Royal demands of running a big estate
Royal demands of running a big estate
Royal demands of running a big estate
found themselves with the run of swathes of land
The owners, most of whose previous farming experience just about stretched to a vegetable allotment and -a bird box in the garde
Poachers come in from the cold
- 1.
Браконьеры "вышли из тени".
translation added by Талгат МырзахановGold en-ru
Poachers come in from the cold
This 4,000-acre eco-sanctuary site is surrounded by a 130m-year-old rainforest and is marketing itself as a five-star eco-touris
- 1.
Эта заповедная из заповедных зон площадью 1600 гектаров окружена тропическим лесом, которому уже 130 млн лет, ее рекламируют как 5-звездочный туристический эко-курорт
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold en-ru
This 4,000-acre eco-sanctuary site is surrounded by a 130m-year-old rainforest and is marketing itself as a five-star eco-touris