у меня будут концерты
- 1.
tendré conciertos
Tradução adicionada por S-Iberia .Bronze ru-es - 2.
I will have performances
Tradução adicionada por Анна Бардадын
я подьезжаю к городу
- 1.
I am driving up to the city (на авто)
Tradução adicionada por Andrew GalatinPrata ru-en - 2.
i'm approaching the town
Tradução adicionada por Валерий КоротоношкоOuro ru-en
это довольно печально
- 1.
It's pretty sad.
Tradução adicionada por Tatiana GerasimenkoOuro ru-en - 2.
It's sad enough
Tradução adicionada por Лариса Вершинина
подчиняться это природа лошади
- 1.
it's in a horse's nature to be obedient
Tradução adicionada por ⁌ ULY ⁍Ouro ru-en - 2.
obedience is just the nature of a horse
Tradução adicionada por Vicious CirclePrata ru-en
Deniel Bennet Group has been featured in the Washington post, Boston Globe, St . Luis Public Radio and village voice.The village voice raves, "saxophonist Daniel Bennet makes hay with an airy approach that's buoyant enough to conjure notions of Est African guitar riffs and Steve Reichs pastoral
- 1.
Deniel Bennet Group has been featured in the Washington post, Boston Globe, St . Luis Public Radio and village voice.The village voice raves, "saxophonist Daniel Bennet makes hay with an airy approach that's buoyant enough to conjure notions of Est African guitar riffs and Steve Reichs pastoral
Tradução adicionada por Tommy Angelo
сегодня будет передача по телевизору
- 1.
Today, there going to be a show on TV.
Tradução adicionada por Aleh LaOuro ru-en - 2.
the TV show will be shown today
(как вариант можно так сказать)
Tradução adicionada por Евгений Jordan_10-98@mail.ru - 3.
Today there will be a TV programme.
Tradução adicionada por Маргарита Т.Ouro ru-en
hide and seek
- 1.
прятать и искать (дословно )
Tradução adicionada por Евгений Jordan_10-98@mail.ru - 2.
прятки (детская игра)
Tradução adicionada por Диана Волохатая