Deivy Gustavo Arrevillaga Bouchotanswered hace 8 años
answer (en-es)
Ser/Estar (Pasado)
1.When you were a child, you broke the T.V.
2.We were studying the career when we fell in love.
Example translation
1.Cuando eras niño, rompiste la TV.
2.Estábamos estudiando la carrera cuando nos enamoramos.
Deivy Gustavo Arrevillaga Bouchotanswered hace 8 años
answer (en-fr)
boa noite
Bonne nuit
Deivy Gustavo Arrevillaga Bouchotanswered hace 8 años
answer (es-en)
¿cómo amar a tu esposa?
How to love your wife?
Deivy Gustavo Arrevillaga Bouchotanswered hace 8 años
answer (en-pt)
don,t worry about anything becouse every litle thing is gonna be all right
Não se preocupe por nada, porquê cada pequena coisa vai ficar bem.
Deivy Gustavo Arrevillaga Bouchotanswered hace 8 años
answer (es-en)
hola a todos
Hi everyone.
Deivy Gustavo Arrevillaga Bouchotanswered hace 8 años
answer (es-en)
Hola cómo estás tengo algo para ti
Hi, how are you? I have something to you.