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The Universal Dictionary
  • It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.


['rɔkɪt] брит. / амер.

    1. сущ.

      1. ракета

        1. = rocket engine, = rocket motor реактивный двигатель

        2. транспортное средство с реактивным двигателем

        3. реактивный снаряд

      2. брит.; разг. разнос, выговор

    2. гл.

      1. (за)пускать ракету, подвергать ракетному обстрелу

        1. взлетать, взмывать (как ракета)

        2. резко подниматься, повышаться, расти (например, о ценах)

      2. разг. устраивать разнос

  1. сущ.; бот.

    рукола (лат. Eruca sativa)

Physics (En-Ru)



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Examples from texts

To be specific, let me refer to paragraph 40 of the report 'General Bandua stated that he thought that a BM-27 (Hurricane) Multiple Launch Rocket system had come from Ukraine, via Togo.
Чтобы быть точным, я хочу процитировать содержание пункта 40 доклада: «Генерал Бандуа заявил, что, насколько ему известно, реактивная система залпового огня БМ-27 («Ураган») поступила из Украины через Того.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
The Strategic Rocket Forces were demoted to this status from the status of a separate service of the Armed Forces by a presidential decree of 24 March 2001.
РВСН были преобразованы из вида войск в род войск в соответствии с указом Президента РФ от 24 марта 2001 г.
Ehlers' latest book, Rocket Science for Traders, delves into adapting all indicators to current market conditions.
Последняя книга Джона Элерса, названная им "Ракетный трейдинг", как раз и посвящена адаптации индикаторов к текущим условиям рынка.
Elder, Alexander / Come into My Trading RoomЭлдер, Александр / Трейдинг с д-ром Элдером: энциклопедия биржевой игры
Трейдинг с д-ром Элдером: энциклопедия биржевой игры
Элдер, Александр
© 2002 by Dr. Alexander Elder
© Издательский дом «Диаграмма», 2003
Come into My Trading Room
Elder, Alexander
© 2002 by Dr. Alexander Elder
Facilities formerly associated with the Rocket Research Institute established by CSIR, in 1963-1964, Pretoria;
Объекты, ранее связанные с институтом ракетных исследований, созданным СНПИ, в 1963-1964 годах, Претория;
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
The astronaut blasts off in his rocket ship until he is racing neck- and-neck with the light beam.
Астронавт стартует на космическом корабле, и вот он несется голова в голову с лучом света.
Kaku, Michio / Parallel worlds : a journey through creation, higher dimensions, and the future of the cosmosКаку, Мичио / Параллельные миры: Об устройстве мироздания, высших измерениях и будущем Космоса
Параллельные миры: Об устройстве мироздания, высших измерениях и будущем Космоса
Каку, Мичио
© ООО Издательство «София», 2008
© 2005 by Michio Kaku
© «София», 2008
Parallel worlds : a journey through creation, higher dimensions, and the future of the cosmos
Kaku, Michio
© 2005 Michio Kaku
" Only the upper component, "Alpha, " was a pure rocket.
Только верхний компонент, «Альфа», являлся ракетой в чистом виде.
Clarke, Arthur Charles / Prelude to SpaceКларк, Артур Чарльз / Прелюдия к космосу
Прелюдия к космосу
Кларк, Артур Чарльз
Prelude to Space
Clarke, Arthur Charles
Y o u do not have to be a rocket scientist to design a winning trading method.
Планировать успешную игру - не ракету запускать.
Elder, Alexander / Trading for a LivingЭлдер, Александр / Как играть и выигрывать на бирже
Как играть и выигрывать на бирже
Элдер, Александр
© 1996 by Alexander Elder
© Издательский дом «Диаграмма», 2001
Trading for a Living
Elder, Alexander
© 1993 by Dr. Alexander Elder
Here was a Daddy bigger than the house beside which he stood - had to be the first Heron's Roost - smoking a cigar the size of a rocket.
Она нарисовала папулю — выше дома, рядом с которым он стоял (наверняка первым «Гнездом цапли»), с сигарой размером с ракету.
King, Stephen / Duma KeyКинг, Стивен / Дьюма-Ки
Кинг, Стивен
© Перевод В.А. Вебер, 2008
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
© Stephen King, 2008
Duma Key
King, Stephen
© 2008 by Stephen King
Indeed, they believed she was at least as good as new and were always trying to 'borrow' enough rocket fuel to make a short trip.
Более того, они постоянно всеми правдами и неправдами пытались раздобыть ракетное топливо в достаточном количестве, чтобы совершить короткий полет.
Clarke, Arthur Charles / Islands in the SkyКларк, Артур Чарльз / Острова в небе
Острова в небе
Кларк, Артур Чарльз
Islands in the Sky
Clarke, Arthur Charles
RMG multi-purpose rocket grenade with tandem WH of multiple destructive power.
Реактивная многоцелевая граната РМГ оснащена тандемной боевой частью многофакторного поражающего действия.
© ГНПП «Базальт»
www.bazalt.ru 07.10.2011
© «Bazalt»
www.bazalt.ru 07.10.2011
"There's only one A.20," I said, trying to be helpful, "but rocket test-pilots are-well, if not two a penny, at any rate twelve for a dime."
— А‑20 только одна, — вмешался я, — а пилоты‑испытатели идут если не по копейке пара, то уж никак не дороже, чем на пятачок пучок.
Clarke, Arthur Charles / InheritanceКларк, Артур Чарльз / Наследство
Кларк, Артур Чарльз
Clarke, Arthur Charles
She was sitting opposite me, chattering away, ordering a rocket salad with her Dover sole, while a string quartet in Austrian national costume plucked and fiddled some Mozart in the lobby behind us.
Она сидела напротив, трещала как сорока, заказывала дуврскую камбалу с салатом «роке», пока струнный квартет в национальных тирольских костюмах пощипывал и попиливал что-то из Моцарта в холле позади нас.
Laurie, Hugh / The Gun SellerЛори, Хью / Торговец пушками
Торговец пушками
Лори, Хью
© Александр Рахуба, перевод, 2009
© "Фантом Пресс", издание, 2009
© Hugh Laurie, The Gun Seller, 1996
The Gun Seller
Laurie, Hugh
© 1996 by Hugh Laurie
Although the state machine itself may be quite tricky, this level of software is certainly not rocket science.
Хотя конечный автомат сам по себе может быть довольно сложным, но подобный уровень программного обеспечения далёк от ракетной техники.
Maxfield, Clive / The design warrior's guide to FPGAs: Devices, Tools and FlowsМаксфилд, Клайв / Проектирование на ПЛИС. Архитектура, средства и методы. Курс молодого бойца
Проектирование на ПЛИС. Архитектура, средства и методы. Курс молодого бойца
Максфилд, Клайв
© Издательский дом «Додэка-XXI», 2007
The design warrior's guide to FPGAs: Devices, Tools and Flows
Maxfield, Clive
© 2004, Mentor Graphics Corporation and Xilinx, Inc.
Hydrogen isotopes reduce applicability of heavy components such as xenon and krypton when employing in rocket technology, electric-bulb-producing industry, medicine, electronic industry, window-producing industry.
Изотопы водорода снижают потребительские свойства тяжелых компонентов, таких как криптон и ксенон, при использовании в ракетной технике, электроламповой промышленности, медицине, электронной промышленности, оконной промышленности.
It was an elaborate plan, but even with atomic energy it was still the only practicable way of making the lunar round-trip with a rocket weighing not less than many thousands of tons.
Этот сложный план, даже при использовании атомной энергии, был пока единственным способом осуществления полета к Луне и обратно на звездолете весом в несколько тысяч тонн.
Clarke, Arthur Charles / Prelude to SpaceКларк, Артур Чарльз / Прелюдия к космосу
Прелюдия к космосу
Кларк, Артур Чарльз
Prelude to Space
Clarke, Arthur Charles

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    translation added by Olga Khatenkova
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    translation added by Алиса Князева


absolutely tractable rocket
абсолютно послушная ракета
antihail rocket
противоградовая ракета
antihail rocket system
противоградовый ракетный комплекс
atomic rocket
ракета с ядерным боевым зарядом
ballistic rocket
баллистическая ракета
boost rocket engine
ускорительный ракетный двигатель
booster rocket
ракетный ускоритель
booster rocket
стартовый ракетный двигатель
carrier rocket
chaff rocket
ракета с автоматом для выброса дипольных противорадиолокационных отражателей
closed-cycle gas-core nuclear rocket
газофазный ядерный ракетный двигатель с замкнутым циклом
colloidal nuclear rocket
коллоидный ядерный ракетный двигатель
colloidal rocket
коллоидный ракетный двигатель
colloidal-particle ion rocket
коллоидный ионный ракетный двигатель
continuous-wave laser rocket
лазерный ракетный двигатель непрерывного действия

Word forms


Common caserocketrockets
Possessive caserocket'srockets'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)rocketing
Past Participle (Participle II)rocketed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I rocketwe rocket
you rocketyou rocket
he/she/it rocketsthey rocket
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am rocketingwe are rocketing
you are rocketingyou are rocketing
he/she/it is rocketingthey are rocketing
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have rocketedwe have rocketed
you have rocketedyou have rocketed
he/she/it has rocketedthey have rocketed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been rocketingwe have been rocketing
you have been rocketingyou have been rocketing
he/she/it has been rocketingthey have been rocketing
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I rocketedwe rocketed
you rocketedyou rocketed
he/she/it rocketedthey rocketed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was rocketingwe were rocketing
you were rocketingyou were rocketing
he/she/it was rocketingthey were rocketing
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had rocketedwe had rocketed
you had rocketedyou had rocketed
he/she/it had rocketedthey had rocketed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been rocketingwe had been rocketing
you had been rocketingyou had been rocketing
he/she/it had been rocketingthey had been rocketing
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will rocketwe shall/will rocket
you will rocketyou will rocket
he/she/it will rocketthey will rocket
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be rocketingwe shall/will be rocketing
you will be rocketingyou will be rocketing
he/she/it will be rocketingthey will be rocketing
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have rocketedwe shall/will have rocketed
you will have rocketedyou will have rocketed
he/she/it will have rocketedthey will have rocketed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been rocketingwe shall/will have been rocketing
you will have been rocketingyou will have been rocketing
he/she/it will have been rocketingthey will have been rocketing
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would rocketwe should/would rocket
you would rocketyou would rocket
he/she/it would rocketthey would rocket
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be rocketingwe should/would be rocketing
you would be rocketingyou would be rocketing
he/she/it would be rocketingthey would be rocketing
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have rocketedwe should/would have rocketed
you would have rocketedyou would have rocketed
he/she/it would have rocketedthey would have rocketed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been rocketingwe should/would have been rocketing
you would have been rocketingyou would have been rocketing
he/she/it would have been rocketingthey would have been rocketing
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am rocketedwe are rocketed
you are rocketedyou are rocketed
he/she/it is rocketedthey are rocketed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being rocketedwe are being rocketed
you are being rocketedyou are being rocketed
he/she/it is being rocketedthey are being rocketed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been rocketedwe have been rocketed
you have been rocketedyou have been rocketed
he/she/it has been rocketedthey have been rocketed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was rocketedwe were rocketed
you were rocketedyou were rocketed
he/she/it was rocketedthey were rocketed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being rocketedwe were being rocketed
you were being rocketedyou were being rocketed
he/she/it was being rocketedthey were being rocketed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been rocketedwe had been rocketed
you had been rocketedyou had been rocketed
he/she/it had been rocketedthey had been rocketed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be rocketedwe shall/will be rocketed
you will be rocketedyou will be rocketed
he/she/it will be rocketedthey will be rocketed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been rocketedwe shall/will have been rocketed
you will have been rocketedyou will have been rocketed
he/she/it will have been rocketedthey will have been rocketed