ямочки на щеках
у меня начались /сейчас месячные
- 1.
I've got my periods.
translation added by Aleh LaGold ru-en - 2.
My periods just began
translation added by Yefim YasnogorskyGold ru-en - 3.
ну и вопрос:))
translation added by Ruslan M
иголка , нитка/нитки, гвозди
- 1.
needle, thread, tack
translation added by D. S.
все что ни делается все к лучшему
- 1.
Whatever happens, happens for the best.
translation added by Aleh LaGold ru-en - 2.
It's all to the good!
translation added by Elena ElenaBronze ru-en - 3.
all that is done all for the best
translation added by Александр Чепиль
он видит ее такой, какой она всегда хотела быть.
- 1.
He sees(accepts) her in the way she has always wanted to be.
translation added by Aleh LaGold ru-en - 2.
he sees her as she always wanted to be.
translation added by Александр Чепиль
у меня есть сменщик ,с которым мы работаем 3/3
Finally laundry mat is empty
- 1.
Наконец-то, в прачечной пусто.
translation added by Mariia M.Silver en-ru - 2.
наконец, в прачечной -никого
translation added by Валерий КоротоношкоGold en-ru
она плохо ладит с людьми (используя to get along with)
- 1.
She gets along with people badly
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en - 2.
she doesn't get along with others\other people well
translation added by Elena ElenaBronze ru-en
ты меня смущаешь
- 1.
You are embarassing me.
translation added by Aleh LaGold ru-en - 2.
you are embarrassed me
translation added by Софья Кравцова
ты не против , если..
- 1.
Don't you mind if...
translation added by Vladislav JeongGold ru-en - 2.
do you mind if\ would you mind if...
translation added by Elena ElenaBronze ru-en