The supposition was correct and it was scientifically proved.
It results that few manufacturers have successfully implemented the programs.
We shall try to make it clear why computer control is necessary in this line of production.
It is difficult to see all the advantages of new technique at the moment.
It was an important factor in all his calculations.
It is no use to dispute the suitable method of testing the equipment.
Hardly had economic depression dripped the world when the stock market crashed machine building industry.
- 1.
Как только экономический кризис окутал весь мир, так сразу положение на рынке ценных бумаг привело к краху машиностроительного сектора промышленности.
translation added by Vladislav JeongGold en-ru
Because of the continued need for improved equipment, construction equipment design did not stagnate during the Great Depression
- 1.
В связи с постоянной потребностью в усовершенствовании оборудования, проектирование строительного оборудования не испытало стагнации во время Великой депрессии
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold en-ru
Faraday was no mathematician, nor was Hamilton much of a physicist.
- 1.
Фарадей не был математиком, так же как Гамильтон не был физиком.
translation added by gavria )
Closely relating to this problem is the problem of encoding.
- 1.
С этой проблемой тесно связана проблема кодирования.
translation added by Alex HrypunBronze en-ru