To face
- 1.
translation added by Илья Малышев
Tell talk told В чем различие?? И когда какой ставить
Он уезжает на работу рано утром и приезжает поздно вечером
- 1.
He goes to work early in the morning and gets home late at night.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en - 2.
He goes to work ealry in the morning and returns home late in the evening
translation added by Руслан ЗаславскийGold ru-en
Это было два месяца назад. Мы сидели в аудитории и ждали преподавателя, но пришёл декан факультета и сказал, что мы идём на парусник.
- 1.
It happened two months ago. We were sitting in the auditorium and waiting for the professor to come when the chair of the department came and said that we would go to (see) a sailboat.
translation added by Aleh LaGold ru-en - 2.
It was two months ago. We were sitting in the audience and waiting for the teacher, but Dean came and said that we were going to a sailboat.
translation added by Лия Моор
Я провожу мои выходные дома
- 1.
I spend my weekends at home.
translation added by Маргарита Т.Gold ru-en
Какие требования к работнику
- 1.
What are the requirements to the employee
translation added by Yefim YasnogorskyGold ru-en - 2.
What requirements should a worker fulfil?
translation added by Mariia M.Silver ru-en
What kind of topic