OOP's it broke, you are in a dark place please try again...
check for quit
Добро пожаловать в нашу Панель Управления сервером
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Welcome to our server Control Panel
translation added by grumblerGold ru-en
Terminator Record goes to player with kills!
Poor guy Player has a record of deaths!
Ninja Player has sliced and diced a record of meleekills enemies!
Headhunter Player has a record of headshots shots right between the eyes!
Pyromaniac Player has had his record fix with explosiveKills fireballs!
Author’s comment
Отображение информации о победителях. Военные компьютерные игры.
ASF reports no enemy chopper
Air Superiority Fighter not available
death, crashing, leaving, helicopter gone, ASFsafetynet.
If you'd like to drop this hardpoint hold for 2 seconds!
Author’s comment
ASF это на подобии передатчика, который определяет если имеется рядом военно-воздушная техника
- 1.
translation added by Ольга Шишкина
Heli map plot was not successful, possible unsuported map. Terminating hardpoint!
Author’s comment
Тема "Игры"
Heli map plot was not successful, possible unsuported map. Terminating hardpoint!
Author’s comment
Очень длинная фраза не понять мне.
ARTILLERY BARRAGE not available this match!
Author’s comment
Тема игры.