Олег Нефёдовasked for translation 10 anos atrás
How to translate? (en-ru)
:)who can speak in english?
- 1.
Правильно не "speak IN English", а "speak English". Так же и с другими языками: speak Russian, French, Chinese и так далее.
translation added by Holy MolyGold en-ru
Олег Нефёдовasked for translation 10 anos atrás
How to translate? (en-ru)
it is necessary buy, purchase snowmobile
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Олег Нефёдовasked for translation 10 anos atrás
How to translate? (ru-en)
нужно покупать снегоход
- 1.
Need to buy a snowmobile.
translation added by РОЗОВАЯ ФЕЯ