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The English-Russian Dictionary: the American variant- Сontains 50,949 words and phrases. Selection of vocabulary, presentation of pronunciation peculiarities, grammar and spelling reflect the American variant of conversational English widely used in different areas of contemporary life.
- Сontains 50,949 words and phrases. Selection of vocabulary, presentation of pronunciation peculiarities, grammar and spelling reflect the American variant of conversational English widely used in different areas of contemporary life.
Snake River
р. Снейк (приток р. Колумбия, протяжённость 1670 км)
Examples from texts
The existence of laige areas of blasted basalts as a result of a shallow blast with cumulative shell-holes with a depth of 10 m and diameter of a 20-30 m (USA, Idaho, Snake River) is possible.Возможно существование больших площадей взорванных базальтов в результате приповерхностных взрывов, с кумулятивными воронками 10 метров глубиной и 20-30 м в диаметре (США, Айдахо, Снейк Ривер).http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/11/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/11/2011
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Snake River
р. Снейк
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