ты обидел меня
You offended me
unless, perhaps. It mainly depends on the context in which you want to use these two variants.
из-за этого я переживаю. Некоторые друзья не зовут меня гулять и не приглашают на день рождения.
Due to this, i tend to worry. Some friends don't call me to take a walk/stroll and they do not invite me for birthday parties.
иногда мне кажется что друзья не обращают на меня внимание
Sometimes, it seems to me that my friends give me no attention/ don't pay attention to me.
воспаление легхих
inflamation of the lungs.
на кухне шумела вода.алиса мыла посуду/Water had been making a noise in the kitchen. Alice was doing the washing up. правильно?
There was a noise of running water in the kitchen. Alice was washing/cleaning up the dishes.