи: метод анализа акций и фьючерсов, проверенныйЯпонские свечи: метод анализа акций и фьючерсов, проверенныйМоррис, Грегори Л.© Gregory L. Morris, 1995© Альпина Паблишер — перевод на русский язык, оформление, 2001Candlestick Charting ExplainedMorris, Gregory L.© 1992, 1995, 2006 by Gregory L. Morris
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charting symbol
символ на блок-схеме
responsibility charting
составление схемы функциональных обязанностей
track charting
прокладка путей на карте
track charting
прокладка линии пути на карте
charting a course
прокладывание маршрута на карте
charting error
погрешность нанесения на карту
acceptance control chart
карта приемочного контроля
action-demand chart
карта зависимости между величиной отклонения от стандарта и степенью требуемого вмешательства руководства предприятия
aeronautical chart
аэронавигационная карта
aeronautical chart
карта аэронавигационной обстановки
aeronautical chart
полетная карта
aeronautical chart catalogue
каталог аэронавигационных карт
aeronautical route chart
маршрутная аэронавигационная карта
aggregate chart
составная таблица
aerodrome obstruction chart
карта аэродромных препятствий
Word forms
Basic forms | |
Past | charted |
Imperative | chart |
Present Participle (Participle I) | charting |
Past Participle (Participle II) | charted |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I chart | we chart |
you chart | you chart |
he/she/it charts | they chart |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am charting | we are charting |
you are charting | you are charting |
he/she/it is charting | they are charting |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have charted | we have charted |
you have charted | you have charted |
he/she/it has charted | they have charted |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been charting | we have been charting |
you have been charting | you have been charting |
he/she/it has been charting | they have been charting |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I charted | we charted |
you charted | you charted |
he/she/it charted | they charted |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was charting | we were charting |
you were charting | you were charting |
he/she/it was charting | they were charting |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had charted | we had charted |
you had charted | you had charted |
he/she/it had charted | they had charted |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been charting | we had been charting |
you had been charting | you had been charting |
he/she/it had been charting | they had been charting |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will chart | we shall/will chart |
you will chart | you will chart |
he/she/it will chart | they will chart |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be charting | we shall/will be charting |
you will be charting | you will be charting |
he/she/it will be charting | they will be charting |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have charted | we shall/will have charted |
you will have charted | you will have charted |
he/she/it will have charted | they will have charted |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been charting | we shall/will have been charting |
you will have been charting | you will have been charting |
he/she/it will have been charting | they will have been charting |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would chart | we should/would chart |
you would chart | you would chart |
he/she/it would chart | they would chart |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be charting | we should/would be charting |
you would be charting | you would be charting |
he/she/it would be charting | they would be charting |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have charted | we should/would have charted |
you would have charted | you would have charted |
he/she/it would have charted | they would have charted |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been charting | we should/would have been charting |
you would have been charting | you would have been charting |
he/she/it would have been charting | they would have been charting |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am charted | we are charted |
you are charted | you are charted |
he/she/it is charted | they are charted |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being charted | we are being charted |
you are being charted | you are being charted |
he/she/it is being charted | they are being charted |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been charted | we have been charted |
you have been charted | you have been charted |
he/she/it has been charted | they have been charted |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was charted | we were charted |
you were charted | you were charted |
he/she/it was charted | they were charted |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being charted | we were being charted |
you were being charted | you were being charted |
he/she/it was being charted | they were being charted |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been charted | we had been charted |
you had been charted | you had been charted |
he/she/it had been charted | they had been charted |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be charted | we shall/will be charted |
you will be charted | you will be charted |
he/she/it will be charted | they will be charted |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been charted | we shall/will have been charted |
you will have been charted | you will have been charted |
he/she/it will have been charted | they will have been charted |
noun, singular
Singular | |
Common case | charting |
Possessive case | charting's |