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[nɔːm] брит. / амер.


норма; образец, стандарт; норма выработки

Law (En-Ru)



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Examples from texts

And an understanding with the norm setters.
И блат с нормировщиками.
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr / One Day in the Life of Ivan DenisovichСолженицын, Александр / Один день из жизни Ивана Денисовича
Один день из жизни Ивана Денисовича
Солженицын, Александр
© Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, 1978
© Издательский Дом "Азбука-классикка", 2008
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
© 1995 Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Let X be finite-dimensional, with euclidean norm.
Пусть X - конечномерное пространство с евклидовой нормой.
Massera, Jose Luis,Schäffer, Juan Jorge / Linear Differential Equations and Function SpacesМассера, Х.Л.,Шеффер, Х.Х. / Линейные дифференциальные уравнения и функциональные пространства
Линейные дифференциальные уравнения и функциональные пространства
Массера, Х.Л.,Шеффер, Х.Х.
Linear Differential Equations and Function Spaces
Massera, Jose Luis,Schäffer, Juan Jorge
From the Schwarz inequality it follows easily that (F) is a norm on H.
Из неравенства Шварца легко получить, что (F) есть норма на H.
Гофман, К. / Банаховы пространства аналитических функцийHoffman, Kenneth / Banach spaces of analytic functions
Banach spaces of analytic functions
Hoffman, Kenneth
© 1962 by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J.
Банаховы пространства аналитических функций
Гофман, К.
Thus, the minimal solution fi of equation (1) has norm one if the right member is (F).
При этом единица есть минимум нормы решения уравнения (1), если правая часть равна (F).
Akhiezer, N.,Glazman, I. / Theory of linear operators in Hilbert spaceАхиезер, Н. И.,Глазман, И. М. / Теория линейных операторов в гильбертовом пространстве
Теория линейных операторов в гильбертовом пространстве
Ахиезер, Н. И.,Глазман, И. М.
Theory of linear operators in Hilbert space
Akhiezer, N.,Glazman, I.
Medical textbooks still consider the male as the norm or reference point and regard women as exceptions.
В учебниках по медицине мужчина все еще рассматривается в качестве нормы или эталона, а женщина считается исключением.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
Such a X can be found by the definition of the essential sup norm.
Такое X можно найти в силу определения существенной sup-нормы.
Гофман, К. / Банаховы пространства аналитических функцийHoffman, Kenneth / Banach spaces of analytic functions
Banach spaces of analytic functions
Hoffman, Kenneth
© 1962 by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J.
Банаховы пространства аналитических функций
Гофман, К.
The norm is defined in a natural way, which is irrelevant for us here.
Норма определяется естественным способом, каким именно, здесь это не важно.
Lang, Serge / Elliptic FunctionsЛенг, Серж / Эллиптические функции
Эллиптические функции
Ленг, Серж
© 1973 by Addison- Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
© Перевод на русский язык. Издательство «Наука» Главная редакция физико-математической литературы, 1984
Elliptic Functions
Lang, Serge
© 1987 by Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
In addition the following norm was added. In the process of control inspections tax authorities are granted with the right to check personal belongings of citizen and their transportation facilities.
Кроме того, была добавлена норма, согласно которой сотрудники налоговых органов при проведении проверок могут осуществлять личный досмотр граждан и их транспортных средств.
© Исследовательский Центр ИПМ 2012
© Исследовательский Центр ИПМ 2012
Lumer [1] has observed that in any complex B-space dt one can introduce (at least one) semi-inner product consistent with the original norm.
Люмер [Ц показал, что в любом комплексном В-пространстве Ж можно ввести (по крайней мере одно) полувнутреннее произведение, совместимое с исходной нормой.
Dunford, Nelson,Schwartz, Jacob / Linear operators. Part III: Spectral operatorsДанфорд, Н.,Шварц, Дж. / Линейные операторы. Спектральные операторы
Линейные операторы. Спектральные операторы
Данфорд, Н.,Шварц, Дж.
© Перевод на русский язык, "Мир", 1973
Linear operators. Part III: Spectral operators
Dunford, Nelson,Schwartz, Jacob
© 1971, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Nelson Dunford and Jacob Schwartz
Non- proliferation of weapons of mass destruction has become an international norm accepted by most countries.
Нераспространение оружия массового уничтожения стало международной нормой, которую признает большинство стран.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
The General Assembly was expected to adopt a new human rights norm at the current session: an optional protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
Предполагалась, что в ходе этой сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи будет принята новая норма по правам человека, факультативный протокол к Конвенции против пыток и других жестоких, бесчеловечных или унижающих достоинство видов обращения.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
By Lemma 1 and the definition of the norm of a module we have f
Кроме того, в силу леммы 1 и определения нормы модуля мы имеем f
Borevich, Z.I.,Shafarevich, I.R. / Number TheoryБоревич, З.И.,Шафаревич И. Р. / Теория чисел
Теория чисел
Боревич, З.И.,Шафаревич И. Р.
Number Theory
Borevich, Z.I.,Shafarevich, I.R.
© 1966, by Academic Press Inc.
The statistics of the data points determines which norm is to be taken.
Статистика точек данных определяет, какая норма должна использоваться.
Jähne, Bernd / Digital Image ProcessingЯне, Бернд / Цифровая обработка изображений
Цифровая обработка изображений
Яне, Бернд
© 2005, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
© 2006, ЗАО «РИЦ «Техносфера» перевод на русский язык
Digital Image Processing
Jähne, Bernd
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005
Although many of the equities in our portfolios are held for a very long period if they're doing well, you have to be willing to turn over your portfolio more frequently than the conventional norm to get superior performance.
Хотя многие из акций держатся в наших портфелях очень длительное время, если дела у них идут хорошо, для того, чтобы получить более высокие результаты, вы должны быть готовы менять состав своего портфеля более часто, чем это принято.
Schwager, Jack D. / The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top TradersШвагер, Джек Д. / Новые маги рынка: беседы с лучшими трейдерами Америки
Новые маги рынка: беседы с лучшими трейдерами Америки
Швагер, Джек Д.
© Альпина Бизнес Букс, перевод, оформление, 2004
© Jack D. Schwager, 1992
The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top Traders
Schwager, Jack D.
© 1992 by Jack D. Schwager
Note that any norm weaker than a measurable norm is also measurable.
Заметим, что всякая норма, которая слабее измеримой нормы, также измерима.
Kuo, Hui-Hsiung / Gaussian Measures in Banach SpacesГо, Х.-С. / Гауссовские меры в банаховых пространствах
Гауссовские меры в банаховых пространствах
Го, Х.-С.
© Перевод на русский язык, «Мир», 1979
© by Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg 1975
Gaussian Measures in Banach Spaces
Kuo, Hui-Hsiung
© by Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg 1975

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absolute norm
абсолютная норма
additive norm
аддитивная норма
associated norm
ассоциированная норма
asymmetric norm
асимметричная норма
bounded norm
ограниченная норма
canonical norm
каноническая норма
conjugate norm
сопряженная норма
coregular norm
корегулярная норма
cross norm
cubic norm
кубическая норма
dense norm
плотная норма
discrete norm
дискретная норма
divisor norm
дивизорная норма
Euclidean norm
евклидова норма

Word forms


Common casenormnorms
Possessive casenorm'snorms'


Common caseNormNorms
Possessive caseNorm'sNorms'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)norming
Past Participle (Participle II)normed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I normwe norm
you normyou norm
he/she/it normsthey norm
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am normingwe are norming
you are normingyou are norming
he/she/it is normingthey are norming
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have normedwe have normed
you have normedyou have normed
he/she/it has normedthey have normed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been normingwe have been norming
you have been normingyou have been norming
he/she/it has been normingthey have been norming
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I normedwe normed
you normedyou normed
he/she/it normedthey normed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was normingwe were norming
you were normingyou were norming
he/she/it was normingthey were norming
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had normedwe had normed
you had normedyou had normed
he/she/it had normedthey had normed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been normingwe had been norming
you had been normingyou had been norming
he/she/it had been normingthey had been norming
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will normwe shall/will norm
you will normyou will norm
he/she/it will normthey will norm
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be normingwe shall/will be norming
you will be normingyou will be norming
he/she/it will be normingthey will be norming
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have normedwe shall/will have normed
you will have normedyou will have normed
he/she/it will have normedthey will have normed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been normingwe shall/will have been norming
you will have been normingyou will have been norming
he/she/it will have been normingthey will have been norming
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would normwe should/would norm
you would normyou would norm
he/she/it would normthey would norm
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be normingwe should/would be norming
you would be normingyou would be norming
he/she/it would be normingthey would be norming
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have normedwe should/would have normed
you would have normedyou would have normed
he/she/it would have normedthey would have normed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been normingwe should/would have been norming
you would have been normingyou would have been norming
he/she/it would have been normingthey would have been norming
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am normedwe are normed
you are normedyou are normed
he/she/it is normedthey are normed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being normedwe are being normed
you are being normedyou are being normed
he/she/it is being normedthey are being normed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been normedwe have been normed
you have been normedyou have been normed
he/she/it has been normedthey have been normed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was normedwe were normed
you were normedyou were normed
he/she/it was normedthey were normed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being normedwe were being normed
you were being normedyou were being normed
he/she/it was being normedthey were being normed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been normedwe had been normed
you had been normedyou had been normed
he/she/it had been normedthey had been normed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be normedwe shall/will be normed
you will be normedyou will be normed
he/she/it will be normedthey will be normed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been normedwe shall/will have been normed
you will have been normedyou will have been normed
he/she/it will have been normedthey will have been normed