signature product
нести посыл
- 1.
to carry the message
translation added by Ксения Суханова
смысл заключается в
смысл шутки заключается в игре слов
- 1.
The joke is built on the pun (word play). And that's the point.
translation added by Alexey Smartov
когда этот праздник стали отмечать?
- 1.
When did this holiday start to be celebrated?
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en - 2.
When was this holiday started to celebrate?
translation added by Руслан ЗаславскийGold ru-en - 3.
When did they start to celebrate/mark this holiday?
translation added by Талгат МырзахановGold ru-en
-Телефон звонит.
-Я возьму!
- 1.
The phone's ringing.
I'll take it.
translation added by Mariia M.Silver ru-en - 2.
-The phone ☎ is buzzing.
-I'll pick it up./I'll take it.
translation added by Талгат МырзахановGold ru-en - 3.
-The phone is calling.
-I'll take!
translation added by Vladerm Vladerm
и мы всегда должны ставить ее на первый план
- 1.
And we must always make it our first priority
translation added by Vladislav JeongGold ru-en - 2.
we should always foreground her (it)
translation added by Vicious CircleSilver ru-en
привить им (нравственные качества)
- 1.
to instill (moral qualities) in them
translation added by Vicious CircleSilver ru-en
привить качества
- 1.
cultivate qualities/characteristics
foster qualities/characteristics
instill qualities/characteristics
translation added by Mariia M.Silver ru-en
житейским вещам
- 1.
житейским вещам
translation added by Mariia M.Silver en-ru